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The Incredible Mega-Sample Vol 1

The Incredible Mega-Sample Vol 1 Released by :
The Lightforce [web]

Type :
C64 Music Collection

Big Sample

User rating:awaiting 8 votes (8 left)

Credits :
Code .... JAF
Ripping .... JAF

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User Comment
Submitted by iAN CooG on 13 November 2014
000 arkanoid                  = /G/Galway_Martin/Arkanoid.sid
001 rambo ii                  = /G/Galway_Martin/Rambo_First_Blood_Part_II.sid
002 game over                 = /G/Galway_Martin/Game_Over.sid
003 chipwar                   =*broken*
004 arcade classics           = /H/Hubbard_Rob/Arcade_Classics.sid
005 yie ar kung-fu            = /G/Galway_Martin/Yie_Ar_Kung_Fu.sid #19
006 yie ar kung-fu ii         = /G/Galway_Martin/Yie_Ar_Kung_Fu_II.sid #1
007 wizball                   = /G/Galway_Martin/Wizball.sid
008 green beret               = /G/Galway_Martin/Green_Beret.sid #10
009 combat school             = /G/Galway_Martin/Combat_School.sid
00A parallax                  =?broken? partial match  Galway_Martin/Parallax.sid
00B skate or die              = /H/Hubbard_Rob/Skate_or_Die_intro.sid
00C r1-d1 attack              = /C/Crowther_Antony/R1D1.sid
00D dulcedo                   = /H/Huelsbeck_Chris/Dulcedo_Cogitationis.sid
00E bad cat                   = /H/Huelsbeck_Chris/Bad_Cat.sid
00F highway encounter         = /G/Gray_Fred/Highway_Encounter.sid #1
010 highlander                = /G/Galway_Martin/Highlander.sid #1
011 mikie                     = /G/Galway_Martin/Mikie.sid #1
012 lightforce                = /H/Hubbard_Rob/Lightforce.sid
013 breakthru                 = /G/Gray_Fred/Break_Thru.sid #1
014 mag max                   = /G/Gray_Fred/Mag_Max.sid #1
015 hypaball                  = /T/Tinman_Keith/Hypa-Ball.sid
016 feud                      = /W/Whittaker_David/Feud.sid #1
017 future knight             = /D/Daglish_Ben/Future_Knight.sid #1
018 panther                   = /W/Whittaker_David/Panther.sid #1
019 glider rider              = /W/Whittaker_David/Glider_Rider.sid #1
01A bulldog                   = /D/Daglish_Ben/Bulldog.sid
01B legend of kage            = /G/Gray_Fred/Legend_of_Kage.sid
01C vampire                   = /W/Whittaker_David/Vampire.sid #1
01D iball                     = /H/Hubbard_Rob/I-Ball.sid
01E trap                      = /D/Daglish_Ben/Trap.sid
01F international karate      = /H/Hubbard_Rob/International_Karate.sid
020 terra cresta              = /G/Galway_Martin/Terra_Cresta.sid #1
021 super robin hood          = /W/Whittaker_David/Super_Robin_Hood.sid #1
022 quartet                   = /W/Whittaker_David/Quartet.sid #6
023 ik+                       = /H/Hubbard_Rob/IK_plus.sid
024 rainbow dragon            = /L/Lees_Anthony/Rainbow_Dragon.sid #1
025 shadow skimmer            = /B/Baldwin_Neil/Shadow_Skimmer.sid
026 street gang               = /B/Bergmann_Christoph/Street_Gang_intro.sid
027 leviathan                 = /W/Whittaker_David/Leviathan.sid #1
028 short circuit             = /G/Galway_Martin/Short_Circuit.sid
029 dragon's lair ii          = /H/Hubbard_Rob/Dragons_Lair_Part_II.sid
02A samantha fox strip poker  = /H/Hubbard_Rob/Samantha_Fox_Strip_Poker.sid
02B bonecruncher              = /W/Winterberg_Michael/Bonecruncher.sid
02C sigma seven               = /H/Hubbard_Rob/Sigma_Seven.sid
02D starglider                = /G/Grieve_Nigel/Starglider.sid
02E mario bros.               = /G/Gray_Fred/Mario_Bros.sid #1
02F nemesis the warlock       = /H/Hubbard_Rob/Nemesis_the_Warlock.sid
030 kettle                    = /D/Daglish_Ben/Kettle.sid #1
031 amaurote                  = /W/Whittaker_David/Amaurote.sid
032 bmx simulator             = /W/Whittaker_David/BMX_Simulator.sid
033 red max                   = /W/Whittaker_David/Red_Max.sid #1
034 street surfer             = /W/Whittaker_David/Street_Surfer.sid #1
035 jail break                = /W/Whittaker_David/Jail_Break.sid
036 shockway rider            = /H/Hubbard_Rob/Shockway_Rider.sid #1
037 army moves                = /G/Gray_Fred/Army_Moves.sid
038 cholo                     = /D/Daglish_Ben/DeathScape.sid #1
039 death or glory            = /D/Derrett_Jay/Death_or_Glory.sid #1
03A cobra                     = /D/Daglish_Ben/Cobra.sid #1
03B dogfight 2187             = /D/Daglish_Ben/Dogfight_2187.sid #1
03C fist ii                   = /B/Brennan_Neil/Fist_II-The_Legend_Continues.sid #1
03D eagles                    = /B/Bjerregaard_Johannes/Eagles.sid
03E tarzan                    = /H/Hubbard_Rob/Tarzan.sid #1
03F matchday ii               = /D/Dunn_Jonathan/Matchday_II.sid
040 5th axis                  = /S/Soulet_Gilles/Fifth_Axis.sid
041 they stole a million      = /D/Daglish_Ben/They_Stole_a_Million.sid #1
