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The Cheetahmen Demo   [2021]

The Cheetahmen Demo Released by :
The Weekenders Demo Group

Release Date :
2 May 2021

Type :
C64 One-File Demo

User rating:awaiting 8 votes (4 left)   See votestatistics

Credits :
Code .... Gildan Jondal of Suicyco Industries, The Weekenders Demo Group
Music .... Waz of Padua, The Weekenders Demo Group, Zaw Productions
Graphics .... Tomsk of The Weekenders Demo Group
Text .... TAS of Remix64.com, The Weekenders Demo Group
Concept .... Tomsk of The Weekenders Demo Group
Translation .... TAS of Remix64.com, The Weekenders Demo Group

SIDs used in this release :
The Cheetahmen Ran Off(/MUSICIANS/W/Waz/Cheetahmen_Ran_Off.sid)
What's Wrong Wi' It?(/MUSICIANS/W/Waz/Whats_Wrong_Wi_It.sid)

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Hidden Parts Info
Submitted by Gildan Jondal on 3 May 2021
Ok, so the story here is that the small digi pic is of Tas, who is from Yorkshire and one of his most favourite phrases is "fuck me hell fire". He also has a weird thing for the Falcon Patrol 2 music, hence the cover version by Waz. He thought his scroller was just being bolted on to one of the other scrollers.... he was wrong :D
Hidden Parts Info
Submitted by iAN CooG on 2 May 2021
yes, there is one, I can only cheat using the monitor to jmp to the activation address, but you're supposed to press a sequence of keys to activate it =)
0975  20 E4 FF  JSR $FFE4
0978  F0 FB     BEQ $0975
097A  18        CLC 
097B  69 40     ADC #$40
097D  49 80     EOR #$80
097F  A8        TAY 
0980  AE CC 1A  LDX $1ACC
0983  BD B0 1C  LDA $1CB0,X
0986  49 77     EOR #$77
0988  8D CB 1A  STA $1ACB
098B  98        TYA 

ok let's eor 1cb0 with #$77 and see what it says:
1CB0:  06 15 03 0B 0D 05 08 05 0C 0C 06 09 12 05 BD : fuckmehellfire

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