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Summary Submitted by ChristopherJam on 31 May 2023
BitPickler is a c64 cruncher optimised for the compression of small demos for 4k
competitions and the like. It's very heavy on RAM usage during decompression
(by default it uses all of $7c00-$ffff as working memory), but has an excellent
compression ratio, and outputs around 800 or so bytes per second.
Building BitPickler requires
- rust 1.63 or later, from rust-lang.org
Binaries currently built with rust 1.69, decruncher code assembled with BitPickler's
internal assembler.
cargo build --release
cp target/release/bitpickle ~/bin # or whever you keep your executables
Usage: bitpickle <src> [-j <sa>] [-n] [-t] [-i] [-b <blend-function>] [-d <dct>] -o <dst> [--stats <stats>]
Positional Arguments:
src input file
-j, --sa start hex address (if not provided, it attempts to parse a sysline in the input)
-n, --novis elide activity indicator
-t, --tiny tiny decoder - worse compression but smaller decrunch code; may result in smaller file size overall
-i, --post-cli CLI after decrunch
-b, --blend-function
blend function (1..3, default 3). Try different ones to see what compresses best for your file.
-d, --dct deinterleave code from start to this hex address
-o, --dst output file
--stats write approximate compressed page sizes to <stats>
--help display usage information
Note that the decruncher performs an SEI on entry, and does not disturb the CIA registers.
The deinterleave function works best if you put all the code at the start of your source prg
(not interleaving any data). Sometimes it produces a smaller output, sometimes it does not.
Change Notes
- first beta release
- first public release
Thanks to Thundax for taking me on as code cruncher for Onscreen - it really helped me nail
down a spec and actually get a product complete.
Thanks also to Krill and Quiss for providing some other interesting test cases and discussions
behind the scenes. The code re-interleaver is inspired by the one in Artefacts. |
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