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For Yazoo - Offence Logo   [2013]

For Yazoo - Offence Logo Released by :
Offence [web]

Release Date :
17 February 2013

Type :
C64 Graphics  (MultiColor)

Released At :
3-Color-Logo Competition 2013

Achievements :
C64 Graphics Competition at 3-Color-Logo Competition 2013 :  #7

User rating:********__  8.4/10 (76 votes)   See votestatistics
*********_  8.6/10 (33 votes) - Public votes only.

Credits :
Graphics .... Pal of F*A*I*C, Fairlight, Offence

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User Comment
Submitted by Jak T Rip on 5 May 2013
Fresh as usual, PAL!
I love the way the logo is bigger than its shape and the shaping is so nice despite so few colours.
User Comment
Submitted by sextone on 19 March 2013
very large and successful!
User Comment
Submitted by Magic on 16 March 2013
I gave it a 10/10
In my mind I see some magnifying effect going from right to left ;-)
Sceners love this chick I am sure.
Also, what Hammerfist said! :)
User Comment
Submitted by PAL on 10 March 2013
I coded a logoshower today and tested with other colors.

User Comment
Submitted by Hammerfist on 9 March 2013
@Pal: I'm glad I asked and didn't just judge you for it. Drunk while voting, seems legit :) As long as you give my logo's more thought before you vote on them! ;)
User Comment
Submitted by PAL on 9 March 2013
yeah... her arms should have been more out because of some enourmous tits... you are totally right... to small tits... it is shit... but on the other side... if bigger tits I must use another charset!

I can not reset til no vote
ooorrggghhhh.... then I must vote what I think it is, and for me it is a stright 10 for a compo like this! For me that is! If a moderator can remove my vote please do!
User Comment
Submitted by Count Zero on 9 March 2013
While not voting at all this wouldnt get a 10 from me anyhow. Nobody seems to dare to say the obvious so I do:

Tits too small!
User Comment
Submitted by algorithm on 9 March 2013
It's one of the best ones, that's for sure
User Comment
Submitted by enthusi on 9 March 2013
"1" makes even less sense ;-)
If you find your work 'excellent' go ahead. I dont mind ;-) It IS, actually.
User Comment
Submitted by PAL on 9 March 2013
dude... changed it to one! I do not know why?... maybe I was drunk, feeling lost and were sad? maybe?...
User Comment
Submitted by Hammerfist on 9 March 2013
All that in 256 chars! Well thought out, nicely executed. I like some of the other entries better, but I expect this to stay in my personal top 5 for sure :D

Edit: Dude, did you really vote 10 for yourself? That's just sad man... Why would you do that?!
User Comment
Submitted by Bob on 6 March 2013
Fuckin A ;)
User Comment
Submitted by Shaun C on 2 March 2013
You sure made good use of those 256 chars. Nice one!

User Comment
Submitted by PAL on 2 March 2013
I am sorry but my life has been kinda strange the last months... so... hell yeahhh... thanx!
User Comment
Submitted by Raffox|HF on 1 March 2013
PAL you shouldn't complain at all about the very few low marks you've colleted with this nice release of yours. What should say the few of us that even collected 1s from the usual haters we all know? ^_^
As Algorithm says, let them kiss our pale colored a**es!
And, all in all, voting is just pure divertissment.
User Comment
Submitted by PAL on 1 March 2013
I am back in... BOB... your private message and your post here do a world of difference for me! I LOVE YOU FOR THAT! I will never again look at the votes like I did...
User Comment
Submitted by Bob on 1 March 2013
IT IS PURE PENIS ENVY ;) you should be happy about being hated and loved at the same time ;)



PAL , PAL , PAL !!
User Comment
Submitted by Danzig on 25 February 2013
...still waiting for the day when perff pulls the "show all voters nick"-trigger on csdb...

voting 5? they don't understand what this compo is about!
@pal: you can't help it, voting is to fool those still believing in democracy at all ;) just follow the prior advices: don't give a fuck! this is awesome in many ways and you know it...

Edit: And yes, I'm awaiting this as a scroller-effect in the next offence-demo!
User Comment
Submitted by dEViLOCk on 24 February 2013
hey pal we all know that the two fives are ridiculously low to vote for such a great logo.
when you look at the vote statistics, you see that the voters loved that logo. so whats the point. compos are always a mess, may it be here or at parties when people are too drunk to remember the entries. ...
ah, what do i tell ya, you know that all, too :-)
and the other way - i hate those fuckin downvoters, too. \m/ ... but we do that stuff for ourselves and our friends in the scene, which is the important part. and some others are just jealous or whatever, which is the fuck them part. ;-)

User Comment
Submitted by Deev on 24 February 2013
I do think you're worrying too much about a couple of 5s. Like SLC says, that's not necessarily a downvote, it just depends on people's criteria. You have a lot more anonymous 9s and 10s!

