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DTV Kernal V0.4   [2007]

DTV Kernal V0.4 Released by :

Release Date :
1 July 2007

Type :

User rating:awaiting 8 votes (8 left)

Credits :
Code .... Peiselulli of Tristar & Red Sector Inc.

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Submitted by Peiselulli on 30 June 2007
README for Peiselulli's Kernal 0.4

Written by Ulrich Schulz <peiselulli@t-online.de>

"Peiselulli's Kernal" is a kernal that adds some new features to the DTV Kernal.
It is only tested with a PAL DTV (DTV3).

There are two versions included in this zip file:

Kernal.prg   : this kernal stays at 0x1fc000-0x200000 in RAM and a hook
               is installed at 0x018000-0x018100 in RAM to make it possible to
               execute it while pressing the left joystick button after
               releasing reset. First start simply with "run"

Kernal.flash : this kernal is for flashing it at 0x1fc000-0x200000 in flash.
               It can be run with DTVMON/DTVBOOT 0.7 or higher installed.
               See "http://www.kahlin.net/daniel/dtv/dtvmon.php" for more
Both kernals use 0x1f8000-0x1fc000 in RAM while saving or loading.

    - ZEE colorfix 
    - fast load : based on "dtv speed load" (thanks to TLR !)
                  25x load speed, but works only with device 8 !
                  Only tested with 1541 (I + II) and 1571.
                  loads everything into ram under the roms and the IO.
                  can load 254 block programs !
    - fast save : based on hypra-save (??)
                  (don't know how fast is it compared to original)
                  works with any device.
                  Only tested with 1541 (I + II).
                  saves everything from ram under the roms and the IO.
                  can save 254 block programs !
    - list directory from disk without loosing loaded programs.
                  replaces "PRG" with ",8,1" for easier loading (see function
    - list the *REAL* content of the flash directory.
                  The format of each content is the following:
             <loading start address> "<name>",1,1:<flash start address in hex> 
    - default device from basic is 8, not 1
    - "load" without filename loads the directory of device 8
    - "save" prompts with a small dialog to enter the filename if no parameter
                  is given.
                  This is very useful for saving large files without getting
                  the infamous "out of memory" error because basic cannot store
                  the filename. The filename is stored on the stack.
    - function keys:
            F1 : list directory in empty line, loads a program if a filename is
                 following. Easy to used with listed directories 
                 (try it and you understand it what I mean).
            F2 : run
            F3 : sys 4096* 8 (cursor is placed on the "8" to edit)
            F4 : save
            F5 : submit a floppy command
            F6 : read floppy status
            F7 : list (is the right button of the DTV)
            F8 : tool menu
     - shift+run/stop (=esc) starts the first program on drive 8
     - loading and saving addresses are printed in hex
   features of the tool menu:
        -change work device with F1 : this device is used for saving or all other
                                      disk operations
        -disable / enable fast load:
                      : enable or disable the fast loader (and saver) for incompatible
                        devices. "filecopy" in the menu is still with fast loader
        -filecopy     : can copy files from device 8 and the device 1 (the flash).
                        uses extra memory.
                        toggling the source device is done with F3
                        files are copied to work device
                        select files with space, return to start                        
        -fast format  : 8 sec format on work device (original from zipper of collision)
        -validate     : to validate disks selected by work device
        -scratch      : scratch multiple files on work device
                        select files with space, return to start
        -rename       : rename file on work device
                        select file with return
        -initialize   : initialize command submitted to work device
        -floppy reset : resets the floppy and display the version number of the dos
        -re-new       : simple old command for basic programs
        -jmp ($8000)  : because of the kernal does not recognize the "CBM80" code
                        at 0x8004, this function is included to run some
                        old games that uses the reset vector for starting.
                        "CBM80" is checked before at 0x8004
        -turbo mode on: enables the CPU turbo mode of the DTV (burst mode, no BAD line,
                           shorter execution time for instructions)
                        caution : some programs don't work with this (especailly 
                                  programs that uses the IEC bus)
        -turbo mode off:
                        disable CPU turbo mode
        -reenter to TMP-PTV :
                        if you program with the Turbo Macro Pro Assembler (version
                        is called "TMP PTV" then  you have sometimes the following
                        problem :
                        you own code messed up the computer and the callback to get
                        back into the TMP is lost after reset. This menu entry does
                        enter to the TMP if it is recognized.

V0.4 :  added new features
        ZEE colorfix added
        drive 8 is selected per default only if no drive was used before
        disable fast load possible
        new colors for menu
        work device from menu set as active device in normal kernal mode, too 
V0.3 :  many changes done for make it more compatible
        tool menu added
V0.2 :
        printing loading and saving addresses is added
V0.1 :
        initial version

Have fun ...

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