Commodore 64 standard character mode graphics with the upper/lower case system ROM character sets
Drawing operations: draw character, colorize a character, select brush, draw with brush
Undo/redo stack
Multiple screens (each with their own undo stack)
Save/load workspace as a .petmate file (.petmate is the native file format for this editor)
Export and import other common PETSCII file formats:
Bitmap .png (import, export)
PETSCII .c format (import, export)
Executable .prg (export)
Assembler .asm (export for KickAssembler, 64tass and ACME)
Dir art .d64 (import)
You can view github issues for upcoming features/fixes.
Keyboard shortcuts
ESC: Reset brush selection
a, s, d, w: Move left/down/right/up in the character selector
q, e: Select prev/next color
f: Select the inverted version of the currently selected char.
h, v: Flip brush horizontally/vertically
r: Rotate current brush or character counterclockwise
x, c, 3, b, z: Select tool (draw/colorize/char-only draw/brush/pan+zoom)
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6: Select tool (draw/colorize/char-only draw/brush/text/pan+zoom)
g: Toggle grid
Alt-Left Click: Select character and color under cursor
Start drawing while holding SHIFT: Lock vertical or horizontal movement for drawing straight lines
⌘1-4 / Ctrl+1-4: Switch between palettes. Use the Preferences pane to configure palettes
Left/right arrows: Move to previous/next screen
Alt-left/right/up/down: Shift the whole screen left/right/up/down
⌘T/Ctrl-T: Add a new screen.
Pan/zoom (new in Petmate 0.7):
When in pan/zoom mode: mousedrag to pan the PETSCII canvas
When in pan/zoom mode: Alt-mousewheel to zoom in/out
When in pan/zoom mode: doubleclick to reset zoom/pan position.
Spacebar-mousedrag: Pan the PETSCII canvas (if zoomed in) in all modes except text input mode
Alt-mousewheel: Zoom in/out in all modes except text input mode
Open/Save/Save As: use platform shortcuts (e.g., Save is Ctrl+S on Windows, ⌘S on Mac).
Undo/Redo: use platform shortcuts (e.g., ⌘Z and ⌘⇧Z on Mac). |