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C64 Demo Competition at X'2004 : #3
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User Comment Submitted by Jak T Rip on 10 April 2016
I love the demo. Quick and good effects with an absolutely stunning music by GRG. Just a little bit more effort put into it: a real ending and better gfx - and it would have been a really really cool demo. | User Comment Submitted by Mr Wegi on 18 January 2010
The best vectors HUGE - more than screen - coool =) | User Comment Submitted by Exin64 on 7 January 2009
I really liked the Demo and the nice effects. Too bad the gfx are a bit unoriginal and the demo looks like its unfinished... | User Comment Submitted by Testa on 17 October 2008
well, i missed these released some how, so today i saw it for the first time and i must say i am impressed... nice demo, nice music... respect..
| User Comment Submitted by Mirage on 14 April 2006
julia fractals are never nice (slow or fast)... they're ugly iterating blobs of nothingness, same goes for mandelbrots... It's debugging stuff for mathematicians, not eyecandy
The rest of the demo is quite enjoyable, though... thumbs up for the big 3d objects that are not ugly 4x4 or 8x8 pixels | User Comment Submitted by ready. on 13 April 2006
Another incredibly cool music from Glenn!!!! | User Comment Submitted by hannenz on 27 January 2006
help! i cannot download this one - is the ftp down?
| User Comment Submitted by Freedom on 5 January 2005
It's a very good demo. I liked the Julia fractal very much. The music is very nice too. As far as I can see, all parts are neat and clever. | User Comment Submitted by HCL on 26 October 2004
@TDJ: It's the same discussion every time, and we really don't need to bring it up here again (so sorry if i did). If there is a well designed demo, people shout for hard-core effects. If it's the latter, people complain about missing design. So when i slug down on the ones that complain about the bad design of this demo, i am actually just being positive :) (uuh..). | User Comment Submitted by TDJ on 25 October 2004
So Jailbird, I guess you know exactly what I am looking for then? | User Comment Submitted by jailbird on 25 October 2004
Fresh ideas on C64, yeah. Most of them look like minimalistic flash intros I run into at least 10 times a day... Bloody innovative. | User Comment Submitted by TDJ on 25 October 2004
So, if you don't appreciate hard code effects because you've outgrown them after watching so many similair demos for so many years, and prefer fresh ideas instead (like I do), you are automatically not bright enough? Cool .. | User Comment Submitted by HCL on 25 October 2004
The 2-line FLI timing is cool, similar to how dudes made DYSPs in 1990. But comparing to a normal 200 lines FLI-screen is a bit optimistic.. Who would come up with that and call himself a coder? And bug off all morons who are not bright enough to appreciate demos with *hardt ghore* effects. | User Comment Submitted by Puterman on 25 October 2004
In my opinion this one was the most well designed among the X demos. I guess this might be another piece of evidence that tastes differ. | User Comment Submitted by jailbird on 25 October 2004
The code and AMN's pic is sexy. The design sucks indeed... Hope to see a final version soon! | User Comment Submitted by Britelite on 25 October 2004
2x2? Looked more like 4x2 to me ;) Nice (and reasonably fast) effects anyway. | User Comment Submitted by blackdroid on 25 October 2004
oswald the coderpron knight in shining armour strikes again (and from the looks of it you aint the first one to comment on this, so either you are blind or dont think ppl praise this demo as much as _you_ would like to).
the twister was nice, so was the vector routine. nice intro sync, nevertheless it doesnt keep me from thinking that this demo was abit ugly and boring. | User Comment Submitted by Oswald on 25 October 2004
nobody noticed the awesome technical investment ? the tunnel and the julia would need normally a full 200 line fli screen, and so they would be CRAWLING SLOW. but ninja made an awesome routine which leaves 50% cpu power free while generating the 2x2 screen. that is, those effects are running in true 2x2. | User Comment Submitted by Ninja on 25 October 2004
Okay, it seems it was my mistake that it got released already. But well, the final will be out like the end of this week, so ... :) | User Comment Submitted by MagerValp on 25 October 2004
Yes! More twisters! Nice 3D effect on this one too. | User Comment Submitted by Optimus on 24 October 2004
Unfinished, but I enjoyed watching it. First the very energetic music, and good start with sync. And then the effects (I am really really more hungry for bitmap and mathematical effects than vic tricks ;). My favorites are the vectors inside vectors and that Juhlia, wow! (Not many times I had seen a decent running Juhlia in any 8bit machine. Perhaps 1 or 2 times only). Hope to see a finished demo from you two soon! :) | User Comment Submitted by TDJ on 24 October 2004
It's included because it was released. Change the name to Real 80% or something instead (Not quite real but ..) | User Comment Submitted by Ninja on 24 October 2004
Woha, why is it included already? Please wait for the final till judgement... | User Comment Submitted by LordNikon on 24 October 2004
hey... a cool demo. I like this one very much. keep it up! |
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