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Credits :
Code | .... | BlackJack of Civitas |
| | Richard of Civitas, Commodore Scene Staff, Covenant, Papposoft, People of Liberty, Protovision, Scene World Magazine, The New Dimension |
Music | .... | Bionic Hands |
| | G-Fellow of Civitas |
| | Richard of Civitas, Commodore Scene Staff, Covenant, Papposoft, People of Liberty, Protovision, Scene World Magazine, The New Dimension |
Graphics | .... | Brainsmasher of Civitas |
| | FRaNKy of Raiders of the Lost Empire, Rock'n Role Staff, Royal Belgian Beer Squadron, Smash Designs, The ArachnoPhobia Staff |
| | JSL of Covenant, Protovision |
| | RRR of Oxyron |
| | Zeitgeist of Civitas |
Text | .... | BlackJack of Civitas |
| | Chico of Civitas |
| | Richard of Civitas, Commodore Scene Staff, Covenant, Papposoft, People of Liberty, Protovision, Scene World Magazine, The New Dimension |
| | Zeitgeist of Civitas |
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User Comment Submitted by Style on 2 January 2006
In the C tutorial, main should always return an int..... using void is considered poor form....... | User Comment Submitted by Steppe on 1 January 2006
Hehehe! Now that is a valid reason, I guess! ;-) | User Comment Submitted by G-Fellow on 1 January 2006
Steppe wrote:"G-Fellow, could you pleeeease stop resizing the screenshots to 283x200? Where's the logic behind it anyway? ;-) " Answer: The logic is that the grey aliens told me to do better 283x200 , becourse of the soon coming world revolution. ;-) ( You know that elephants like 283x200 ? ) ( Hello ALIH! ) | User Comment Submitted by Steppe on 1 January 2006
G-Fellow, could you pleeeease stop resizing the screenshots to 283x200? Where's the logic behind it anyway? ;-) | User Comment Submitted by Skate on 1 January 2006
I like C.A.M.E.Ls :p Nice and different mag style but content is a little bit poor. | User Comment Submitted by Radiant on 31 December 2005
The intro was horrible (that charset should be taken out and shot), but the outfit is nice. Not much content, though, and a quite peculiar choice of topics for the articles. | User Comment Submitted by iAN CooG on 31 December 2005
The long loading times are caused by d64editor, which saves the files in a very personal way: one block in one track, the next in another, then back to the previous track...
Just copy the files in a fresh d64 with Starcommander/64copy before using.
| User Comment Submitted by Intensity on 31 December 2005
In all a nice little mag. What really disturbed me were the long loading times, some fastloader would have been wise. |
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