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Pixcen V0.6.1.11   [2015]

Pixcen V0.6.1.11 Released by :
Censor Design [web]

Release Date :
13 September 2015

Type :
Other Platform C64 Tool

Website :

User rating:**********  9.6/10 (24 votes)   See votestatistics

Credits :
Code .... CRT of Censor Design
Graphics .... CG of Censor Design, Divine Stylers, Resistance
  N3XU5 of Onslaught, Oxyron
Help .... HCL of Booze Design

Download :

Look for downloads on external sites:

User Comment
Submitted by CRT on 22 July 2016
Since I don't want to break CSDB guidelines, rules or cause confusion here is my decision.

I have removed the direct links and leaving the old version binaries in place. I will not post revision updates or Pixcen news attached to this entry from this point on.

This entry will reflect Pixcen and will stay that way.

Moderators, feel free to close the attached forum if need be as people might go there for support/requests. I doubt they will go there to talk nostalgia over version 0.6 :-) ..but it would be cool if they did..

There will be a new Pixcen update to reflect these changes (removed CSDB support link from help). I will not add it as an entry but others are free to do so. I will add a new entry at version 1.0 in the future.

Created a Pixcen group on Facebook to take over some of the release/support channels.
User Comment
Submitted by CRT on 22 July 2016
CSDB might be a database but it also have become community, forum, release site, flame and drama place, support site and more it is not meant to be. One can endorse it or fight it.

In that light, the forum section attached to this entry makes perfect sense for people using it. Pixcen even got a direct link built-in pointing there and at a Lemon thread.

I was planning to create a new entry when the version number reached 1.0 (most likely happening in 2017) as this is still the beta or pre-beta and in one interpretation it is still the same version.

However, earlier it was not possible to upload the binaries of this size here so that saved me the dilemma.
User Comment
Submitted by bugjam on 22 July 2016
I'd suggest just mentioning it here in the comments and in the forum thread (as you already do) whenever there is some update, and point to the censor website for download - or to the cd download link directly; but the mod team has to decide whether an exception can be made in that case, that the internal and external download links point to different binaries. According to the book of rules, the cd website download link would have to be removed here.
As for documenting progress, you could make a new entry for the respective latest version maybe every 6 or 12 months by declaring that version an official release version.
User Comment
Submitted by hedning on 22 July 2016
CRT: the comments and forum already don't make sense because they deal will multiple irrelevant versions - it is only confusing. This is not a release site: that would be your censor-site - there you could add a forum and discussions the way you want it. This is a database that is supposed to document all versions of software for our beloved c64. This includes PC tools. Some developers release one new version a year, greatly enhanced, some a new version for every tiny bug. We don't judge there - we just mirror.
User Comment
Submitted by CRT on 21 July 2016
I know this is how CSDB works and I think it is valid for C64 releases, cracks, re-crack, final releases, etc.

However, I also think it's not compatible with PC tool dev and release cycles.

People have flooded CSDB with dozens tool revisions in a matter of days in the past. One moderator said something like "This is not how CSDB is meant to be used".

You guys have had discussions about this in the past, as long as there is a good and final decision.

Pixcen got a built-in push update, independent from CSDB. Dev and release cycles are sometimes very quick. There will be many more revisions and versions to come.

This would also scatter the comments and attached forum.
User Comment
Submitted by iAN CooG on 21 July 2016
It's how CSDb works, this is the entry for the Release of 27 September 2013, new release, new entry. If the upload isn't that version, should be updated to reflect which release is this.
User Comment
Submitted by CRT on 21 July 2016
Hedning: There are a couple of hundred old versions and at times I have pushed several revisions a week.

Is this really a good idea?
User Comment
Submitted by hedning on 21 July 2016
Every version of this tool should have its own entry. From this day no more updated versions here please. Just add another version. If you have old versions please add them as releases too.
User Comment
Submitted by Joe on 20 July 2016
You lazy... ;D Supernice!
User Comment
Submitted by Magic on 20 July 2016
Keep on doing the updates for this fabulous tool! You rock!
User Comment
Submitted by CRT on 17 July 2016
Thanks for the prompt action Fred!

