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Hues   [2023]

Hues Released by :
Fairlight [web]

Release Date :
3 June 2023

Type :
C64 Demo

FLT / E.C.I.

Released At :

Achievements :
C64 Demo Competition at X'2023 :  #7

User rating:*********_  9.4/10 (34 votes)   See votestatistics
**********  9.8/10 (12 votes) - Public votes only.

Credits :
Code .... Trasher of Fairlight
  Trident of Fairlight
Music .... Fegolhuzz of Fairlight
Graphics .... tNG of Fairlight
  Vodka of Fairlight
  ZoOlon of Fairlight
Directory Art .... tNG of Fairlight

SIDs used in this release :
Hues Endpart(/MUSICIANS/F/Fegolhuzz/Hues_Endpart.sid)

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Production Info
Submitted by trident on 29 November 2024
technical notes on this demo. if i'm wrong, please correct me by posting a comment!

* to have enough rastertime during the first 8 or so seconds of the demo, when the entire screen has open side borders, the music is recorded by writing the sid registers to an array in memory when the demo starts. during the part with open borders, the sid registers are written from memory to the sid, leaving all the other rastertime for opening the border.

* the basic fader is fading out the characters using every-other-pixel dither to get some eci colors from the start

* the opening text uses a combination of ecm modes with sprites on top to get different eci colors inside each letter

* although it is almost impossible to see, the PRESENTS letters are using eci dither colors

* the all-border yellow dither fade-to-black after the circular wondersprites uses ghostbytes and sprites in the borders, and might be the first ever instance of this effect (later improved upon in The Ghost )

* this demo is the first to feature wondersprites: two sprites on top of each other where top sprite opens up single pixels to let the underlying sprite shine through. this creates a color blend that makes the color fade look nearly impossible. this idea is probably is decades old, and probably made before - but i haven't found any previous instance of it, so please correct me here!

* the yellow scroll over the lilac background underneath the flt logo with stars uses ghostbyte shine-through to paint a single-pixel outline on the letters (also used in That Thing I Hate About Myself )

* the color blast from the lower right corner of the screen uses a hires bitmap color cycling effect to produce blended eci colors, with a black sprite layer on top to create the contours between each color blend, which would be impossible with hires bitmap only

* this demo includes is the first instance of ghostbars: rasterbars with a black pixel dither pattern on top. implemented with the ghostbyte in the middle of the screen and black sprites in the borders. later improved upon in The Ghost

* the tentacle part uses unexpanded sprites and the background color to get some funky color blends in the borders, with a ghostbyte layer on the main screen area to cover the background color, and unexpanded sprites with different colors for the tentacle, which produces even more color mixes due to the pixel movement of the tentacle

* the sphere in the final part is implemented with a hires bitmap color cycle effect underneath black contour sprites. the gray bar coming in from the right border does not extend all the way into the lower border, as it does in the first seconds of the demo, probably since there was not enough memory to record the sid registers beforehand (or i simply didn't care enough at this point to implement that little detail - i don't remember which)

* the color fades on the final logo was done by Trasher in a hotel room in amsterdam the day before X2023
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