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Turbo Out Run +5   [2018]

Turbo Out Run +5 Released by :

Release Date :
11 April 2018

Type :
EasyFlash Release

Videosystem: any

Turbo Outrun +5

User rating:**********  10/10 (9 votes)   See votestatistics

Credits :
Graphics .... Almighty God of Excess, Level 64, Onslaught, Sputnik World, Vandalism News Staff
Crack .... Knight Rider of Excess
Trainer .... Knight Rider of Excess
Bug-Fix .... Knight Rider of Excess
Loader .... Knight Rider of Excess
Test .... Faayd of Excess
  Harry Potthead of Excess
  Sentinel of Excess
  Stablizer of Demonix, Excess, Longshot
  Stormfront of Excess, The Stock
Sampling .... Eco of Excess

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User Comment
Submitted by Knight Rider on 17 June 2020
You think that you deserve more ???

See Turbo Outrun +8DHF
User Comment
Submitted by Knight Rider on 13 June 2020

User Comment
Submitted by E$G [PM] on 12 April 2018
Perfection is reached, thumbs up!

I think that you deserve more :P.... coming soon to a screen near you very soon.

User Comment
Submitted by Tim on 14 April 2018
Oh.. and whilst reading back my comment I realized I could also 'abuse' the moment to mention that besides constructive feedback, helping hands are also always welcome!

To name one example, if someone is interested in gameplay/beta/quality testing feel free to say hi :)
User Comment
Submitted by Tim on 14 April 2018
Oh hey, there is nothing wrong with wanting to see a raised bar for 2018, I will even support that too!

If I may add, despite earlier sarcasm, I would definitely be cheering if more teams start doing EF too!

But as said before, when comments are made constructively, we do actually take them into consideration, talking about them in our internal chats.

For now requests for EF (and other non-stock releases) are simply significantly higher than what is being offered.

There's a void, there's just so many hours available in a day, and despite the comfortable size of our team we need to triage and cut some corners.

Also keep in mind we even work on multiple releases simultaneously to get the multiple jobs done such as cracking, linking, testing, graphics, docs, music, etc. as members have various time frames in which they can spend time.

With the exception of our very first EF upload (which went out due to internal miscommunication) I'm personally happy and proud of what we put out.. releases get fairly ok to good response on csdb on average, but more importantly they get a massive amount of positive feedback elsewhere.

And frankly.. that's what matters to us most on EF.. releasing what the majority of our fans are asking for, and making sure we hit the list of titles at least on a certain quality marker or higher.
User Comment
Submitted by Maxlide on 13 April 2018
My comment was never meant to insult someone.
It just seems like I have different opinion about how a proper release in 2018 should look like (HI-score-saver, trainers, packing, no-gaps,...) than the guys in Excess and the 10 people who voted 10.
Seems like my opinion is wrong.
User Comment
Submitted by hedning on 13 April 2018
CommFor: We will of course continue supporting the EF. We do, however, focus on first releases, and stock hw.
User Comment
Submitted by Tim on 13 April 2018
Hold on.. before someone reads this the wrong way.. just to be crystal clear:

G*P and NOS and members are obviously highly respected pioneers for us (and some members even personal heroes for me)

let's be very clear about one thing.. I did not mean you guys when I said "old farts"

..well not this time ;)

What you refer too is obvious sarcasm on Skid Row's remark..

I think we've shown over 2017 we definitely are not shy to receive constructive criticism, as well as adjust accordingly if we feel points hold merit..

Constructive being the keyword.
User Comment
Submitted by CommFor on 13 April 2018
Hedning, it's a pity sceners gave up to support EF format, and there are so many virgin disc games begging to be Easyflashed. They rather drill old whores for 30th time in usual way, like Katakis.
Thanks to Master, Knight Rider and The Joker for daring to taste fresh meat :)
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Submitted by Puma on 13 April 2018
Great release, thx
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Submitted by hedning on 13 April 2018
"maybe now others will also release some too" - well, GP, Ons and Nos started off doing that back in 2011, but it seems that more and more people wanna play with the EasyFlash. And that is great. :)
User Comment
Submitted by Knight Rider on 13 April 2018
The discussion of level packing or not is a separate discussion (which I already did have on Lemon64 last year). The decisions taken on this release were made, and that's how it is. If you like it play it, if you don't then... oh well.

I had a bilateral chat with LA-Styles, regarding the file system and wasted space.

To 'set the record straight' for the community, there is a file system in use (see .CRT $0002f4 onwards Nx are the SEGA files, Px are the USGOLD files). The files are stored back to back, and any 'gaps' (wasted space) is a result of depacking the original (and therefore trying to obtain faster loading times).

To be honest, I have not actually benchmarked exomizer on the fly compared to a straight copy. Maybe I will try this next time.

Thanks to Skid Row for revealing the secret behind an EasyFlash release - maybe now others will also release some too ?

@CommFor maybe, maybe not. Watch this space. The only thing that put me off abit is the many bugs in Outrun Europa.
User Comment
Submitted by Tim on 12 April 2018
Oh good, was almost thinking the scene ran out of old farts to moan about releases :)
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Submitted by CommFor on 12 April 2018
Another Easyflash release with excellent C64 game!
They just keep coming :)
Collection of Out Run, Turbo Out Run and Out Run Europa in 1 MB EF slot will be just perfect ;)
User Comment
Submitted by lA-sTYLe on 12 April 2018
Not levelpacking is okay, but wasting that much Banks and Space between Banks instead of creating some kind of Filesystem to have all Data in a Stream resulted in running out of Space for the Highscore Saver.

To be honest, why do you work that hard an a release and "fail" to add a Highscoresaver ? Without saving that crt is completely without any Interest.
User Comment
Submitted by Maxlide on 12 April 2018
Loader credits? Oo
LDA EasyFlash
You also didn't even levelpack anything so perhaps linking credits would have been the better choice.
In the trivia you wrote there wasn't enough memory left for a highscore saver.
When you would have (level-)packed at least some of the crap you would have easily found the missing 48k (16k are unused at the end of the .BIN) for a HS saver.
User Comment
Submitted by E$G on 12 April 2018
Perfection is reached, thumbs up!
User Comment
Submitted by Knight Rider on 12 April 2018
Also forgot to mention the 2nd PAL bugfix, that looped incrementing $d020 on the TUNE-UP selection screen when all options are already selected. The NTSC version didn't do this - it just skipped to the BONUS screen.
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Submitted by Yogibear on 11 April 2018
Neat stuff!
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Submitted by TheRyk on 11 April 2018
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Submitted by hedning on 11 April 2018
No intro... :(
User Comment
Submitted by Dr.j on 11 April 2018
great job Knight Rider!!! keep cool !!! love those golden cracks and improvements
User Comment
Submitted by Knight Rider on 11 April 2018
This is a pure 'gamer release' no intro by choice.

A double release on one cartridge. Contains both the SEGA NTSC and US GOLD PAL versions. Both +5 trained. The PAL version has the sprite priority on the end screen fixed.

Cracked from the original disk by me, incase anyone asks "what's the source".
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