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MK II [spanish]   [2011]

MK II [spanish] Released by :
Los Burros del Soft [web]

Release Date :
9 April 2011

Type :
C64 Game

Website :

User rating:awaiting 8 votes (5 left)   See votestatistics

Credits :
Code .... Lobogris of Los Burros del Soft
  Rulas International of Los Burros del Soft, Revive
Music .... Yogibear of Los Burros del Soft
Graphics .... Rulas International of Los Burros del Soft, Revive
Design .... Lobogris of Los Burros del Soft
  Rulas International of Los Burros del Soft, Revive
Idea .... Rulas International of Los Burros del Soft, Revive
Text .... Rulas International of Los Burros del Soft, Revive
Charset .... Lobogris of Los Burros del Soft
Loader .... Lobogris of Los Burros del Soft
Translation .... Almighty God of Ancients Pledge Inc., Inside, Level 64, Onslaught, Vandalism News Staff

SIDs used in this release :
MK II(/MUSICIANS/W/Wijnhoven_Joachim/MK_II.sid)

Scrolltext and other text in this release : ()
Game in 2 parts, 2nd needs password (get it completing 1st part)

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User Comment
Submitted by Lobogris on 31 January 2012
I've fixed a minor bug with the sounds in title screen for 8580 chip. The link is updated

I haven't added it as a new version because it is a very little fix ;)
User Comment
Submitted by The Shadow on 12 April 2011
Very good production :)
User Comment
Submitted by Celtic on 11 April 2011
Music is great, go Yogibear! Gfx are great too. Where they done by this Rulas and shouldnt he be credited for them? Very nice!
User Comment
Submitted by Twoflower on 11 April 2011
Nice to see another gamebook-ish game surface - this time even beeing an original adventure. Nice, pleasant interface and tunes paired with good graphics. Can't say too much about the story for obvious reasons. :-) Best of luck with the translation - last time this happened, no translation ever surfaced (Das Duell der Piraten).
User Comment
Submitted by Bieno on 11 April 2011
Great game and super intro tune !!!
User Comment
Submitted by josepzin on 10 April 2011
The story & graphics are inspired by many sci-fi films and books :)

Galactica, Terror planet, 2001, Pandorum, etc.

THe english version is necesary!
User Comment
Submitted by Lobogris on 10 April 2011
@TheRyk: This is a science fiction adventure, enlivened with excellent graphics and sounds. Regarding the gameplay, is presented in the form of selectable options (like a book-adventure) and is aimed at providing a great experience with which to feed your imagination, rather than to present a great challenge to the more adventurous, because do not expect to find here an old style classic text adventure with inventories, labyrinthine maps to explore or tricky puzzles to solve , but rather you'll find an interactive story very atmospheric and well set, full of surprises and fantastic situations.

@Jack: I'm glad you like it. I love it too. Rulas is learning fast the secrets of the c64 pixels as you see, and Yogi ... well you know, he extracts magic from the SID ;D Thanks for your kind words to all!
User Comment
Submitted by Jak T Rip on 10 April 2011
Hey Wolf & Bear,

I'm impressed how much progress you already made!! Great work, dudes... and I also like the style of the graphics a lot.
User Comment
Submitted by Jammer on 10 April 2011
i expected mortal kombat ;)
User Comment
Submitted by TheRyk on 10 April 2011
Muy bien!

Unfortunately my Spanish is rather poor, so I do not really understand the game. What is it? Is it an adventure game?

Really good pics and excellent title music, anyway. Looking 4wd to English and German versions!
User Comment
Submitted by Yogibear on 10 April 2011
@iAN CooG: Thanx! This makes me wanna compose more for 64!
User Comment
Submitted by Lobogris on 10 April 2011
We are working on the English and German versions of MKII. I must say also that this version of the game was made in a hurry, to be available in Retro Encounter 2011, as a preview. So in the near future we will release the physical versions and that will be the final ones. Well, the game is completely finished here as it is, but we will add some things like two new sountracks by Yogi Bear (he and Roland are making it just right now), and we will correct some bugs (if some escaped to me).

@ian Coog: Ops! Yes I forgot to hide the program a little more (I had that in my todo list!) because I had a date to deliver this version. In the physical version I will compile the whole game and it will be harder to read that things ;) Thanks to pointing me to notice that.
User Comment
Submitted by iAN CooG on 9 April 2011
Wow a nice new tune by Yogibear
I've already ripped it =)
Oh and also the pics are good.
Not that hard to find the password for part b =)
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