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User Comment Submitted by Richard on 30 August 2006 User Comment Submitted by Fungus on 28 August 2006
Huhu maybe there is a REASON the memory is cleared. (In order for the game to function right?) But some people are complete fucking morons and don't think... It doesnt work with AR, wahhh!!! Its fucked becuase it doesnt function right with after market hw!!! wahhh god your such a fucking whiner I can't stand it anymore. Time to order you a lifetime supply of Pampers. I still wonder why you don't do things the right way, it's proven the ories are available... your the biggest liar I have ever seen in my life, you have the skills of a 12 year old (oh wait that was how old you were when in the scene I forgot!) and being a lamer importer (equiv to nowdays COURIER) We don't need you, nor do we want you. In fact, with the exception of a few people, NO ONE wants you. What is your motiviation? I wonder is it ego masturbation? are you trying to prove something? (so far you just prove your an idiot.) WHY? WHY? WHY? GO DIE! | User Comment Submitted by stash on 28 August 2006
"we" u talking about ur secret friends again wdr.... | User Comment Submitted by Jazzcat on 28 August 2006
Another way to remove all the comments of the KFI release. All comments were negative towards it.
Wanderer - the recracker, code ripper, condom sender, spammer, liar and a guy who dances on the name of dead sceners and gets banned from forums due to his natural ability to be lame. A fine example of how NOT to portray scene spirit. | User Comment Submitted by Wanderer on 28 August 2006
Due to the overwhelming but natural response from TWG, we have moved our 101% version of their bugged version off CSDB.
You can't click it from CSDB, cut and paste it.
Scene spirit is surely not making fake groups to insult sceners from an entire country, re-releasing lame crap back into your own country under another fake label, whining when you know you were beat coz you released a bad version and then throwing insults out because you knew you were wrong :) Hehe... those silly Australians.
| User Comment Submitted by Jazzcat on 27 August 2006
Seems there is still bugs in Scoit. Wanderer's "recrack" is corrupt (a clear recrack of a first release without credit to the releasing group).
Press Runstop/Restore, list 1000- and you get garbage... the packer corrupted it.
TWG released a better version and 2 blocks shorter.
Wanderer: and where did the TWG intro crashed with a cartridge plugged in? Dumb fool... | User Comment Submitted by The Ignorance on 27 August 2006
They hired WDR to do it. During this time he can´t recrack another release. WISE!
For me it works on all carts if you don´t CONFIG MEM, press
F3 not F1. | User Comment Submitted by Trazan on 27 August 2006
Why not make a version that actually works with Cart? | User Comment Submitted by chatGPZ on 27 August 2006
crashes here after intro (with ar6 in vice) | User Comment Submitted by Jazzcat on 27 August 2006
Disable your cartridge and enjoy the latest from TWG. |
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