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Achievements :
WiLD Demo Competition at X'2001 : #1
Credits :
Code | .... | Aggressor of Padua |
| | Anonym of Padua |
| | Lubber of Padua |
Music | .... | Vip of 64ever, Cyberzound Productions, Padua, Raiders of the Lost Empire, Warriors of the Wasteland |
| | Waz of HVSC Crew, Padua, Zaw Productions |
Graphics | .... | Cupid of Hitmen, Padua |
| | MAD of Padua, The Ancient Temple |
| | Vip of 64ever, Cyberzound Productions, Padua, Raiders of the Lost Empire, Warriors of the Wasteland |
Idea | .... | Vip of 64ever, Cyberzound Productions, Padua, Raiders of the Lost Empire, Warriors of the Wasteland |
Charset | .... | Arena of Padua |
SIDs used in this release :
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Production Info Submitted by anonym on 27 June 2020
In 2001, X had an intro remake competition. This was our entry for this one. Why remake one intro when you get the gang together and remake two ;-) and then add a little story...
This was a true and fun group effort. | Production Info Submitted by Waz on 27 February 2003
Producing the music was good fun with this one. Vip started off with his pieces of music, and then sent the disk over to me for me to do my parts, then once done, I sent the disk back for him to finish and do the final tweaking. Now, the thing is, he uses an 8580, I use a 6581, so really you could do with watching this demo with an old and new C64 to hear the difference in the tunes.
The stylistic differences between Vip and me really come out here, and they are intentional. It's to further emphasise the whole point of the demo. | Production Info Submitted by anonym on 1 April 2002
Team work wise this was the biggest success for Padua ever. As Vip came up with the idea, we discussed this internally on our mailinglist, gathered a lot of input. It was a lot of fun, also working out the code together with Lubber and Aggressor. |
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