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Canabalt (Unofficial) [2011] |
Released by : Mr. SID
Release Date :
27 November 2011
Type : C64 Game
Videosystem: PAL only
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User Comment Submitted by Rastah Bar on 12 April 2013
I noticed the same bug as mACTROn and Heavy Stylus did. Also sometimes the guy won't jump (at least not immediately) when i press space or the fire button. | User Comment Submitted by Rastah Bar on 10 April 2013 User Comment Submitted by nooly on 18 March 2012
one of the best c64 games ever :] | User Comment Submitted by Zaxxon1 on 10 January 2012
Canabalt unofficial is, in my opinion, better then iOS version. | User Comment Submitted by Yogibear on 3 December 2011
Like the feel of speed in this! | User Comment Submitted by Mr. SID on 2 December 2011
Thanks guys for all the positive comments! | User Comment Submitted by Falcon soft on 2 December 2011
This is a very nice game. Good job! | User Comment Submitted by Wile Coyote on 30 November 2011
I am also looking forward to playing the Paulko64 version.
After watching the preview on YouTube I had to admit, I prefer black to dark grey on the main player sprite.
The birds look great on both versions. | User Comment Submitted by PAL on 29 November 2011 User Comment Submitted by Viscid on 29 November 2011
I got some problems with the firebutton, too. Not too often, but repeatable. Nice game... There is still Monkey Island to be converted (*hint*)! Hehe... | User Comment Submitted by Asphodel on 28 November 2011
Ha, fantastic! I cant' believe I played a C64 game for almost two hours straight (well, not very recently anyway)! I still have to realize that's it was actually a 64 game I was engaged in! Briljant music; briljant conversion!
On a side note: I too had the idea somtimes that the fire button wasnt working..but maybe I was just too slow (mostly) | User Comment Submitted by Tom-Cat on 28 November 2011
Just one remark... I am not sure if it is just me or not - I tried playing with 3 different joysticks and the space button... but it seems that sometimes the jump is not registered (maybe once every 5 games or so). Happens also to me when using WinVice. It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't of vital importance ;-) Anyone else noticed this "bug" or is it just me ? | User Comment Submitted by Skate on 28 November 2011
gameplay is really good.
mr.sid seems to like finishing unfinished c64 game projects before others do. i'd better keep my "Duke Nukem Forever 64" project secret. ;) | User Comment Submitted by Tom-Cat on 28 November 2011
Just saw the video of an "almost final" version by Paulko64 ... and it does look great too. Has collapsing buildings, plane and falling satellite, birds plus cranes. Altough I like the music in Mr.Sid version MUCH more :) but - can't wait to see the other version too.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jID05by7gw4 | User Comment Submitted by hedning on 28 November 2011
My students have played it all day! I have a c64 in a corner here at work. | User Comment Submitted by Ksubi on 28 November 2011
Great job! So enjoyable! I'm playing this more than PoP! encore's music is brilliant, love it!! 10/10! | User Comment Submitted by Cresh on 28 November 2011
What Paul Bearer said.
Well done, guys! | User Comment Submitted by Paul Bearer on 28 November 2011
I don't even like the original (fun for about 30 seconds, I say), but this is excellent. Not only technically great, but the game is actually a lot more fun to me than the Flash version. | User Comment Submitted by Digger on 27 November 2011
I love the pigeons taking off... Awesome feel, I will try on a real machine tomorrow, 50 FPS on MacVice is not quite stable ;-)
Mr.SID you're an amazing man, two such releases in such a short time! | User Comment Submitted by aNdy on 27 November 2011 User Comment Submitted by Zielok on 27 November 2011
Another great game by Mr.Sid! Thank you! | User Comment Submitted by Heavy Stylus on 27 November 2011
11+ Points for the music!
Having now played both versions back to back, in this version really I love the intro, score saving and music - and I'm impressed with the additions that have been made since your post on the forums! :)
However, I honestly prefer Paulko64's - although it is a *very* close fight. Paul's version has correct scale gfx (the bombs and ship are not the right size here, which in the latter case does affect gameplay a tad) and the lack of collisions with ceilings and sides of buildings** seems odd. I'm very impressed with the birds, but the smashing windows could have been done better aesthetically.
Anyway, thumbs up from me! Paulko64's version will be out in the early hours of the 1st of December GMT for all of you in NTSCLand. :)
(Oh and it would be an honour to have you involved in next year's compo Mr SID!)
** Edit - weird, not sure if I imagined it or found a bug, but on one of my first goes a mis-judged jump had me sail through the side of a building instead of stopping when hitting the side... can't seem to replicate it. | User Comment Submitted by Mr. SID on 27 November 2011
@Paulko64: Yes, it's funny how certain decisions you make at the beginning influence you all the way until the end. The flash version has a very wide aspect ratio, but limits what you see above and below the player. On the iOS version they didn't change the horizontal resolution, but added those bits above and below, not to change the gameplay. I've decided that that's a better fit to the aspect ratio of the C64. So I went with that.
