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The Mighty Hunter’s Harlequin   [2021]

The Mighty Hunter’s Harlequin Released by :
Genesis Project [web]

Release Date :
1 August 2021

Type :
C64 Graphics  (MultiColor)

User rating:*********_  9.4/10 (29 votes)   See votestatistics
**********  9.6/10 (9 votes) - Public votes only.

Credits :
Graphics .... Facet of Genesis Project

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User Comment
Submitted by Jak T Rip on 3 August 2021
I am a clown. Kixx.
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Submitted by katon on 2 August 2021
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Submitted by Magic on 1 August 2021
Yes.. a new coop is coming! :D
User Comment
Submitted by PAL on 1 August 2021
It would be an honour to co-create and co-pixel an image or screen with you Facet - I would love that! We can talk more about that in like 2.5 months because until then I am really swamped with work... Looking forward to it, I think we can have lots of fun with this. I will take contact in PM later on. Take care and monster on!!!

Love PAL
User Comment
Submitted by TheRyk on 1 August 2021
“There are two types of people in this world. People who hate clowns...and clowns. (Bobby Pendragon)”

― D. J. MacHale, The Quillan Games

wonderful execution however and a very clear style and technique
User Comment
Submitted by DKT on 1 August 2021
Outstanding, what a great face, pixel art <3
User Comment
Submitted by Honcho on 1 August 2021
Another great prod, amazing pixeling and I’m most certainly looking forward to that collaboration with PAL ;)
User Comment
Submitted by Facet on 1 August 2021
Hi Pal,

What a intensive message from you. Thanks so much for your great words, it got me silent for a while.

To explain my activity a bit. Most free time (also the 15 minutes breaks) I have, I try to pixel a bit. Usually on 3 or 4 pictures at the same time. That keeps me interested and motivated and works for me. As you said, it's really meditative and relaxing. I need that. Having a family with two lovely young kids, and a quite demanding job (Creative Director at a WPP agency and co-leading an amazing team of 80+ creatives) makes me want to retreat into my 'scene bubble' sometimes ;D And most important... my wife is totally ok with that.. and supports that I put some much effort in what I love to do.. ever since we met more than 20 years ago. Otherwise it was impossible.

Apart from that the C64 colour palet and grid restriction really helps to speed up the proces. Limitations often make the decision 'for' me. On the Amiga I fell less restricted, so then it takes more time. It then takes twice as much if you count the pixels. :D I also have a problem Pal, the older I get, the less pixel-perfect and patience I get. So that explains the (sometimes) very rough and unpolished/experimental way of working. ;D

For 34 years I'm doing this.. with some pauses in between. I think I have created a speedy way of working, setting up stuff, and making it look nice imho. I'm not that pixel-perfect man any more.. and ever since I saw the amazing work from HOF / Movement (http://janeway.exotica.org.uk/release.php?id=9279) I learned this 'loosen' way of dithering that I also wanted to master. My first attempt was the very same picture you mentioned in your post. (https://gfxzone.planet-d.net/theme/5_bit/02/facet-joker_pink.ht..) It saved me half of the time doing it. A small fun fact also in addition... I had quite a crappy mouse that left pixels unpixeled.. it just didn't work that well and I had to press the left mouse-button very hard.. but somehow it did exactly what I wanted to achieve, having this 'random' way of dithering ;D

I just keep on going quietly... and as Stinsen suggested.. I love to co-pixel a picture with you if you like!!

Warm regards,
User Comment
Submitted by Stinsen on 1 August 2021

How I would love to see a co-op between the most prolific pixel pushers PAL and Facet. :D
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Submitted by Yogibear on 1 August 2021
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Submitted by PAL on 1 August 2021
Again you present a splendid image.

Your layer and control in what you get as a base in pixels, then to fix here and there is splendid and beyond all others I Know of. I have seen your images so much and I would use like 50-100 hours on each of them in my own technique where I try to render my version of the inspiration or my own scan... then I alter and work much with that... then the fun part where so much changes in the images during like 50 hours time or so. That is where in my part, if any magic at all, my magic happens... when I alter all pixels on everything and paint in new shapes, new shadings and like feel free and having a yoga session for weeks or months, some even years going til them now and then. My children ❤

I understand that you must hold a very strong dither way of doing stuff, controlled by shades in alpha masks... I just can not understand if a human can pixel like this so fast... like every 14 days you put out masterpieces, then all the demo stuffs you do at the same level also, like a paralel universe where your timeline is 5 times of all others... they are all true masterpieces, your works ... I am fast, I am PAL, the bleeding pixel finger that everyone saw, and took photos of at X2012 or was it 2014? I put in so many hours in a final piece in alterations and pixel shades and repixeling the shapes, repixeling the shades over and over. I do that for months and then I see work stages where no pixels are altered a lot of times, just a reverse move in removing pixels.

Doing the Joker from the original cartoon book at my home, took a photo of it, altered it and started pixeling and alter alot here and there but stay true to the original DC Comics image (net ref: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/aa/f8/56/aaf85654c167b7a43fa638c.. ) Took me like 80 hours to do minimum...I also know you did that image on the amiga and magic told me someone else did too I think, can not remember as of now. My tribute was to the original and did it a bit cleaner with not the blood behind and so on just because I thought it would be even better at the c64 the way I did it.

I can not understand the way you can put out pixels like this and in that respect I bow down to show weakness by agreeing that you, YOU SIR - is a true master of these pixels. No-one can shuffle out quality pixels like you do and also make great colors and so on in a hefty tempo.

Pure class and I do not understand how it is possible.

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