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Onslaught Cover 01   [2010]

Onslaught Cover 01 Released by :
Deadbone, Onslaught [web]

Release Date :
25 April 2010

Type :
C64 Disk Cover

User rating:awaiting 8 votes (7 left)   See votestatistics

Credits :
Concept .... Deadbone of Hype
Paper Art .... Deadbone of Hype

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User Comment
Submitted by DeadBone / Hype on 9 May 2010
OK Mace, point taken. I take it that perhaps you prefer I dont write so much in my comments on my own productions. Im sorry, I didnt realise there was any un-official rule on the length of my commnts. I am aware that im known for writing rather lengthy notes, anyone who emails me would know this, even from the oldskool days, id write page after page of notes to my contacts. I just assumed some might be interested in the thoughts of the artist, as I know I often am. I agree I did write a lot, but you know what, if a large block of text disturbs you, dont read it, sorry. I look forward to any further comments on my art, or my text. Thanks for coming to my defence Jazzcat, ill take your advice onboard too, about maybe filling in the back too. Thanks to the (so far) 37 other people who have downloaded this cover of mine, that brightens my day, to know some people out there like my art enuff to download it. Ciao
User Comment
Submitted by Jazzcat on 28 April 2010
Mace: because he can :D

Nice work Bevan! Next cover please also do the back of it too, although the concept of less is giving me more somehow works here I think.
User Comment
Submitted by Mace on 27 April 2010
A picture says more than a 1000 words.
Why do both?
User Comment
Submitted by DeadBone / Hype on 27 April 2010
Oops, I mentioned in my other comment that the download file looks much fuzzier than my original touched up scan, but I was only going off the version you see online when you click the small version at top left of this page. Ive since seen the version that comes in the downloadable zip file and its much better, so I urge you to download the zip to get the authentic much better version, and again I urge you to please take a moment to leave a short comment or feedback. I would REALLY appreciate it, bigtime! Also, I have to say, that I left the speech bubble blank, so that like the old days, you could add your own comment to the guy your sending the cover to, or your addy, or the disk contents, or some might be inspired to fill in the speech bubble with what the whacked out wasted zombie looking guy might be saying, btw thats supposed to be his brains popping out of the gash on the right side (his left) of his head, but it didnt turn out that clear, I almost added the word 'brains' next to his head, but decided to leave it as is. So in your feedback, if you can, if you have anything to say about me (or indeed any other c64 graphician) trying to do a real comic book, would you consider supporting it? Would you be tempted to buy a copy online, or if in Australia (like me) would you buy it in a comic book store (Dont know how id go trying to get copies into European or American comic book stores) And how much would you be willing to pay $5 US, more? I just dont know what costs will be yet, what the markets like etc. I have done 2 business courses so far, but havent really done much reasearch into this particular industry, especially homebrew, amatuer or independant comic scene. Obviously costs and finances, pricing etc. will be a big part of it when it comes to getting things printed and bound, shipped etc, not that im in this for the money, its a passion and a hobby for me, but Id like to atleast cover my costs, any profits would be a bonus and help with continuing the project, releasing further issues. So if anyone has any tips, advice or can offer help with mainly the printing costs side of things, or help in setting up a label, a brand name for all future productions, any assistance anyone could offer would be a great help, maybe someone out there has a bit of experience in this field, or maybe has contacts in a relevant industry. Help a scener if you can, we are a community after all. Maybe you just have some cool internet links that might help in some way, so if you have anything to offer, get back to me thru here, or via my email deadbone@gmail.com Thank you all for your time and all your inspirational works. The c64 is dead, Long live the c64 scene and its fruits and various offshoots from sceners into various fields of work on this amazing planet!!!

Rock the world c64 people, unite and have an impact in this world! Peace and Love, everyone.
User Comment
Submitted by DeadBone / Hype on 27 April 2010
Firstly, im the designer of this really quck cover I did as a favour to my good friend Jazzcat/Onslaught. I really have to thank him for his support and encouragement to get back into the c64 scene, altho slowly, and this diskcover is just a part of my thanks to Jazzcat, look out for more little presents from me to Onslaught, whether it be logos, fullscreens, or more diskcovers, who knows? whatever inspiration takes me to. Amyway, about the cover, id really appreciate it if some of those who download it, or even just views it, if perhaps they could leave any short feedback (or long) tho ive noticed that the download file look much fuzzier than the original scan, so take that into account when judging it. I started by drawing the head of the guy, and I admit that I 'borrowed' parts of the mouth especially, and the ears, eyes and nose from a variety of comic images, but looking at it you would barely recognise the character ive done, from any of the source images, and unlike 'sampling' in the music industry, instead of cutting and pasting of the original sounds or elements of a song(s) instead ive made the character my own, by drawing the elements borrowed from scratch, no tracing or scanning or anything, so I think im safe there, after all they say, 'borrowing from one source is called plagiarism, but borrowing from multiple sources is called research!!' Hehehe. Anyway, after adding the body and being quite happy with it, as I sometimes suck there, stuffing up the anatomy sometimes, or just making it bland, but here I think I did ok. Then I did the speach bubble and the rather simple Onslaught logo (which i didnt even use a ruler for, which is unlike me) But I always wanted to do that simple kind of logo, and Onslaught being a kinda long name to fit on a diskcover, so I just did what I did. Then I just had to fill up the page with my 'trademarked' swirly dot patterns that I designed years ago and have used to popular effect several times over the years in some of my fave pics. So there yo go, thats my thoughts on my latest disk cover, except one last thing, its actually inspired me to give it a go and see if I have what it takes to produce, write and ink my very own full black and white comic book, something ive always wanted to do, so thats why I really would appreciate some feedback, any at all, positive or negative. Thanks all for taking the time to read this, and please download my diskcover, it makes me smile to see my numbers go up, and leave feedback if you can. Btw, look for my last diskcover, the Deadbone of Hype Alien Diskcover #01 which I did last year, and look for more of my work coming on here soon.
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