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Playing God: Exhibit A   [2009]

Playing God: Exhibit A Released by :
Onslaught [web]

Release Date :
31 December 2009

Type :
C64 Graphics  (FLI)

User rating:*********_  8.5/10 (18 votes)   See votestatistics
*********_  9.3/10 (8 votes) - Public votes only.

Credits :
Graphics .... Deev of Onslaught
Design .... Deev of Onslaught

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User Comment
Submitted by Twoflower on 12 September 2010
Wow, completely missed this. What a nice piece of FLI!
User Comment
Submitted by Deev on 11 September 2010
Darth Plagueis: I said "several religions", the God/6 days thing doesn't necessarily represent my own beliefs :)

Booker: I agree, it doesn't work for me anymore either, ah well..something better (I hope!), coming sooooooon!
User Comment
Submitted by Frantic on 2 September 2010
Saw this one for the first time now. Pretty nice! There is certainly something unique about it.
User Comment
Submitted by plagueis on 1 September 2010
nice idea for the landscape "heap hunks"! Good looking stuff, and Deev, you might want to suppliment that Origin with some Dawkins. :)
User Comment
Submitted by booker on 5 January 2010
Great to see your work again Deev.

For some reason though, this one doesn't work for me.
User Comment
Submitted by The MeatBall on 31 December 2009
Refreshing! Excellent and beautiful. Nice job!
User Comment
Submitted by Yazoo on 31 December 2009
it grows on me. i am checking this pic for the 3rd time now and start to really like it. very good job.
User Comment
Submitted by Joe on 31 December 2009
Beautiful landscape!
User Comment
Submitted by Archmage on 31 December 2009
Very nice, Deev. Good depth and the trees are just fine. And a pat on the back for being original when it comes to subject matter too. You had me thinking. Here's to doing something in 2010! :)
User Comment
Submitted by Skate on 31 December 2009
looks perfect to me. nothing wrong with the trees btw.
User Comment
Submitted by Deev on 31 December 2009
yesss...it's probably not a good sign when someone has to ask what a quarter of your picture is supposed to be! :)
User Comment
Submitted by Medicus on 31 December 2009
The mountains are perfect. What are those green/white-things? Trees?
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Submitted by The Shadow on 31 December 2009
The mountains are beautiful :)
User Comment
Submitted by Hermit on 30 December 2009
B E A U T I F U L !
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Submitted by Deev on 30 December 2009
Several religions believe their God created the universe in 6 days. This little slice of *my* own world took around 4 months. Whilst I perhaps like to rest a little more frequently than every 7 days, that’s still an inefficient use of time, and let’s be honest, I ripped off the existing template quite heavily! If this God guy does turn out to be real, I’m probably in even more legal hot water than those guys who spent the 90s ripping off the works of Boris Vallejo. A little bed time reading of “Origin of Species” might be in order, to help me sleep easier.

This was originally intended for release at Syntax, but missed that deadline by some way. I spent a lot of time these past few weeks tweaking things again and again, and whilst I still might not be 100% happy with everything, there comes a time to push the baby out of the pixel nest! Besides, 2009 is my tenth year active in the scene and it would be a shame if I didn’t celebrate by releasing at least one thing before the year is out!

I’d also like to point out this is quite possibly the first picture I ever produced that uses all 16 colours, so I hope for once there’ll be no comments about not utilising the gfx mode!

My current pixelling-pace suggests I’ll be back with something new around February 2011, so I hope you all enjoy the new year!
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