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You are going home in a box..
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Anti (Ukraine) War Demo Diskbox
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Production Info Submitted by Wile Coyote on 6 March 2022
Love and peace to the people of the Ukraine. I really hope they succeed in a war brought on by the Russians..
On the subject of the pixels. 4x4 pixels was used on the Ushanka (black head gear) to convey fur/fluffy material. 8x1 pixels were used to created the look of camouflage on the jacket. To retained a level of realism, the portrait was converted. That said, the converted portrait was re_worked to improve details in around the eye, mouth, neck area, and various areas of the skin. To be honest, I did not want to look at this individual longer than need be.
Cargo 200 is a military code-word used in the Soviet Union referring to the transportation of casualties. Officially, the term Cargo 200 is military jargon to refer specifically to the corpses of soldiers contained in zinc-lined coffins (boxes) for air transportation. Unofficially Cargo 200 is used to refer to all bodies of the dead being transported away from the battlefield, and has also become a euphemism for irreversible losses of manpower in a conflict.
Sent in to combat by Vladimir Putin in 2022. Major General Andrei Sukhovitsky was reportedly shot dead at the battle for Hostomel Airfield, Ukraine by an unknown Ukrainian sniper.
Andrei Sukhovitsky will return home from the Ukraine to Russia in a box. |
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