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Late Ejaculation   [2002]

Late Ejaculation Released by :
Elysium [web]

Release Date :
6 October 2002

Type :
C64 Demo

Released At :
North Party V7.0

Achievements :
C64 Demo Competition at North Party V7.0 :  #2

User rating:********__  8.4/10 (13 votes)   See votestatistics

Credits :
Code .... Brush of Elysium
  Hain of Elysium, Fantastic 4 Cracking Group, Peters Studio Commodore, Talent
  Morris of Elysium, Fantastic 4 Cracking Group
Music .... Longhair of Elysium
  Touldie of Elysium
  Vip of 64ever, Cyberzound Productions, Padua, Raiders of the Lost Empire, Warriors of the Wasteland
  Wizard of Crystal Sound, Elysium
Graphics .... Carrion of Elysium
  Cresh of Elysium, Taboo
  Gryf of Elysium
  Jetboy of Elysium
Loader .... K.M. of Taboo

SIDs used in this release :
North Party 3 (compo tune 2)(/MUSICIANS/L/Longhair/North_Party_3_compo_tune_2.sid)
North Party 3 Compotune(/MUSICIANS/T/Touldie/North_Party_3_Compotune.sid)

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User Comment
Submitted by Carrion on 5 December 2018
I'm pretty sure Jetboy Coded some parts for this. F&.king fractal and morphing girls are two parts coded by him IIRC.
He is credited for gfx but I think he should be also credited for the coding. I guess...

Can anyone (ESM guys?) confirm that?

btw: Watched the demo again today. It's a shame we didn't managed to do it together with Taboo, as planed.
User Comment
Submitted by Sith on 16 February 2018
Some cool parts. Glad this was still released. Nice SIDs too.
User Comment
Submitted by Brush on 26 July 2011
I've just read an old review by HCL in Attitude #7 and i thought i may actually reply to some of his points here (years later, but who cares).

First i mostly agree with your comments and i actually think you were too soft on us :)

Now some comments:

1. Really, don't treat the text on the beginning as an excuse - it was not really a "demo release" rathern than a "preservation release". Would you rather preffer for the parts to rot down on my disks :) I wanted to push it out with the minimum cost possible as i was out of the business. Was it possible to make it better? Sure! Were the parts worth it? I would question it..

2. 184 or 118 or whatever plots. Real answer is: i was young and my english grammar sucked. I really meant 184 but wrote egithteen :) Now, was it 184 or 178 and the answer is 178 - i was missing some cycles when added music and i went the easy route while linking and just removed 6 plots. And was too lazy to fix the text as it was already packed etc.

3. The music sounded like custom made because it was custom made. When i had the stuff linked together back then - i gave it to Touldie and he was composing and timing the music to the demo. These 2 tunes were his best IMHO.

4. The bugs on the borders are caused by my old trusty TV not the emulator. This demo was programmed (and mostly linked) on the real thing and on my tv i've barely seen maybe 3-3.5 chars on the side border :) Illmatic was done on emu this crap was way older. And frankly the rotator & vector plots were actually done in the AR monitor. At some point, without ram expansion or another c64 with cable it was easier to do the whole thing in the monitor when it becase too big to fit in the mem with tasm. Yeah, i would not do it again :)
User Comment
Submitted by psych on 27 March 2009
Great soundtrack,and few cool effects.
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