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FunkPaint 0.40k   [2012]

FunkPaint 0.40k Released by :
Singular [web]

Release Date :
18 March 2012

Type :
C64 Tool

Multi format graphic editor for Hires/Multi/Multicolor/DTV pictures

Website :

Released At :
FOReVER XIII - A Nightmare In Horná Súča

User rating:awaiting 8 votes (2 left)   See votestatistics

Credits :
Code .... Soci of Singular, The IDE64 project, VICE Team
Graphics .... Poison of Singular

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Production Info
Submitted by soci on 18 March 2012
It was planned to be released at Forever, but the network connection was a bit slow, so I've released it
from home.

This is an updated version of FunkPaint 0.39d. The most notable changes are the multi level undo (extra
memory needed), better zoom mode for hires and multi, save as program and importing/exporting koala and art
studio pictures. And a few bug fixes like mouse does not jump sometimes or that it runs on SCPU as the
non-illegal opcode plot routine was hopefully fixed.

There are still a lot of possibilities to waste time on improvements. However I'd like to hear some comments
that there are people who use something like this as I'm not sure if there are still users left of real
machine graphic editors, after the heaps of PC based ones. (not to mention PS+converter users...)

Slightly updated notes follow:


How to use (keyboard/mouse):

Left button - draw with selected color
Middle button - get color
Right button - draw with secondary color

Middle button can be emulated as C= + left, and right as SHIFT + left.

Colors are selected by 12345678qwertyui. Using shift with numbers is also fine.

Zoom editor:
Scrollbar and color picker can be used by the mouse, auto scrolling on border.

Left arrow (or click on top right corder) - go to full screen mode
b - set background color
space - set pixel (left button) also can be held together with cursor keys!
del - set pixel to secondary color
stop - get color
cursor keys, F-keys - move around
home - clear block
clr - clear picture
+/- - set joy/keyboard speed
c - swap color with secondary color
m - disk menu

View mode:
space (or click on top right corner) - back to zoom mode
asdfghjkl - pen sizes, lines, fill, etc. (see icons on top)
Shift-Z - undo
C=z - redo
x - change interlace mode (pixel shift)
mouse buttons - color wise same as zoom mode, but uses the currently selected tool (highlighted on top)
crsr - shift screen
c - swap drawing color with secondary color
C - swap hires nibbles. No visible change as char is inverted too.

Disk menu:
e - exit
s - save
l - load
p - save as runnable program
d - reload directory
c - change drive
k - load koala
K - save koala
a - load art studio

On crash (not likely) it can be restarted with stop+restore, or by reloading the program. (the picture is normally not touched during depack)

Notable features:

- mouse support for joy, 1351, amiga mouse (also on CGA 4player adapter), up to 3 buttons.
- multi level undo on +60K, IDE64, REU, Retroreplay, Ramcard, Georam, DTV and Superram.
- Similar keyboard layout as Drazpaint/Drazlace
- Fullscreen drawing with different pen sizes, circles, lines, rectangles, curves, flood filling, also combined with dithered mode.
- High resolution zoom editor for hires and multi
- Supports drawing hires, multicolor (drazpaint), multicolor interlace (drazlace) and dtv 256 color pictures (color pick only for C64 colors)

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