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Airborne Ranger +8DIR   [2011]

Airborne Ranger +8DIR Released by :
Nostalgia [web]

Release Date :
8 May 2011

Type :
C64 Crack

#073, Airborne Ranger +8DIR [easyflash]

User rating:awaiting 8 votes (4 left)   See votestatistics

Credits :
Crack .... S!R of Nostalgia
Trainer .... S!R of Nostalgia
Loader .... 6R6 of Nostalgia, SHAPE
  S!R of Nostalgia
Docs .... Jazzcat of First Blood Entertainment, Onslaught, Onslaught-Antiques, Vandalism News Staff
Test .... Erhan of Nostalgia

Intro used in this crack:
DownloadNostalgia Intro (Paragon) by Nostalgia

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User Comment
Submitted by e5frog on 9 September 2012
Finally had some more time playing it. After the fourth successful mission the selection screen bugged out, got a single bar of crap characters instead of the usual name list. :-(
Tried shutting C64 down and restart but the list is now coming up with the same bug every time.
Was running it from an Alien Flash though, perhaps something in the save messed up.
I reflashed with the fixed version just to be sure but this time I only managed to play it once and then the list had crashed again.

So I reflashed the AlienFlash so the ranger list went back to normal again. Tried it in a breadbin C64, this one with a Swedish character rom and kernal. Couldn't get past the cheat screen. No bar blinking or visible until I pressed cursor key, only up worked and the white highlight wasn't flashing.
So, tried it on my other C64C and everything was good until after the successful mission briefing. Text disappeared and the red border with the text above was just flashing continuously. Waiting maybe 20 seconds and still flashing I reset and restarted, list was broken again with just a character height bar of black animated crap characters instead of a list of names and grades... :-(

How about you other guys have you successfully played it on a PAL machine?

All PAL machines and the PAL logo was showing on the intro screen.

EDIT again.
Swapped flash roms in my real EasyFlash to a pair of AM29040B (more modern, faster). Worked on the first try, no more save crashes. Also cleaned the cartridge port of the C64C, I whish the 1541U-II had gold connectors instead of the tinned ones.
Looks good for now, if there's another crash I'll do another edit, not that it seems anyone looks here anymore.
User Comment
Submitted by lemming on 8 June 2011
Brilliant timing for the fix too, I had a day-off from work today and just spent _6 hours_ playing this cart :-D
Ah, the pleasure. Truly a perfect release!
(protip: If you fail your a mission and don't want your ranger to be 'KIA' in your roster, reset C64 during post-mission report screen ;)
User Comment
Submitted by e5frog on 8 June 2011
Yes, looks good now, thanks for the quick fix!
User Comment
Submitted by lemming on 8 June 2011
Many thanks for the fix2, I had the same problem as e5frog actually (tested on three different carts and several C64-setups), the "COM1 COM2 BSTR SSTR DSC CMH Campaign" flashing there etc..
But this one works perfectly, yay!!! :)
User Comment
Submitted by Ksubi on 7 June 2011
update: We've added a .crt image now that includes a default roster, so you dont need to import one.
User Comment
Submitted by e5frog on 7 June 2011
I used my eprom programmer and made two bin files from the .crt with crt2chip. There were two parts as usual in the .crt as far as I could see, nothing special (8000 and A000).

For the AlienFlash I used the afgui from afapack-1.0.

I have A.R. on original and IIRC there's a default list when making a rooster disk. But I'll try and import a roster, see what happens... I would have thought there was something by default.

It's blank when running it in VICE as well. If I go down the invisible list (only Cancel is displayed) to the bottom I need to press three times up before I reach "Cancel" again. So it seems something is there - it's just not visible.

After playing a round I have the same appearance in VICE as with the real carts, a little more visible though. Top row says "COM1 COM2 BSTR SSTR DSC CMH Campaign" with occasional flashing of my player's last name and score on top of that.

So two different carts and emulation behave the same, doesn't that qualify as a bug? ;-)

Importing from a roster disk in VICE seems to solve this problem but if that's a necessary step I think it should be possible to make a default roster from the cart or that there already was one to begin with.
User Comment
Submitted by sailor on 5 June 2011
how did you write your .crt to the EF?

A wild guess would be that the roster-file is missing. You could either import it from an old disk or reflash the cart.

I have a proper selection menu here on mine...
User Comment
Submitted by e5frog on 5 June 2011
Great not having the load times.

Noticed something odd though, when assigning a ranger, the selection screen is blank with just Cancel as an option, or there's a flashing row with some military grade abbreviations. If not choosing Cancel you get a new screen. It says "Retire this Ranger" or "Cancel". Retire?
It should say Assign instead, right? Or "Assign a new Ranger"? Took me a while before I figured that out so I could add my own Ranger.

After running a round and trying to select my Ranger there's the flashing again, I can make out my points and last name of my Ranger. Same flashing on a single row of text no matter if Cancel is selected or my player. If I move six or seven times down in "the list" I get a highlight on my Ranger's name after moving up four steps, fifth time "Cancel" turns white.

So it seems there is some kind of list there but it's bugging.

After trying it on a plain Easy Flash as well as my Alien Flash and on two C64C, a C64G and a C646 I have concluded it doesn't seem to be related to the hardware.

So hoping for a bug fix here.

Still playable, a little annoying though.
User Comment
Submitted by Yogibear on 11 May 2011
neat stuff!
User Comment
Submitted by 6R6 on 9 May 2011
** EF download was removed because of a problem. **
** New EF download added. **

User Comment
Submitted by Rough on 9 May 2011
Very nice, after the first N0 crack was truly lame.
User Comment
Submitted by Skoe on 9 May 2011
Ah, another interesting EasyFlash production. Very nice, thank you!
User Comment
Submitted by Moloch on 9 May 2011
Wow, another one of my favorites! Great job, will give this a go tonight. Also, glad to see an Easyflash version, this will make lots of guys happy.
User Comment
Submitted by lemming on 9 May 2011
TOO HOT! I love it!!!
Now the only problem I have is the urge to quit my job and go home and play this. :D
User Comment
Submitted by Ksubi on 9 May 2011
Slator: indeed, there's the easyflash version here and the n0sd0s version also... take your pick :)
User Comment
Submitted by Slator on 9 May 2011
finally it is out, great stuff. thanks for supporting the EF.
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