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Another Demo / ??? - Disk found at the Info-Desk ;-) (thanks Burglar)
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Achievements :
C64 Demo Competition at X'2012 : #1
User rating: | 9.7/10 (237 votes) See votestatistics | | 9.7/10 (105 votes) - Public votes only. |
Credits :
Code | .... | Axis of Arsenic, Oxyron |
| | Bitbreaker of Arsenic, Nuance, Oxyron |
| | Peiselulli of Arsenic, Oxyron, Tristar & Red Sector Inc., VICE Team |
Music | .... | Fanta of Arsenic, Chorus, Oxyron, Plush, Viruz |
Graphics | .... | Bitbreaker of Arsenic, Nuance, Oxyron |
| | Veto of Arsenic, Oxyron |
| | Yazoo of Arsenic, Oxyron |
Text | .... | Yazoo of Arsenic, Oxyron |
Charset | .... | Yazoo of Arsenic, Oxyron |
Loader | .... | Krill of Plush |
Help | .... | The Human Code Machine of Masters' Design Group, Oxyron |
Sampling | .... | Fanta of Arsenic, Chorus, Oxyron, Plush, Viruz |
SIDs used in this release :
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Production Info Submitted by Yazoo on 30 October 2012
it was planned to have some techtalk and more informations in the disknote. but in the end we found out, that there is just 1 block of diskspace left on the 1st side and didnt want to change it last-minute.
maybe later we have more background-informations :) | Production Info Submitted by Bitbreaker on 30 October 2012
The detailed creditz for cl13
all musical artwork in coma light 13 was composed by our sid-maestro fanta!
the 'boozed out' prequel
code: axis - gfx: yazoo
the textscreen
code: axis - charset: yazoo
the intro
code: peiselulli - gfx: veto
the firework and creditz
code: axis - gfx: yazoo - sprites: veto
the shadowcube on a trailblazer
code: axis - gfx: yazoo - sprites: veto
twister with a shadow
code: axis - twister-texture: veto
gfx by yazoo
code: peiselulli - gfx: yazoo
discoball and mole-sequence by veto
turn-disk part with greetings
code: bitbreaker - gfx: veto
code: bitbreaker
code: peiselulli - gfx and sprites: veto
the water in a porthole
code: peiselulli - gfx: yazoo
sprites: veto - math: axis
morphing plots
code: peiselulli - gfx: yazoo
math: axis
the sphere
code and gfx: bitbreaker
texture distorter
code: axis - gfx and sprites: yazoo
code and gfx: bitbreaker
we have big balls! (vectorpart)
code: axis
the puppet
code: bitbreaker - gfx: veto
fractal animation
code: bitbreaker - gfx: teh intarweb
a happy ending
code: peiselulli - logo and chars: yazoo
jumping gang by veto
digi music player by our new member the human code machine
dir layout
cl 13 disk cover
the elegance
kathi |
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