| |
2011 - A Press Space Odyssey [2011] |
Released At :
Offence X-mas Party 2011
Credits :
Code | .... | Bjørn Røstøen of Offence, Panoramic Designs |
| | Killsquad of Accept, Offence |
| | Kribust of Offence |
| | Olav Mørkrid of Offence, Panoramic Designs |
| | Perplex of Offence |
| | Stein Pedersen of Offence, Panoramic Designs, Prosonix |
| | Zaphod of Antimon, Offence |
Music | .... | Groms of Offence |
| | Kribust of Offence |
| | OMP of Offence, Panoramic Designs, Prosonix |
| | Stein Pedersen of Offence, Panoramic Designs, Prosonix |
Graphics | .... | Kribust of Offence |
| | Pal of Fairlight, Offence |
Idea | .... | Bjørn Røstøen of Offence, Panoramic Designs |
| | Groms of Offence |
| | Killsquad of Accept, Offence |
| | Kribust of Offence |
| | Olav Mørkrid of Offence, Panoramic Designs |
| | Pal of Fairlight, Offence |
| | Perplex of Offence |
| | Stein Pedersen of Offence, Panoramic Designs, Prosonix |
Text | .... | Bjørn Røstøen of Offence, Panoramic Designs |
| | Pal of Fairlight, Offence |
Loader | .... | Krill of Plush |
SIDs used in this release :
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Production Info Submitted by OMP on 28 December 2011
All my (Ole Marius) SIDs should always be played through a 8580. No matter what! :D | Production Info Submitted by Stone on 27 December 2011
Additional music credits:
Intro music, "Also sprach Zarathustra" - composed by Richard Strauss
"Popcorn" - composed by Gershon Kingsley
"Batman Theme" - composed by Danny Elfman
"Professor Balthazar" - composed by Tomica Simović | Production Info Submitted by Perplex on 23 December 2011
Credits for each part:
idea: bjorn
code: bjorn
music: kribust
«space odyssey»
gfx, idea: pal
code: killsquad
music: stein
«hal beat»
code: killsquad
gfx: pal
music: groms
«bad trip»
idea, code,
gfx & music:
«u.f.o. walker»
idea, code
gfx & music:
«scene heroes»
idea: pal + groms
gfx: pal
code: zaphod
music: ole marius
«medusa loves you»
code,idea: perplex
gfx: pal
music: ole marius
«popcorn remix»
idea stein
gfx: pal
code: stein
music: stein
«gotham greets»
gfx, idea: pal
code: killsquad
music: stein
«circle plexer» ,
idea: omega
code: omega
gfx: rooster
music: devil
idea: pal + bjorn
gfx: pal
code: bjorn
music: kribust
idea: pal + bjorn
gfx: pal
code: bjorn
music: stein
idea & gfx: pal
code: stein
music: stein
«tron cave»
idea: pal, perplex
gfx: pal
code: perplex
music: ole marius
«run the credits»
gfx, idea: pal
code: perplex
music: groms
gfx, idea: pal
code: zaphod
music: stein
«loader parts»
pal, zaphod, groms
killsquad, perplex
Special thanks to Krill for the loader, and to WVL and Zagon for compression utilities. |
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