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Pixelshuffler V0.42   [2021]

Pixelshuffler V0.42 Released by :

Release Date :
1 May 2021

Type :
Other Platform C64 Tool

Released At :
Commodore-Treffen Graz O$4

User rating:awaiting 8 votes (6 left)   See votestatistics

Credits :
Code .... Wil of Vintage Computing Carinthia

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Submitted by wil on 1 May 2021
Pixelshuffler is a command-line tool to optimize a Koala image file in order to achieve a smaller compressed file. Pixelshuffler is able to remove unused color information where less than 3 forground colors are used in a 8x8 area (or 8x4 if we count fat pixels) and sorts the colors accroding to a palette. In addition it can be used to rearrange the nibble or byte order so that neighbouring pixels end up in the same byte. This can be done in different variants, the tool can be used to explore these possibilities using command-line options.

The tool was inspired by this conversation in the CSDB forum: koala otpimizing

Usage: pixelshuffler.exe [-i <infilename>] [-b] [-z] [-p palette] [-123458d] [-r] [-s structure] [-o <outfilename>]

The following options require the infile to be a Koala or scol64 image:

Options preserving koala format:
-b blank out unused colors
-z reorganize colors
-p ordered palette for reorganize colors, default is 17df3a5ce842b960

Options requiring a customized view routine:
-1 shuffels nibbles of every second byte in bitmap
-2 shuffels bytes to pattern 0,2,1,3
-3 shuffels bytes to pattern 0,2,4,6,1,3,5,7
-c pack 1000 color halfbytes in koala image to 500 bytes
-4 store value minus previous byte in bitmap
-5 store value XOR previous byte in bitmap
-8 store data columnwise
-d deinterleave color data
-s structure define order of components in memory,
default is BSCG (Bitmap, Screen, Colorram, backGround color), p=padding to next kB

General options, work with any file:
-r runlength encoding of file, first byte is escape byte

To my experience, the best option to achieve an image that can be compressed well are -8cz but this needs a dedicated unshuffling routine. Enclosed is an example that packs three complex Koala files into a file of 19045 bytes.

If you want a standard Koala so that you don't need a custom unshuffling routine, use option -bz
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