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Released by : Hokuto Force [web]
Release Date :
8 August 2022
Type : C64 Crack
Videosystem: NTSC fixed Proper release: 101%
Credits :
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Production Info Submitted by Giulio/Wolf on 8 August 2022
Press Fire at title screen, then
when there's the little intro
with your ship displayed, press
Z+W and the border will start
flashing. At this point, when in
game, press F1 to restore your lives.
This has not been disabled in our
release, so please don't use it
if you're in hiscore mode! :)
* The hiscore check logic in the
original is wrong. It starts to
check from the lowest score. This
has been FIXED rewriting completely
the routine.
* The original don't check if you
have gained more than 9 lives and
don't use a two digits display for
them. So instead of numbers, when
you pass the limit of 9 lives, it
displays chars. This has been FIXED
with a workaround, because there's
no space on screen for display the
number of lives with two digits.
So the game will display always 9
lives even if you have 10 or more.
Obvioulsy this is only for the
screen, the real number of lives
is correctly handled.
* +6 Trained
* Hi-Saver Installed
* Levelpacked with Fastloader 1541/1571
* Support for modern devices like SDIEC
and IDE64 if Fastloader disabled.
* Bugs-Fixed
* NTSC-Fixed (code from the USA version)
* Documented
* Spectrum Loading Screen added |
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