I gave this a 7, just so that doesn't look like a down vote, here are my reasons…

What I liked…
Technically great, you've fit lots into one charset and cleverly re-used characters to do that. All very nicely pixelled. I'm not usually crazy about choosing greyscale, but it works for this entry. The logo looks nice coming out of the paint smudges.

What I didn't like as much…
Whilst the font is an excellent example of the style, similar lettering has been done many times before. The logo with the paint smudges behind it and the picture of the girl don't really connect as part of the same piece. Quirky and bouncy logo with a sultry girl, what's her purpose there? Also, the lettering looks much sharper than the slightly out of focus girl.

Like I say, it's all about personal taste and criteria. Personally I like ideas and design more than technical demonstrations. Plenty of people clearly love this, but you'll never produce something that *everybody* loves.
User Comment
Submitted by PAL on 24 February 2013
I will not think other way - i am insane mad in my head! He he... I make things for me and the ones i make demos together with, at all times so the fact that i enter on here is that stuff are released. And for me it is a bad side effect because votes suddenly do count in my head... Something i really do not want... It is silly i know but then again i am silly so silly it must be. So silly that i even enter and try to arrange compos... Ha ha...

Made my point even more silly, i am good at that too...
User Comment
Submitted by Yazoo on 24 February 2013
well... voting is part of the szene... even upvoting, namevoting, downvoting... whatevervoting.
the whole szene wouldnt be what it is without all that - even if we are not happy all the time (and i am not only talking about csdb voting, as this is just one part of the szene but not the szene itself.)
and at every party the compo-votes are anonymous btw - just to mention it and not run into the same discussion we often had already regarding csdb votings being hidden or not :)
and thats pretty good - because otherwise the whole csdb may explode ;-)

but still i understand pals feelings, because he spent so many hours with this picture, and its hard to believe that some ppl like it that bad to vote a 5.
but yep - its not possible to please everyone. and some may vote tactical to strengthen their own compo entries or whatever.
as i said... i believe that this is part of the c64 szene (sometimes it pisses me off myself for a few minutes).
if we dont want to deal with that we should do what pal just mentioned - and produce stuff for our own diskbox.

hope you think a bit different tomorrow pal, and come up with more stunning graphics soon. most people love what you do, and it really doesnt matter much if one or two dont.
User Comment
Submitted by SLC on 24 February 2013
Such situations as this is one of the reasons I'm against the entire voting system. Why do we really need it? Do we need people to tell us what we may or may not like?

People have very different criterias for how they decide to vote. Some look at the technical aspects only, some look at the visual aspects, some at both. A 5 is not necessarily a bad vote, or a downvote. It may as well be an honest vote from someone whose criterias are not fulfilled to give a higher vote. There will always be some that doesn't like a particular demo, picture, music, etc. which the majority may find stunning. Please, PAL, do not consider this a failure of any kind and lose your motivation. You're a damn good artist, and you know it. But you will not be able to please everyone all the time, no matter HOW good you are :) Take it for what it is, and try not to forget having FUN even if it's a competition.

I will refrain from voting until there's a vote on letting the vote system go ;)
User Comment
Submitted by PAL on 24 February 2013
No!!! I will not ignore it! It annoy the hell out of me too much! Ha ha ha... It really do and i am just totally honnest. For a koala, just maybe if you think the motive is lame, but for a char based, 256 char 3col logo? Too much work, no fun with the two fives so i just do other stuff than make c64 gfx. I will make demos that will not be released now, kept on floppy... The old sceners no spread demo society here i come!
User Comment
Submitted by algorithm on 24 February 2013
What Sphinx said. Only worry if every one of the votes was low as well as the reviews, but that is not the case!
User Comment
Submitted by Sphinx on 24 February 2013
oh, that is sad to hear, but like yazoo said, if you´re looking around through all the entries, most or all of them have some downvotes. i guess, some of those downvoters cannot comprehend, how many work it is, to pixel or code something, or to make music. and then, it is really depressingly, when the first vote someone gets for his entry, isn´t better than 1 or 3 or something like that. but, when all of the entries have some downvotes, it is equalized at the end! so, i hope, you will not be unmotivated for a long time...
User Comment
Submitted by algorithm on 24 February 2013
Ignore the down-voters. Does not matter what they vote. If everyone voted the same for your prod, then fair enough, but you have had some great reviews here as well as good votes. These down-voters are just those that try to demotivate, jealous etc or/and do this to lower the total score so that their production stays a higher one. Ignore them, you are a great gfx artist. I voted this one a 9
User Comment
Submitted by Yazoo on 24 February 2013
mmmhhh i have such votes too on my entries, and so do others so that pretty much equalizes. hope it doesnt demotivate you for too long. btw, you were on #2 still. maybe think about that step again.
in a community like this theres always ppl who want to take other ppl down for whatever reason.

i understand that you are not happy with that, but we all gotta live with it i think.

thanks again for this great logo, and dedicating it to me :) made me happy
User Comment
Submitted by PAL on 24 February 2013
Thanx for all nice comments.

