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Subsizer 0.5   [2017]

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Release Date :
18 March 2017

Type :
Other Platform C64 Tool

User rating:awaiting 8 votes (7 left)   See votestatistics

Credits :
Code .... tlr of VICE Team

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Submitted by tlr on 18 March 2017
subsizer 0.5 by tlr, 2017-03-18

subsizer: CBM packer/cruncher


  - fast depack
  - good compression
  - automatic folding allows full mem operation ($0000-$ffff)

Compression is slightly worse than for example exomizer but generally better
than pucrunch.   Decrunch speed is fairly fast.


  # subsizer -r [-o<output>] <file>
  # subsizer -m [-o<output>] <file>
  # subsizer -x [-X[jmp=<addr>][,mem=<mem>][,sei]] [-o<output>] <file>

  normal:   <file>[,,[<offs>][,<len>]]
  override: <file>,<addr>[,[<offs>][,<len>]]
  raw:      <file>@<addr>[,[<offs>][,<len>]]


$ subsizer -otest.prg file1.prg file2.prg,0x1000
$ subsizer -otest.prg file1.prg,,0x20 file2.prg
$ subsizer file.prg -Xjmp=0x0801,sei


  The self extracting binary options are set with the -X flag.

  header options: (default: normal basic header)
    load=<addr>     - start address of decruncher (implies sysless)
    sysless         - do not begin with a sys line.

  starting options:
    mem=<val>       - $01 value after decrunch   (default: mem=0x37)
    sei             - exit with interrupts disabled.
                      (default: interrupts enabled)
    jmp=<addr>      - jump address after decrunch (default: find sys)

  decruncher options:  (default: dirty if start address is below $0400)
    clean           - "clean" decruncher.  A little slower but avoids most
                      of zp and other system areas.  Can crunch $0400-$ffff.
    dirty           - "dirty" decruncher.  Much faster but costs a few
                      bytes more due to inlining.  Will clobber most of zp
                      + stack.  Can crunch $0200-$ffff.

  folding options:  (default: automatically fold if required)
    fold=<addr>     - fold data below <addr> into the RLE areas higher up
                      before crunching.  This allows $0000-$ffff operation
                      for any decruncher.
    nofold          - do not fold.


The statistics below are on two of the files originally selected as test
corpus by j0x for his unreleased cruncher.

source file: "zorrounpacked.prg" 54105 (214 blks)
(Remember's crack of Zorro (Data East) including intro. Not (pre-)compressed.)

  sorted on size:
                                               crunch       sfx
    cruncher   size  (blks)   left    gain   time   mem     time
         alz:  30095 (119)   55.62%  44.38%  0.99s  1.31M   76.04s
      exo209:  30690 (121)   56.72%  43.28%  1.60s  34.27M  9.19s
      sbsz05:  30756 (122)   56.85%  43.15%  1.88s  37.28M  7.32s
    sbsz05-d:  30777 (122)   56.88%  43.12%  1.87s  36.08M  5.58s
       lzmpi:  32101 (127)   59.33%  40.67%  1.50s  12.75M  14.71s
     pucrn-d:  32135 (127)   59.39%  40.61%  0.08s  2.00M   10.16s
     pucrn-s:  32195 (127)   59.50%  40.50%  0.01s  1.75M   12.65s
       pucrn:  32219 (127)   59.55%  40.45%  0.01s  1.74M   9.94s
     pucrn-f:  32242 (127)   59.59%  40.41%  0.01s  1.75M   9.17s
    bitnax06:  33060 (131)   61.10%  38.90%  0.03s  1.12M   4.33s
    doynam11:  33154 (131)   61.28%  38.72%  0.05s  1.09M   4.46s
        bb20:  33301 (132)   61.55%  38.45%  0.02s  2.60M   7.27s
        bb11:  35227 (139)   65.11%  34.89%  0.15s  0.70M   9.82s

