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Cartograph V1.4   [2010]

Cartograph V1.4 Released by :
Arkanix Labs [web]

Release Date :
14 March 2010

Type :
C64 Tool


Website :

User rating:awaiting 8 votes (7 left)   See votestatistics

Credits :
Code .... Fuzz of Arkanix Labs, Pseudo-soft Works, Retro64
Idea .... aNdy of Arkanix Labs, FunkScientist Productions, Retro64
  Fuzz of Arkanix Labs, Pseudo-soft Works, Retro64
  Moloch of Arkanix Labs, Armageddon, Driven Staff, Retro64
  Warlock of Arkanix Labs, Retro64
Docs .... Moloch of Arkanix Labs, Armageddon, Driven Staff, Retro64
  Warlock of Arkanix Labs, Retro64
Test .... aNdy of Arkanix Labs, FunkScientist Productions, Retro64
  Moloch of Arkanix Labs, Armageddon, Driven Staff, Retro64
  Warlock of Arkanix Labs, Retro64

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Submitted by Moloch on 14 March 2010
Cartograph V1.4 Changelog:
[March 14, 2010]

- New: Support for CartographPC filetypes.
- New: Sample source code to display full screen map.
- New: Save character set as part of project file if a custom one is in use.

- Fixed: Color table was saving 4 extra bytes, these have been trimmed off.

Cartograph V1.3 Changelog:
[January 31, 2010]

- New: REU support to create a "backup" and "undo" feature.
- New: REU "autobackup" implemented, includes on/off toggle.
- New: Dual mode export... convert or convert and compress with RLE.
- New: Seven fill modes. 1x1, 1x2, 2x1 and 2x2 random/pattern fills.
- New: Sample NES Zelda 2 clone level included on disk.

- Updated: Increase to fifteen datatypes instead of nine.

- Fixed: flood fill fix now fills all the way to the left.
- Fixed: preview maps while in datatype mode sometimes reverted to normal color table.
- Fixed: font pointer saved in data file, font will automatically change when data file or project is loaded.
- Fixed: "converted file is only 1 block" bug fixed.

Cartograph V1.2 Changelog:
[December 4, 2009]

- New: "Data Types" support has been built in.
- New: press spacebar to print a space on the screen.
- New: top window changes color depending on which editing mode you are in. Gray = regular edit, blue = data edit.

- Fixed: the z-bug is fixed, we can now load files with z in the file name.
- Fixed: menu has been updated to American only spelling and the version # is now located in the bottom right corner (web site removed)
- Fixed: 40x25 screenshot save was not saving the very last byte, now it is.
- Fixed: project loader used to abort if an error was found (ie file not found). It now continues through and still tries to load all remaining project files.
- Fixed: when editing in multicolor mode and then going into menu, some text would appear in multicolor instead of hires.

Cartograph V1.1 Changelog:
[October 24, 2009]

- New: converter tool is now built directly into editor (export feature) and will convert a map from 256x128 (Cartograph standard) to whichever size is specified in the preset menu.
- New: centering feature to jump to the very middle of the map in editing mode.

- Updated: menu screen to include the map converter.
- Updated: minor color touchups to the filename requestor box in the menu.

- Fixed: a startup bug where the map size is different than what is specified in the preset menu.
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