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Released by : Laxity
Release Date :
12 May 2012
Type : C64 Crack
Videosystem: NTSC fixed Proper release: OK
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User Comment Submitted by Moloch on 12 May 2012
A valid fix is making the game work like it does on PAL, or as close as you can without re-writing the entire game. Of course, some rather famous NTSC fixers in the past enjoyed re-writing half a game for the first release credits.
Shitloads of 100% versions were released in the past that did "simple fixes" and were counted as a proper release. Quite a few games only needed some adjustment to $d011 values to work on NTSC, quite a simple fix, but valid. | User Comment Submitted by Sorex on 12 May 2012
Don't even own an ntsc machine so I might be completely wrong but...
I thought a valid fix was fixing a game the was completely unplayable on ntsc?
like crashes, bad (non smooth) scrolling, flashing/shocking mess etc.
Don't even know if a retiming a rasterbar is a valid fix.
the "bug" you mentioned doesn't make the game completely unplayable as it is just a cosmetic thing.
And like Sixx said you still have a lot of work to do if you hunt for simular fixes, have fun I'd say ;) | User Comment Submitted by Didi on 12 May 2012
@Fierman: There's a difference between just working and working properly on NTSC like it does on PAL which is the sense of an NTSC Fix. The Fix was very simple because the Player sprite appeared at the bottom of the screen when jumping high on the top platform on NTSC, which wasn't the case on PAL. So I fixed it not to happen anymore, which is a NTSC Fix in common definition. | User Comment Submitted by Fierman on 12 May 2012
not a 1st release: RG Rampage + (which was working on ntsc machines as well) | User Comment Submitted by Yogibear on 11 May 2012
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