The two fives on my entry make me just want to puke and put me in such a uninspired place and make me just see those two votes and nothing else, it really do! So i step down from the competition! I am just silly maybe but i think i am more sane than those two votes of five for this work of mine in one charset in 3 colors done on a old computer.
User Comment
Submitted by NecroPolo on 23 February 2013
What a styling! Beautiful stuff man. Big plus for pushing it to the limits. Really inspiring.
User Comment
Submitted by user on 20 February 2013
Outstanding! Looks like professional made logo for a t-shirt or a cup!
User Comment
Submitted by spider-j on 20 February 2013
Never would have guessed this was charset. Amazing work!
User Comment
Submitted by BHF on 19 February 2013
Very good, and what a big logo ! Wow, tight as hell :)
User Comment
Submitted by enthusi on 19 February 2013
Real Art and amazing skill.
all 256 chars used. And soo many reused. Wow. Did some check:
multiple usage of chars:
278, 185, 25, 23, 22, 15, 13, 8, 8, 7, 7, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5

Aside from the obvious solid black and grey chars you managed to place the same chars at 25, 23, 22 ... positions. Nice one.
User Comment
Submitted by Testa on 19 February 2013
only one charset?.. omg!... amazing!
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Submitted by OMP on 19 February 2013
yup! tight! :) :) :)
User Comment
Submitted by Malmix on 19 February 2013
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Submitted by Oswald on 18 February 2013
awesome composition, now I can see that logo swing left and right, while the letters do a dycp :)
User Comment
Submitted by PAL on 17 February 2013
Thanx, really were fun but hard to make. Glad you like it!
User Comment
Submitted by grasstust on 17 February 2013
Ah... This is why PAL scares me. He can make things seem so simple and so awesome at the same time. He has a design sense that is just off the charts. Great work, man!
User Comment
Submitted by Joe on 17 February 2013
Not only optimised but really awesome!
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Submitted by Dr.j on 17 February 2013
Looks like a picture to me but anyway very awesome logo/pic . one of the best for sure. awesome pixeling
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Submitted by Slator on 17 February 2013
with a logo like that in an intro from offence I would even start cracking their demos :-D
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Submitted by Akira on 17 February 2013
Very good piece PAL!!
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Submitted by N3XU5 on 17 February 2013
WoW ... fantastic work PAL =)
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Submitted by Tao on 17 February 2013
This is amazing! Great work Pål (BTW, nice to talk to you, even briefly, at Datastorm; I'm a long-time fan of your work).
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Submitted by groms on 17 February 2013
just WOW!!! what a way to start the day :D this is a KNOCKOUT
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Submitted by Dr.Science on 17 February 2013
wow, great stuff!
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Submitted by hedning on 17 February 2013
PAL: Wow! Impressive! My favourite so far!
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Submitted by Zyron on 17 February 2013
Very impressive, must've been a real struggle.
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Submitted by Didi on 17 February 2013
This is OK as a LOGO because the name is the main part of it.
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Submitted by TheRyk on 17 February 2013
Normally, I'd again say "rather fullscreen pic than logo", but since everything is within one charset and the competition rules are matched (setting no limit in the point of size/tiles ratio), it's hard to vote anything else but 10 for this masterpiece.
User Comment
Submitted by Bob on 17 February 2013
Wow just wow.. I have demo Ideas because of this ;) it opened up my eyes defenately Wow..

total inspiration,

IF There IS a WILL
there is a WAY

nothing is impossible!

that is what this picture tells me...
pure #10 from mee...
User Comment
Submitted by Yazoo on 17 February 2013
this one is brilliant. thanks for this rooster - it made my day! :)
seems you have inspired me and because of that i have inspired you :) awesome hehehe.
and yes, i also struggled with that charlimit in my logos.

you made the best out of those limitations with this.
User Comment
Submitted by psych on 17 February 2013
Yes! I like this one very much!
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Submitted by Killsquad on 17 February 2013
Brilliant my dear Pal. That you managed to get this within one charset is impressing, I know you worked hard for it. End result is simply beautiful !
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Submitted by PAL on 17 February 2013
Made this today - Yazoo, you inspired me to enter so I just did it... It was such a struggle this one as I just wanted to make it the way I painted it... but ran out of 70+ chars... then I got it down and then I added a lot more and got 57 chars to get rid of again... but I did it... a logo and a sexy woman in one, inside one charset... can we love that? ...been working on this the whole day, evening and night! So it is for you - because you loved rooster art in the past and I inspired you and you told me that... I am so proud of the fact that I inspired someone and that is the world for me...

Hope this one can inspire some others to push some more pixels too.
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