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Credits :
Code | .... | Chris Yates |
| | Jon Hare |
| | Richard of Blazon, Civitas, Commodore Scene Staff, Covenant, Crapcade Games, Crypt, Hokuto Force, Papposoft, People of Liberty, Protovision, Psytronik Software, Scene World Magazine, The New Dimension |
Music | .... | JVD of Focus |
| | Moog of Agony Design, Amorphis, Keen Acid |
Graphics | .... | Wile Coyote of Avatar |
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Production Info Submitted by Wile Coyote on 24 October 2009
Road Course/WEC
Created 1994
SEUCK/Sensible Software [1987]
Released 1994
Joy Port 1 - White Volkswagen Beetle. Joy Port 2 - Blue Citroën 2CV. Drive to your destiny. Collect cans of Petrol. Steer clear of Yellow Mercedes, Red Volkswagen Golfs, Fiat Unos, Police cars, Ambulances, an overturned Mk1 Ford Escort, and Suicidal Joggers. Collect the Trophy, and checkout the spectators.
The clean colourful visuals were inspired by the Arcade game Paper Boy/Atari [1984]. During the making of Road Course, WEC owned a Blue Citroën 2CV complete with blue & white striped roof. Fun to drive, they lean around corners, and feel bouncy. On one occasion, the car was used to drive David Dewar (Riot), and (programmer) Juned Warhab, from Hull to London to visit a computer show. The show represented the first time we got to play Street Fighter II/SNES [1992]. We were amazed, and it became obvious that the commercial side of the Commodore 64 would end sooner than we had anticipated. The Volkswagen Golf made it into Road Course, as before the Citroën 2CV WEC owned a Volkswagen MK2 Golf 1.3cl, Mars Red, complete with GTI badges and wide wheels. Using a single Multi Colour Sprite presented quite a challenge when it came to recreating each of car designs.
Road Course appeared on the cover of Commodore Format - Power Pack No.60 |
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