Earlier CSDB didn't accept files of the size Pixcen are (must have changed since I last tried).

Pixcen got a push update feature that will be used again very soon. Then the local CSDB files will be outdated. I will most likely remove them but I will offer a mirror link at c64.org or similar instead. (Slaygon is on it)

I've had some troubles with my web server and it probably went offline some weeks in the past. They even mentioned it in Attitude #17 :-)

Also head over to the Pixcen forum section for version 0.7.0.X preview download links.
User Comment
Submitted by Fred on 7 July 2016
Download link is working again. I've also uploaded the files.
User Comment
Submitted by Fred on 2 April 2016
Download link seems to be offline. Is there a mirror link available or can someone upload it?
User Comment
Submitted by Jok on 2 May 2015
still waiting for os x release :/
User Comment
Submitted by Joe on 3 January 2015
Awesome editor, I simply can't wait for new additions and updates.
Forget about layers, this is hardcore! Doing larger canvases than the ordinary screen size is so simple.
User Comment
Submitted by Gadget MCS on 1 September 2014
I'm not a graphist but Pixcen just saved my life, as it just does the essential, but does it perfectly !

I just love the simplicity of use, color management, zoom, import-export, and more. You just did it right, folks ;)
User Comment
Submitted by bugjam on 7 May 2014
It would then be cool if there would be a predefined 160x200 (or 320x200) pixel selection window, which you can move over the larger converted image to choose which part to save as Koala. Great tool btw, but I think you have heard this before. :-)
User Comment
Submitted by JSL on 30 April 2014
I rescaled my drawing two times, and getting it at 275X200 there just keeps nothing left over of the drawing, for pixeling it. Even the drawing at 275X200 and the other Bmp save, cannot save as Koala. You can btw. find heaps of drawings either on my deviantArt, link in my profile, or either use images from the web, because I loaded them too, but still no Koala Save. Pixcen is ment as c64 pixelprg, and not as converter.
User Comment
Submitted by CRT on 30 April 2014
Update: I have a theory. If you are importing a bitmap (BMP, PNG, etc) Pixcen will not try to scale the image for you. If the resulting image is any other dimension than 320x200 (160x200 multi-color), Koala as well as several other classic C64 formats will not show up under Save. You have to pre-scale the image yourself or you can in a way crop the image in Pixcen by using save selection. Pixcen started as a low level pixel editor is remains so in much. In time there will be more high level features as scaling, better imports, etc.
User Comment
Submitted by CRT on 30 April 2014
JSL: Send me a link to one of your images (private msg if you like). I will have a look what's happening.
User Comment
Submitted by JSL on 30 April 2014
Know what.. If Pixcen is active, and no image have been loaded, it can save KOALA file. However when I loadup one of my drawings, into Multicolor, and then Save As, no Koala save option.
User Comment
Submitted by TheRyk on 30 April 2014
my bad
User Comment
Submitted by Shine on 30 April 2014
I guess "http://censordesign.com/pixcen/pixcen.zip" is linked to the current version.
User Comment
Submitted by TheRyk on 30 April 2014
then click "Help" -> "Check for update" for hell's sake or go directly to developer's page ;)
User Comment
Submitted by Nith on 30 April 2014
I use Pixcen on a Mac respectively on a Windows 7 install in a Parallels VM. I can confirm it definitely has a Koala save option.
User Comment
Submitted by JSL on 30 April 2014
@TheRyk: I have this Pc since two days, and I took Pixcen from CSDb. So no updating was involved. Many save options, which I tried all, but no Koala. Just weird.
User Comment
Submitted by TheRyk on 30 April 2014
PS: when did you update your PixCen last time? maybe that solves the issue
User Comment
Submitted by TheRyk on 30 April 2014
it is strange you DON't get that option, clean your glasses, it's there, for sure :D
User Comment
Submitted by JSL on 30 April 2014
@Shine: I tried Congo but it doesn't work on Windows8. Stormfront suggested to use VirtualBox and emulate WinXP and run ProjectONE. Richard suggested: Thimantes, GangED or OxPaint, which I still must try out. It is just strange that Bugjam gets Save as Koala in Pixcen.
User Comment
Submitted by Shine on 30 April 2014
@ JSL:

Johan?! There is an option to save as KOALA 4 sure. I use Pixcen since it was released by CRT.
The one and only reason, why you can't save as koala is, that the picture in memory has no koala specification.
To convert pictures to KOALA use CONGO (http://www.editorix.org/congo/)
User Comment
Submitted by JSL on 30 April 2014
Because I bought a new pc, with Windows8, ProjectONE doesn't work anymore, and my pixelworld ends here.. Usually converting images, do retouch, and use my own sketches.. Bugjam states there is an option in Pixcen to save Koala, sadly.. I guess I have the same Pixcen here but there is no option for save as Koala. I am getting crazy..
User Comment
Submitted by N3XU5 on 2 December 2013
my favorite pixel program ... good to see you released it to the public CRT ;)
User Comment
Submitted by wacek on 1 December 2013
Great tool, easy to use, and smart :)

Also, it's impossible NOT to appreciate a developer that introduces a user requested feature within 24 hours ;)
User Comment
Submitted by CRT on 2 November 2013
For anyone interested in Pixcen, please keep an eye on the forum. News will foremost be posted there: Release id #122077 : Pixcen

An updated version is on the way.
User Comment
Submitted by ϵʟʞ on 25 October 2013
Hey, unbelievable! I tried it and I could never imagine that make C64 graphics will ever be this easy with any possible tools! This one made my dream become reality! It is ph0tosh0p for C64 graphics! Cool! Thanks!
User Comment
Submitted by FATFrost on 13 October 2013
Awesome program CRT,
I wouldn't mind,
1. Double screen MC or Hires support with output to prg
2. Some shapes such as square and circle
3. Border pixelling

User Comment
Submitted by Bamse on 10 October 2013
Looks promising - unfortunitely it crashes on my system...
User Comment
Submitted by CRT on 5 October 2013
Pantaloon: MFC is maintained and updated as of 2013. I refuse .NET and Java (no real machine code). I dare you to call me old school ;-)
User Comment
Submitted by Pantaloon on 5 October 2013
Awesome. But i really tought MFC was dead :)
User Comment
Submitted by CRT on 1 October 2013
Thanks for the comments and nice reviews! I have an extensive TODO-list but I appreciate all feature requests as it helps me prioritize. Also, will probably put up some Wiki page to get documentation in order.
User Comment
Submitted by Oswald on 30 September 2013
if you know the color's hex codes by heart as atleast coders do, then its a smoother procoess to just press a key, instead of bring out palette, search for color, position mouse over color, click ;) anyway I think a good editor should support both kind of ppl.
User Comment
Submitted by grasstust on 30 September 2013
Magnar: Then I have stop a little and think: which color is at which key right now. I think it's a smoother process ie. just right-clicking the colour in front of me and sort of continue that flow. It feels more naturally to me and just play with my chosen colors and then if I really need it, I bring out the palette. I guess it gives me the little positive vibe of "dipping my pencil" too. Yeah, I'm f... up for sure! :)
User Comment
Submitted by Magnar on 30 September 2013
grasstust, why dont you just type the color you want? 0-9 and a-f
That's how I do it. If I want yellow, i click 7, if I want dark grey, i press b etc..
User Comment
Submitted by Oswald on 30 September 2013
keep it up, I've long lost my drive to continue with my editor, and people badly need a non crashy & simple "just run it and use" tool ;)
User Comment
Submitted by Medicus on 30 September 2013
Great. The source-file is fixed now :)
User Comment
Submitted by grasstust on 29 September 2013
I like it a lot! But I need an eye-dropper tool, for fast choosing colors. You know like project-one or Photoshop or any other gfx program. I like to pick my colours by just clicking it in the edit window.
User Comment
Submitted by Hammerfist on 29 September 2013
Awesome! Very pleased to see another editor made. I will be sure to test it in the near future. Thanks so much! :D
User Comment
Submitted by Medicus on 29 September 2013
The source-file is broken.
User Comment
Submitted by aNdy on 29 September 2013
Been using this the last couple of days. Seems pretty solid, with clean interface and layout. Hope to see more updates in the future! Good stuff!
User Comment
Submitted by Dr.Science on 29 September 2013
Works fine at my private PC... Nice tool!
User Comment
Submitted by Dr.j on 29 September 2013
Look much promising and very handy . thanks for the good tool !
User Comment
Submitted by ALIEN on 28 September 2013
@CRT: Thanks for the info!
User Comment
Submitted by chatGPZ on 28 September 2013
cool! seems to work in WINE ... less crashy than p1 apparently, phew, finally! it suffers from the same lag when drawing though (although not quite as bad).
User Comment
Submitted by Shine on 28 September 2013
GREAT !!! thxAlot ;) Now i have to change my vote! :)
User Comment
Submitted by CRT on 28 September 2013
shine: Check the help menu (currently a simple readme online). Almost everything you list can be done

