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Tetris Recoded   [2023]

Tetris Recoded Released by :

Release Date :
2 December 2023

Type :
C64 Game

35th Anniversary

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Achievements :
Mixed Game Competition at LuheCon³ :  #1

User rating:**********  9.7/10 (22 votes)   See votestatistics
**********  9.8/10 (10 votes) - Public votes only.

Credits :
Code .... Courage of Protovision, RetroBytes, WiC64-Team
  TheRealWanderer of Excess, Protovision, RetroBytes
Music .... fieserWolf of Abyss Connection
  Nordischsound of Hokuto Force, PET SCIIENTISTS, Pixelbrei, Quantum, RetroBytes
  Wally Beben
Graphics .... Shine of C64GFX Staff, PET SCIIENTISTS, The Solution
Help .... LazyJones of WiC64-Team
  Schorsch3000 of WiC64-Team

SIDs used in this release :
Tetris Recoded(/MUSICIANS/N/Nordischsound/Tetris_Recoded.sid)

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Production Info
Submitted by TheRealWanderer on 2 December 2023
TETRIS recoded...

old look, but new engine!

in 1988, the game tetris was released
by mirrorsoft.
programmed by phillip brabbin, with
great graphics by stephen thomson and an
epic sid tune by wally beben, with
about 25 minutes one of the longest
compositions on the c64.

in 2023, the game has been adapted for
the high score section of the wic64
portal. the wic64 is a low-cost and fast
wifi module for the userport.
but the result was unfortunately a
rather buggy version, certainly also
because the game consists partly of
compiled basic.

maybe another tetris version would be
suitable for the highscore portal?
but even though there are numerous
tetris versions and clones for the c64,
none of them completely convinced us.

so we had the idea of programming a
version based on the original tetris
that no longer contained any basic code.
but digging through other people's code
is always difficult, especially as we
had some other ideas on how the gameplay
could be optimised.

and so, after a short time, we started
reprogramming the game from scratch...

so what's new?

some new and reworked elements:
- new tetromino look and color set.
- new matrix look of the playing field.
- ingame graphics have been revised
(it was bitmap in the original and
is now optimized charset).
- pal/ntsc speed adjusted

new 8-point menu (joystick in port 2)
- "start game":
start the fun here!!!
- "ghost piece":
show or hide a piece at the bottom
that shows you where the tetromino
- "rotate clockwise/counterclockwise":
direction of tetromino rotation.
- "music":
choose between 4 great music tracks
or silence during the game.
- "sfx":
switch the sound effects in the game
on or off.
- "view local/online highscore":
if you are using a wic64 (and are
logged into the portal), the online
highscores are displayed, otherwise
the local highscores.
- "wic64 portal" or "disk load/save":
depending on whether a wic64 is used.
if so, go to the wic64 portal,
otherwise the floppy disk functions
are used. if no usable disk is
detected, the disk functions are
deactivated and can be reactivated
- "back":
the last menu item allows you to
return to the title screen. if you
activate the options for loading and
saving the disk, the high scores will
be reloaded from the disk if this is
possible. in the title screen, it
will automatically detect whether a
wic64 is plugged in and whether you
are logged into the online portal.

new game functions based on the
official tetris guidelines:

- wall kick (tetromino can also be
turned on walls)
- soft drop (joy down)
- hard drop (joy up)
- support of the second firebutton
(rotation in the opposite direction
to the first button)
- 15 levels
- optimized random routine (use of the
- new sfx
- panic mode when you reach the top
area of the matrix.
- press space bar to pause the game
and press space bar again or move the
joystick to continue playing.
after pause there is a short delay
before the game continues.
- "run/stop"-key to cancel the game and
return to the menu.

new challenging scoring system:
- no points for normally falling
- 1 point for each line skipped via
soft drop (only uninterrupted lines
up to the drop)
- 2 points for each line skipped via
hard drop
scores for complete lines:
- 1 line = 100 points * level
- 2 lines = 300 points * level
- 3 lines = 500 points * level
- 4 lines = 800 points * level (tetris)
bonus for perfect matrix clearing:
- with 1 line = 800 points * level
- with 2 lines = 1200 points * level
- with 3 lines = 1800 points * level
- with 4 lines = 2000 points * level
bonus for combos:
- 100 * combocounter * level (a combo
means that you clear at least one
line with each upcoming tetromino.
the combo begins with the 3rd
tetromino. a combo ends with a
tetromino that does not clear a line)

credits (game):

code: therealwanderer
music & sfx: nordischsound
petscii: shine
original graphic: stephen thomson/sit
original music: wally beben
help: schorsch3000

credits (note):

code: courage
music: fieser wolf

fun fact: tetris for the c64 is one of
the first tetris versions to be
released. even before gameboy and nes.

and now...

Have Fun :)
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