042 krakout                   = /D/Daglish_Ben/Krakout.sid #1
043 mutants                   = /G/Gray_Fred/Mutants.sid #1
044 ninja                     = /H/Hubbard_Rob/Ninja.sid
045 miami vice                = /G/Galway_Martin/Miami_Vice.sid
046 goodbye monty             = /H/Hubbard_Rob/Auf_Wiedersehen_Monty.sid
047 delta                     = /H/Hubbard_Rob/Delta.sid
048 zoids                     = /H/Hubbard_Rob/Zoids.sid
049 storm                     = /W/Whittaker_David/Storm.sid #1
04A terra cognita             = /W/Whittaker_David/Terra_Cognita.sid
04B footballer of the year    = /D/Daglish_Ben/Footballer_of_the_Year.sid
04C sanxion                   = /H/Hubbard_Rob/Sanxion.sid
04D knight games              = /W/Whittaker_David/Knight_Games.sid
04E w.a.r                     = /H/Hubbard_Rob/W_A_R.sid #1
04F rogue trooper             = /H/Hubbard_Rob/Zoolook.sid
050 n.o.m.a.d                 = /G/Gray_Fred/N_O_M_A_D.sid
051 mission a.d.              = /G/Gray_Fred/Mission_AD.sid #2
052 battle of britain         = /H/Hubbard_Rob/Battle_of_Britain.sid
053 crazy comets              = /H/Hubbard_Rob/Crazy_Comets.sid
054 monty on the run          = /H/Hubbard_Rob/Monty_on_the_Run.sid #1
055 commando                  = /H/Hubbard_Rob/Commando.sid #1
056 way of the tiger          = /D/Daglish_Ben/Way_of_the_Tiger.sid
057 knuckle busters           = /H/Hubbard_Rob/Knucklebusters.sid
058 vikings                   = /D/Daglish_Ben/Vikings.sid
059 west bank                 = /G/Gray_Fred/West_Bank.sid #1
05A antiriad                  = /J/Joseph_Richard/Sacred_Armour_of_Antiriad.sid
05B star paws                 = /H/Hubbard_Rob/Star_Paws.sid
05C the last ninja            = /D/Daglish_Ben/Last_Ninja.sid
05D trans-atlantic balloon ch.= /H/Hubbard_Rob/Trans_Atlantic_Balloon_Challenge.sid
05E roland's rat race         = /G/Galway_Martin/Rolands_Ratrace.sid #1
05F trantor                   = /W/Whittaker_David/Trantor_The_Last_Storm_Trooper.sid #3
060 implosion                 = /G/Gray_Fred/Implosion.sid #2
061 thundercats               = /H/Hubbard_Rob/Thundercats.sid
062 starforce fighter         = /B/Beben_Wally/Starforce_Fighter.sid #1
063 anarchy                   = /G/Grieve_Nigel/Anarchy.sid #1
064 io                        = /W/Whittaker_David/IO.sid #1
065 cybernoid                 = /T/Tel_Jeroen/Cybernoid.sid
066 mega apocalypse           = /H/Hubbard_Rob/Mega_Apocalypse.sid #1
067 pi*r squared              = /B/Brooke_Jason/Pi_r_Squared.sid #4
068 wizards pet               = /W/Whittaker_David/Wizards_Pet.sid #1
069 last mission              =?broken? partial match  Whittaker_David/Last_Mission.sid
06A sector 90                 = /W/Williams_Tony/Sector_90.sid #1
06B roadrunner                = /G/Gray_Fred/Roadrunner.sid #4
06C scumball                  = /F/Follin_Tim/Scumball.sid #1
06D gryzor                    = /B/Brooke_Jason/Gryzor.sid #1
06E human race                = /H/Hubbard_Rob/Human_Race.sid
06F sabotage                  = /G/Gilmore_Adam/Sabotage.sid
070 zybex                     =?broken? partial match  Gilmore_Adam/Zybex.sid
071 garry the germ            = /H/Hubbard_Rob/Gerry_the_Germ.sid #1
072 rasputin                  =?broken? partial match  Hubbard_Rob/Rasputin.sid
073 comic bakery              = /G/Galway_Martin/Comic_Bakery.sid
074 rockford in cave          =?broken? partial match  Brooke_Jason/Rockford.sid
075 task iii                  =*broken*
076 knightgames ii            = /B/Beben_Wally/Knight_Games_II.sid
077 firefly                   = /G/Gray_Fred/Firefly.sid
078 pac-land                  =*broken*
079 arkanoid ii               = /D/Dunn_Jonathan/Revenge_of_Doh.sid #4
07A ikari warriors            = /B/Brooke_Jason/Ikari_Warriors.sid
07B dead zone                 = /R/Raeburn_Gavin/Dead_Zone.sid
07C ninja hamster             = /D/Derrett_Jay/Ninja_Hamster.sid
07D bankok knights            =*broken*
07E r.i.s.k.                  = /B/Beben_Wally/R_I_S_K.sid #1
07F bombo                     =*broken*
080 rollerboard               =*broken*
081 driller                   = /G/Gray_Matt/Driller.sid
082 bmx kidz                  = /H/Hubbard_Rob/BMX_Kidz.sid
083 great giana sisters-loader=*broken*
084 inspector gadget          =*broken*
085 ocean loader 3            = /C/Clarke_Peter/Ocean_Loader_3.sid
086 lawn tennis               =*broken*
087 ocean loader 2            = /G/Galway_Martin/Ocean_Loader_2.sid #1
088 andy capp                 =*broken*
089 judges tune               = /R/Red_Kimmel_Jeroen/Think_Twice_III.sid
08A ramparts                  = /C/Cooksey_Mark/Ramparts.sid
08B rygar                     =*broken*
08C jack the nipper ii        =*broken*
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