grasstust: Try running it under WINE. CG have been running it on Linux using WINE.
User Comment
Submitted by grasstust on 28 September 2013
OS X version NOW. Pleeeeaseeeee!
User Comment
Submitted by Shine on 28 September 2013
Nice so far, BUT:

I can't find (missing):

1. Zoom-Mode for pixeling
2. Grid-Mode for chars. Want to show grids for each char (multicolor at least)
3. Grab-Function to copy and paste areas
4. If you set a color in a mc char, it don't need to autofill, if max of colors per char are set. It's better to deny that pixel.

I hope really that you will add this and more features, because i am searching for a good (simple) multicolor paint program (for Windows) for a while. ;)
This tool looks very promising. Go ahead!!!
User Comment
Submitted by CRT on 28 September 2013
ALIEN: A valid concern. It's actually checking for an updated version at startup. If there is a new version, you get a popup and a download option. No other spying is going on.
User Comment
Submitted by Dr.Science on 28 September 2013
Get an error on my office machine:
Problemereignisname: BEX
Anwendungsname: Pixcen.exe
Anwendungszeitstempel: 51d0b086
Fehlermodulname: Pixcen.exe
Fehlermodulzeitstempel: 51d0b086
Ausnahmeoffset: 00013762
Ausnahmecode: c0000409
Ausnahmedaten: 00000000
Betriebsystemversion: 6.1.7601.
Gebietsschema-ID: 2055
Zusatzinformation 1: 9fc4
Zusatzinformation 2: 9fc4016e3a4c8d5ebe1160a3830dd887
Zusatzinformation 3: ffaa
Zusatzinformation 4: ffaa15a528e778a2486962817c3e8270
User Comment
Submitted by TheRyk on 28 September 2013
Very good & handy tool, plain and clear without confusing huppyfluppy. looking 4wd to what will even be added in further versions!
User Comment
Submitted by Yazoo on 28 September 2013
ALIEN - because the NSA wants to know about your pixels ;-)

its nice to see this released finally. good tool
User Comment
Submitted by ALIEN on 28 September 2013
Why it needs an internetconnection?
User Comment
Submitted by Yogibear on 28 September 2013
User Comment
Submitted by Deev on 28 September 2013
It seems nice from the quick go I've had! It would be useful to have a keyboard shortcut for zoom and a few brushes to speed up dithering, but a good start!
User Comment
Submitted by PAL on 28 September 2013
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