Also I didn't use the source code, so I had to guess accelerations, speeds and gravitation.
Anyway, it feels like back in the 80s, where sometimes two different companies in the US and Europe made an arcade conversion. It will be very interesting for me to play your version. | User Comment Submitted by Tom-Cat on 27 November 2011
Very nice. :) The only that it is missing is the parallax... otherwise very playable, very similar to the original but... in my opinion better than the original... since that one lacked the smoothness of this version. | User Comment Submitted by TheRyk on 27 November 2011
+one more thing I love: the dark and grey industrial seaside town skyline reminds me of my dull hometown Kiel/Northern Germany (though you couldn't run so many km there without leaving the docks) :) | User Comment Submitted by Exploding First on 27 November 2011
Really fine animations!!! | User Comment Submitted by G-Fellow on 27 November 2011
Really cool conversion from the original and I like the music and graphic ofcourse, the coding seems also be very good(I'am not a coder), but I think the scrolling is alot faster than the original flash game of Canabalt that you can play in the internet. The scrolling is so fast that I get dizzy. xD | User Comment Submitted by leonofsgr on 27 November 2011
cool idea, cool music, fast gameplay, brilliant grey colorz combo, 10/10
thanx dudez! \o/ | User Comment Submitted by Paulko64 on 27 November 2011
So Andreas, you did found some time to include the collapsing buildings, falling bomb, and flying jet ;-)
I think you took the iOS version as baseline, while I focussed more on the original flash version. Also my version is not scaled down...
I am impressed with the title screen, hi-score list, and the music. However, to be honest there are some things that could have been done better. F.e. I understand why you used black as a background color (otherwise a hires background is impossible in charmode), but this means that you couldn't use black for your sprites,making them look a bit washed out. I miss the big crane to run on, collisions with the building ceilings, and the gravity feels a bit off... And of coarse no parallax background and no NTSC compatibility ;-)
A bit of a bummer really that we both worked on converting canabalt in parallel without knowing of each others version, since there are also a lot of other indie games worthy of a c64-version...
Anyway, everything will be revealed in a couple of days. Then everybody can make up their minds to what is the best version! | User Comment Submitted by plagueis on 27 November 2011
What an elegant formula for fun!! A+++ | User Comment Submitted by Sixx on 27 November 2011
One of the few people on earth that didn't like the original (i'd prefer The Saut) but a conversion of this kind is just awesome, the games scene is really picking up thanks to a few people. Kudos to you all, and I WILL try to get into this vesion of Canabalt.
| User Comment Submitted by Wile Coyote on 27 November 2011
Superb! - even if i'm a bit rubbish at it.
9/10 for the cross hatch sky pattern.
10/10 for making an effort with side border title screen.
Parallax scrolling would have been possible, maybe ?
(what do i know, i'm no coder) | User Comment Submitted by Mactron on 27 November 2011
I found a bug. If you are slow and falling down without colliding with the next house you are still alive. If you don't push fire again you can run endless in the bottom of the screen. Actually i'm at 24 km ;) | User Comment Submitted by chatGPZ on 27 November 2011 User Comment Submitted by e5frog on 27 November 2011
Relly nice, I played it some time ago and spent quite a lot of time with it. Needs some parallax as well and it will be perfect. | User Comment Submitted by Raffox|HF on 27 November 2011
This game is sperb! Still mesmerized by the graphic design. | User Comment Submitted by hedning on 27 November 2011
This is cool, cool and... cool! \o/
| User Comment Submitted by Joe on 27 November 2011
Superb! Absolutely lovely
+ for the high score saver! | User Comment Submitted by iAN CooG on 27 November 2011
if you really want to try it in NTSC, while it says "does not support NTSC" enter monitor and g 8049. Despite severe glitches is still playable, but very fast. | User Comment Submitted by metalfoot on 27 November 2011
Recreates the experience of the flash game rather faithfully. Too bad it's PAL only! | User Comment Submitted by TheRyk on 27 November 2011
@Achim: Wow! Sounds extremely promising. More and more I think it's rather good that I failed creating a Cart Comp entry, might have really been devastatingly embarrassing. :) Btw: I didn't want to talk down to PaulKo, I remember his skills from his VVVVVV demo. Nevertheless, THIS release IS 10/10 imho. | User Comment Submitted by bepp on 27 November 2011
AWESOMENESS in 4 colors! Great conversion! | User Comment Submitted by Achim on 27 November 2011
Great conversion!
@theRyk: I don't think so. PaulKo's version even features the parallax effect just like the original game. | User Comment Submitted by Mactron on 27 November 2011 User Comment Submitted by Count Zero on 27 November 2011 User Comment Submitted by macx on 27 November 2011 User Comment Submitted by TheRyk on 27 November 2011
Awesomeness. Will be hard for PaulKo to outclass this version! | User Comment Submitted by Exploding First on 27 November 2011 User Comment Submitted by iAN CooG on 27 November 2011
Coolness. Cheers Mr SID and encore. Phisics are a bit different but I think it's just a matter of trying more times to master it =) |
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