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Hello James!   [2013]

Hello James! Released by :
Chorus, Resource [web], Singular [web]

Release Date :
20 July 2013

Type :
C64 Graphics  (MultiColor)

User rating:********__  7.5/10 (16 votes)   See votestatistics

Credits :
Graphics .... Leon of Chorus, Resource, Singular, Storm

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User Comment
Submitted by Jammer on 22 September 2017
Lady is surely not on par with Joe but I totally DO love the background!
User Comment
Submitted by Hammerfist on 15 September 2013
I agree with Jak T Rip, Groepaz and Joe. Leon, you said yourself that this is an experiment and you give Joe the honor of using his style as inspiration. I think an artist cannot get a greater compliment than that.

I have not released a lot of graphics so far, but I too look at other works and mix and blend what I learn from that into my own style. (Joe's work is one of my favorite sources of inspiration for technique, by the way.) And as Joe says, it is virtually impossible to be original all the time.

That said, I think you are definitely on the right track with this picture, but not there yet. I love to see other graphicians' progress and growth and I will be sure to keep an eye out for new releases from you, Leon. Well done!
User Comment
Submitted by Jak T Rip on 21 July 2013
Ha, I like this way of saying hello to another scener. It is a proof of respect, or a way to mock, or both.

What I really found interesting in this picture is that I immediately recognized that it is Joe styled on the one hand side and not Joe on the other. It's like a cyborg - half Leon half Joe ;-)
User Comment
Submitted by saimo on 20 July 2013
Good first attempt at the Joe-style dithering patterns. I think this sort of exercises are perfectly OK and definitetely useful.
The anatomy is off though: even assuming that the woman is in a non-symmetrical position, the left side is much smaller (compare shoulders and breasts); also, the collarbones are too asymmetrical, the left armpit ends too high and the horns are asymmetrical as well.
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Submitted by chatGPZ on 20 July 2013
i dont like the cyborg at all - the technique is ok though i think.

and trying to copy someones style is not only ok, its a very good and important way to learn anything at all.
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Submitted by Joe on 20 July 2013
Cruzer and others:
I honestly think it's ok to try out things other people have done.
Mixing colors, composition etc. What else is demos but a wave of repetitions?
So is music, code and graphics.
...Waves on the big ocean where we swim; echoes, canons, mirrors, reflections etc.

We learn from each other and the community, real life experiences and so on.
We don’t have to be “the inventor” each moment we try to do something.
That would be too much to ask from a human,
but it’s the current motto of the world.

People who know me, or recognize my work,
know by now that they are based on a 25 year long struggle to get there
(or 36.. if you want).

There's no easy way trying to mimic that.
What I do believe in is two things: Economy of things (or if you wish: Ecology) and happy accidents;
Simple tools!
User Comment
Submitted by Cruzer on 20 July 2013
Not quite Joe level, but a nice attempt. About time someone tried copying that style, which is probably very hard to master.
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Submitted by wacek on 20 July 2013
This is serious.

I think that trying to copy someone else's style is not a good idea and this picture is unfortunately proof of that. It is as artificial to the heart of the creator, as to the eye of the observer. To me it does indeed feel alien, pushed, forced, calculated, uninspired. In Joe's case, images are mathematical but there is soul behind that mathematics. Here, you can instantly feel it's an exercise doomed to fail.

Leon, you have your own style that is unique and worth pushing forward by yourself. Stick with that, I don't think you don't need to look for styles and techniques elsewhere to prove anything. And that's a good thing, actually ;)
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Submitted by Hein on 20 July 2013
Since your perspective is inside out, I wonder if *you* are not the alien coming from another dimension ;)
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Submitted by Joe on 20 July 2013
Thank you Leon! I'm glad that you tried this yourself and experimented with hatchings, colors and fields of depth. I like it!
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Submitted by TheRyk on 20 July 2013
You definitely realised your idea, though Joe's cyborg ladies are even more perfect/less human, but since he is a cyborg himself as you revealed now, he is of course impossible to top in that respect :)
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Submitted by leonofsgr on 20 July 2013
Hi Everybody!
At first I'd like to say that it's just a "test-picture", because I wanted to try Joe's style for a long time ago. I paid attention to his artworks for years - I actually thought that the way he get this special apperance and style is the converting. But I'm "disappointted" - when he was publishing the phases I realized that- Joe isn't a human being! He is a robot, an alien at the same time with a mind with no thoughts, just strange mathematical algorhytms...:_)
I don't want take aim and hurt Joe with this picture and also make better then himself at the same time- I was just curious; I asked a question to myself, that could I try and learn something new successfully from under this challenge and the astonishing inspiration of Joe's unique stlyle.
I know that I could form more on this artwork, but it needs more time, experience and learning- but if you like it, I'll continue of making pictures (also) in this style...
Before your consideration of downvote my artwork, I'd like to say that it started and finished with a sketch by head- with a standard woman face, body and background- it doesn't contains any details by copying others work.
Thanks for your attention,
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