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Powerglove +D [rgcd compo edition v1.2]   [2013]

Powerglove  +D [rgcd compo edition v1.2] Released by :
Onslaught [web]

Release Date :
7 December 2013

Type :
C64 Crack

User rating:awaiting 8 votes (2 left)   See votestatistics

Credits :
Trainer .... Pugsy of Onslaught
Original Supply .... Jazzcat of First Blood Entertainment, Onslaught, Onslaught-Antiques, RGCD, Vandalism News Staff
Linking .... Pugsy of Onslaught

Intro used in this crack:
DownloadBubble Intro by Onslaught

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User Comment
Submitted by Sixx on 9 December 2013
Pugsy: I admire your work tremendously, this one is just the same cheat as in your previous version, tho.

If i'm not mistaken there's only two releases of ONS in recent times that has been "downvoted", this and Bomberland, the rest is either 1) never voted on because none outside the cracking scene cares, or 2) voted really high because you guys does a good job.

Like i said before, we're like 20 people giving a fuck anyways, CSDB votes is not to take into consideration if you've done a good job or not as long as you're satisfied yourself, which seems to be the case in this particular release.


Edit: Or not, just saw you gave it a "1". =)
User Comment
Submitted by Pugsy on 9 December 2013
LOL, this all really amuses me.

All this downvoting/upvoting malarky is great fun, are we meant to be bothered about it? Hell it's great fun, and it matters diddly squat.... ^^^^

Anonymous voters seem to vote 10 or 1 with the odd one voting 9 or 2 to make sure it 'weighs' the average.

I think all members of ONS are public voters so you won't see any anonymous 10s on our own releases from us like you will see on the other group releases...infact the number of anonymous 1s on our releases probably correlates rather nicely with the anonymous 10s on other group releases (ahem).

Truth is very few releases from any group deserve 10s or 1s.

Personally I don't give two hoots on what people vote, I've been effectively making 'trainers' for over 27 years and apart from a five years or so when I was getting paid for my C64 cheat making skills it's been for fun...some people do crosswords or soduku and I make cheats.

Once I've trained the game my 'fun' is over...if voting down is how you get your thrills then vote away, I've had my fun so i can't deny you have yours.
User Comment
Submitted by Sixx on 8 December 2013
Ask some of the "Nazi moderators"?

Edit: And seriously, we're like 20 guys who gives a fuck anyways, Dave? The Demo sceners don't give a fuck about us keeping the cracking traditions alive.
User Comment
Submitted by Jazzcat on 8 December 2013
Sixx: thanks for the honest response, hard to know who is voting these days as they mark their votes as anonymous etc.
User Comment
Submitted by Sixx on 8 December 2013
In this case i gave it a "2", and that is my honest opinion. No idea who the other "downvoters" are, maybe they share the same opinion as me?

I gave your totally fucked up version of Bomberland "1" in case you wonder.
User Comment
Submitted by Jazzcat on 8 December 2013
Sixx: Some people are asking who the downvoters are, any ideas?
User Comment
Submitted by Sixx on 8 December 2013
@Ian: I belive people downvote this as it's not that good of a version, a little more effort could have been spent, but as this was one of the versions of the game Jazzcat/RGCD actually didn't have first i guess they took the easy road making a quicky. Nothing bad about that, we all do that from time to time..
User Comment
Submitted by Jazzcat on 8 December 2013
Didi: it is mentioned, but does not get full points. Same with KoboV2. If the game is considerably changed, then it is recognised as a full first release.

Ian: heh, oh well, not much to do about these guys but share a beer with them. ;)
User Comment
Submitted by Didi on 8 December 2013
Another release of a bugfixed version which should not be mentioned as separate First Release. Same goes for Kobo64 V2.
User Comment
Submitted by iAN CooG on 8 December 2013
I pity the poor idiots downvoting a good release only because Jazzcat obtains them first.
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