  sorted on sfx time:
                                               crunch       sfx
    cruncher   size  (blks)   left    gain   time   mem     time
    bitnax06:  33060 (131)   61.10%  38.90%  0.03s  1.12M   4.33s
    doynam11:  33154 (131)   61.28%  38.72%  0.05s  1.09M   4.46s
    sbsz05-d:  30777 (122)   56.88%  43.12%  1.87s  36.08M  5.58s
        bb20:  33301 (132)   61.55%  38.45%  0.02s  2.60M   7.27s
      sbsz05:  30756 (122)   56.85%  43.15%  1.88s  37.28M  7.32s
     pucrn-f:  32242 (127)   59.59%  40.41%  0.01s  1.75M   9.17s
      exo209:  30690 (121)   56.72%  43.28%  1.60s  34.27M  9.19s
        bb11:  35227 (139)   65.11%  34.89%  0.15s  0.70M   9.82s
       pucrn:  32219 (127)   59.55%  40.45%  0.01s  1.74M   9.94s
     pucrn-d:  32135 (127)   59.39%  40.61%  0.08s  2.00M   10.16s
     pucrn-s:  32195 (127)   59.50%  40.50%  0.01s  1.75M   12.65s
       lzmpi:  32101 (127)   59.33%  40.67%  1.50s  12.75M  14.71s
         alz:  30095 (119)   55.62%  44.38%  0.99s  1.31M   76.04s

source file: "tunnel.prg" 59394 (234 blks)
(Demopart containing lots of unrolled loops.)

  sorted on size:
                                               crunch       sfx
    cruncher   size  (blks)   left    gain   time   mem     time
         alz:  19384 (77)    32.64%  67.36%  0.71s  1.32M   63.32s
      exo209:  22161 (88)    37.31%  62.69%  3.42s  33.66M  7.74s
      sbsz05:  22192 (88)    37.36%  62.64%  1.66s  71.98M  5.95s
    sbsz05-d:  22213 (88)    37.40%  62.60%  1.68s  71.18M  4.48s
       lzmpi:  23104 (91)    38.90%  61.10%  1.25s  11.14M  11.58s
     pucrn-d:  24487 (97)    41.23%  58.77%  0.08s  2.27M   8.65s
     pucrn-s:  24834 (98)    41.81%  58.19%  0.02s  2.01M   10.42s
       pucrn:  24858 (98)    41.85%  58.15%  0.02s  2.01M   8.50s
     pucrn-f:  24881 (98)    41.89%  58.11%  0.01s  2.00M   7.59s
    bitnax06:  25156 (100)   42.35%  57.65%  0.23s  1.17M   4.00s
    doynam11:  25160 (100)   42.36%  57.64%  0.35s  1.14M   4.12s
        bb20:  25244 (100)   42.50%  57.50%  0.04s  2.60M   6.60s
        bb11:  26782 (106)   45.09%  54.91%  0.12s  0.70M   8.97s

  sorted on sfx time:
                                               crunch       sfx
    cruncher   size  (blks)   left    gain   time   mem     time
    bitnax06:  25156 (100)   42.35%  57.65%  0.23s  1.17M   4.00s
    doynam11:  25160 (100)   42.36%  57.64%  0.35s  1.14M   4.12s
    sbsz05-d:  22213 (88)    37.40%  62.60%  1.68s  71.18M  4.48s
      sbsz05:  22192 (88)    37.36%  62.64%  1.66s  71.98M  5.95s
        bb20:  25244 (100)   42.50%  57.50%  0.04s  2.60M   6.60s
     pucrn-f:  24881 (98)    41.89%  58.11%  0.01s  2.00M   7.59s
      exo209:  22161 (88)    37.31%  62.69%  3.42s  33.66M  7.74s
       pucrn:  24858 (98)    41.85%  58.15%  0.02s  2.01M   8.50s
     pucrn-d:  24487 (97)    41.23%  58.77%  0.08s  2.27M   8.65s
        bb11:  26782 (106)   45.09%  54.91%  0.12s  0.70M   8.97s
     pucrn-s:  24834 (98)    41.81%  58.19%  0.02s  2.01M   10.42s
       lzmpi:  23104 (91)    38.90%  61.10%  1.25s  11.14M  11.58s
         alz:  19384 (77)    32.64%  67.36%  0.71s  1.32M   63.32s
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