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Rapid Fire   [1989]

Rapid Fire Released by :

Release Date :
22 May 1989

Type :
C64 Crack

Proper release: Broken

User rating:awaiting 8 votes (8 left)

Credits :
Crack .... Zenda of Flash

Intro used in this crack:
DownloadFlash #1 intro (1989) by Flash

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Goof Info
Submitted by assiduous on 28 January 2008
> "I doubt this crack will work even on a real C64."

I just checked and it doesn't work on a real C64C. A fix is needed.
Goof Info
Submitted by iAN CooG on 28 January 2008
I doubt this crack will work even on a real C64. The problem is in a jsr $fd50 that overwrites the relocating routine.
Here's a quick fix, Vice monitor used:
** Monitor 000 000
(C:$ded7) break 810
BREAK: 1 C:$0810   enabled
(C:$ded7) x

Now load and run "RAPID FIRE /#1", monitor will pop up after unpacking
#1 (Break) .C:0810   A9 09      LDA #$09

** Monitor 057 031
(C:$0810) d 1f70 1f89
.C:1f70   20 A3 FD   JSR $FDA3
.C:1f73   20 15 FD   JSR $FD15
.C:1f76   20 5B FF   JSR $FF5B
.C:1f79   78         SEI
.C:1f7a   A2 00      LDX #$00
.C:1f7c   BD 90 1F   LDA $1F90,X
.C:1f7f   9D 50 03   STA $0350,X
.C:1f82   E8         INX
.C:1f83   E0 6F      CPX #$6F
.C:1f85   D0 F5      BNE $1F7C
.C:1f87   4C 50 03   JMP $0350
(C:$0810) d 1f90 1fa5
.C:1f90   A2 FF      LDX #$FF
.C:1f92   78         SEI
.C:1f93   9A         TXS
.C:1f94   D8         CLD
.C:1f95   E8         INX
.C:1f96   8E 16 D0   STX $D016
.C:1f99   20 A3 FD   JSR $FDA3
.C:1f9c   20 50 FD   JSR $FD50  ; this jsr overwrites $03xx!
.C:1f9f   20 15 FD   JSR $FD15
.C:1fa2   20 5B FF   JSR $FF5B
.C:1fa5   58         CLI
(C:$1fc2) > 1f9c 2c
(C:$1fc2) m 2b 30
>C:002b  01 08 20 6c  20 6c                                   .. l l
(C:$0031) s "rapidfire_0810.prg" 0 0801 6c20

now repack the saved file and use $0810 as startaddress
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