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2nd Reality
Released At :
The Party 1997
Achievements :
C64 Demo Competition at The Party 1997 : #1
Credits :
SIDs used in this release :
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User Comment Submitted by Slajerek on 25 February 2017
This is one of my favourite demos on C64 ever. Better than Comaland in design style and overall flow. I was blown by the original PC version at the days, but I remember that feeling when they did this brilliant C64 port and I started it for the first time. That was a blast. ;-) | User Comment Submitted by Sith on 22 February 2017
So this is a port? Never seen the original.
I really love the techno SIDs. Some cool stuff in here. I particularly liked the + plotter with ground shadows.
The clean break in the intro picture shouldn't have been there; that's ugly. | User Comment Submitted by NecroPolo on 13 September 2015 User Comment Submitted by Yzi on 9 March 2015
The music in this remake is incredible, particularly part 4. It is actually better than the original s3m. I don't really like fake sample orchestras with violins and timpani and all that stuff, it should have been an electronic tune, and the sid version is more like what it should have been. One of the best sids ever. | User Comment Submitted by Jak T Rip on 12 February 2011
I am one of those who have first seen the C64 version and then the original. And I must say the original was the bigger disappointment...!
Well, the code was done in a rush like all AEG demos. Still, the design and execution is quite good and the demo is very enjoyable. Many individual parts cool have been improved alot, but they serve their purpose still.
As for the music I must reject to what DK said: I AM COMPLETELY AMAZED. This IMHO ranks among the 3 best demo music scores ever made on the C64. I cannot believe anyone could ever disagree about that... As well, I do not like the original music half as much as it feels more "remix" like to me.
DK: The end part does not bug on my end, you must have a bad copy. | User Comment Submitted by Oswald on 24 December 2006
jailbird, AEG finished the demo faster than kb the music for it, so you get an idea of the work put into it..... | User Comment Submitted by jailbird on 22 December 2006
It's nice to see a 486 demo converted to the sixtyfour but what was a milestone on the PC - turned to be a bit boring and unpolished curiosity on the commy. Respect for the work which was put in this product! | User Comment Submitted by DeeKay on 22 December 2006
Kudos for porting this to c64, the PC'ers atleast seem to enjoy this very much, which good for the c64 in general. However, the execution is pretty lackluster: It is buggy (endscroller wraps into random memory, seams in landscape in the intropicture etc) and the choice of 4-color pictures for most parts (landscape, 2nd reality intropic, Raytrace/Sword, End-Picture, End-Screenshots) just leaves me asking "Why?". What's more: Many of the parts can and have been done much better/faster/smoother on the c64, sometimes even *years* earlier already: Lens-Effect (Justintime/Graffity and other demos), Zoomrotator, Interference parts (e.g. Graham), Voxel Landscape (countless demos), Plasma (8x8? Why??), Glenzvectors, dot-tunnel and more... Some of the parts run so slow that you can actually watch the screen refresh left to right, which is totally unacceptable IMHO.
The "another way to scroll" is nice and probably the best and only c64-worldfirst-effect of the demo, but from what i heard Axis/Oxy coded the whole part, however he's not credited at all!
The music is really nice and i enjoyed it lots cause i love the original (like many others), although it has to be said that if you play it to c64 sceners that don't know the original they don't seem to be so amazed... | User Comment Submitted by Raf on 12 October 2006
the original demo run fine on 386dx 40mhz , 2mb ram and soundblaster... here you have similiar effects at actually much slower machine ;-) personally I think that music is covered most properly compared to visual effects , perfomance and synchronization of original demo. | User Comment Submitted by Optimus on 19 May 2006
Strange I don't see any comments for this. Well,. ok it's a conversion of a classic and for those who know the original, this one is a favorite watch. But for those who've seen several classic C64 demos, they know that some of the effects are ugglier or slower than what the C64 can really do. I still wonder about the bad voxel scape, blocky sphere mapping and few other stuff that I believe they could be done better. Though it's a nice surprise for us PC sceners and kebby's music kicks ass!!! |
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