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Anal'ogue   [1996]

Anal'ogue Released by :
Camelot [web]

Release Date :
29 December 1996

Type :
C64 Music

Released At :
The Party 1996

Achievements :
C64 Music Competition at The Party 1996 :  #4

User rating:**********  9.6/10 (20 votes)   See votestatistics

Credits :
Music .... Jeff of Camelot, Cyberzound Productions

SIDs used in this release :

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User Comment
Submitted by Marq on 4 March 2018
When hearing this the 1st time I wondered how it managed to sound so different to most SID music before that (in an innovative way).
User Comment
Submitted by LMan on 30 June 2015
Yeah another of my all time favs. Jeff roolz!
User Comment
Submitted by CreaMD on 21 August 2012
I hate the moment when you are going to vote 10...
just in case you haven't yet...
and you did!!!!!
It's the time when you admit that number 10 is just not enough on voting scale.

Anal'ogue still kicking ass after 16 years.
User Comment
Submitted by Cresh on 4 February 2011
You know. In 1996 anal was not as appealing as it is nowadays... ;)
User Comment
Submitted by wacek on 3 February 2011
This should have won the compo. Period.
I never understood why such an original and innovative track ended up below nice, but IMHO overhyped "Gloria" and two tracks made on "borrowed" instruments. Well, I guess that's why not-anonymous compos suck ass :)
User Comment
Submitted by Higgie on 15 July 2008
around 2:55 this kicks ass. i think the snare drum should have had a higher pitch and a shorter decay/release. otherwise this tune is cool.
User Comment
Submitted by dalezy on 15 July 2008
stylewise, another milestone in c64-music.
User Comment
Submitted by Oswald on 21 September 2006
I dont like this tune for starting so fucking awesome, and being so over repetitivedly dull after it :(
User Comment
Submitted by chatGPZ on 21 September 2006
...and i have no idea why this one didnt win the compo. shame.
User Comment
Submitted by jailbird on 21 September 2006
This is... WOW... FUCKIN AWESOME!!!

\:D| \:D> \:D/ |:D/ <:D/ \:D/
User Comment
Submitted by Burglar on 31 July 2006
I never give 10s, but this track is just perfect. /me bows
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