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And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead   [2004]

And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead Released by :
Onslaught [web]

Release Date :
12 April 2004

Type :
C64 Graphics  (Interlaced FLI)

Released At :
Breakpoint 2004

Achievements :
C64 Graphics Competition at Breakpoint 2004 :  #3

User rating:*********_  8.9/10 (21 votes)   See votestatistics
*********_  8.9/10 (12 votes) - Public votes only.

Credits :
Graphics .... Deev of Onslaught
Design .... Deev of Onslaught

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User Comment
Submitted by bugjam on 29 May 2004
I have to admit that I was one of the "disbelievers" on breakpoint for the, let´s say "unlucky" choice of workstages. So I voted it only on #3 (which on the other hand speaks for the strength of the overall picture, because I hardly vote for any pics that I suspect to be wired/digitized). Would have been by far my #1! 10 points from me, no way around it!
User Comment
Submitted by Fzool on 14 April 2004
Great pixel work. But in fact i dont like the motive.
User Comment
Submitted by Deev on 14 April 2004
Thanks everyone for the comments! I agree that technically this is not the strongest piece I have done, there are parts that I think look a little messy, but the party was looming and I didn't have time to seriously change things. White -> Light Grey is something I would generally avoid in interlaced modes as it does flicker a little more than I would like, but I wanted to keep the soldiers in greyscale to give the picture a more somber mood and also to make the effect of the red blood all the more powerful. It's also worth mentioning that on my old (breadbin-style) C64, the flicker doesn't seem too prominent as the white is slightly dull and the light grey brighter. I did freak out a little at first when I tested it on a new style C64 over the weekend as the flicker had increased somewhat due to a very bright white! (if you check some of my early pics where this was the only machine I had at the time, you will see I rarely used white at all, for this very reason!)
User Comment
Submitted by leonofsgr on 13 April 2004
This is an interesting picture, although it's pretty easy to do... by the way in interlace the white and bright gray pixels flicker on a tv or monitor... hmm...
User Comment
Submitted by Valsary on 13 April 2004
...fucking great!
User Comment
Submitted by jailbird on 13 April 2004
I am absolutely sure that a simple coloring/dithering touch-up wouldn't affect the mood of this picture in any way.
Basically, I'm referring to reducing flickering, smoothing up transitions and putting more "rhymes" into gray and red color-schemes. Even if I didn't asked Deev about this yet, if it was really his major intention to use rudimentary interlaced color-tables/transitions, then he was probably also counting on that the party audience (especially a party like Breakpoint) will not like the picture too much. Sadly, competing on a ultrazupah pop party with a 'motive', is like being the Jamaican bob-sledge team in one person - maybe you'll get lucky and score, but most likely you won't and everyone will remember you only as the moral winner of the race... Deev's tehnical knowledge is on a very high level, but my opinion is that this IFLI could be done better. Only tehnically. Not motive-wise! And it would easily win the compo.
Anyhow, once again I must point out that it is absolutely an excellent composition with outsanding design and motive - but, in it's current phase IMHO it's not a "party breaker picture".
User Comment
Submitted by Oxidy on 13 April 2004
The simple coloring is imo the strength of the picture. A gray reality colored by blood. Very effective, and Deev did it right.
User Comment
Submitted by blackdroid on 12 April 2004
seriously doing popart of this moody picture would just ruin the intention of the picture, atleast the intention I think deev had for expressing himself with this pic. :)
User Comment
Submitted by jailbird on 12 April 2004
It was indeed the finest picture. When Deev showed me his work before the compo, I was absolutely sure it will beat my butt hard and get to the #1 spot. I guess it just wasn't colorful and 'poppy' enough for the audience. A part of me is very sad for the underrate of this fab picture, honestly.
On the other side, I think it has some tehnical lacks, especially if I consider that it was done in IFLI, a graphics mode which provides far more possibilities than Deev managed to utilize. IMO, this *could* be a party winner and major eye-candy if more attention was put into coloring and dithering.
User Comment
Submitted by Optimus on 12 April 2004
That was my favoritest from the compo!
User Comment
Submitted by blackdroid on 12 April 2004
Awesome picture. composition, pixeling, motive.. very nice, my favourite bp'04 compo pic.
User Comment
Submitted by Oxidy on 11 April 2004
This is an excellent picture with good composition and colors. You don't have to be a genious to understand Deev's political view regarding the US and their global blood shedding. I normally dont think politics and the scene should be mixed, but I'll look between my fingers this time. I don't know if Deev has reflected on the picture name pun, since Us can be read either as us or the United States.
User Comment
Submitted by Deev on 11 April 2004
The zip file contains 4 workstages submitted at the party, the prg is just the executable.
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