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User Comment Submitted by Count Zero on 21 April 2015
Take further blabla to the forums. | User Comment Submitted by Paul Bearer on 21 April 2015
"Gehirn" means brain and not hearing. | User Comment Submitted by ron.sos on 21 April 2015
Your description sounds like something you will find if you do a search in Google ;-)
"Johan JSL Janssen" + wikipedia | User Comment Submitted by PAL on 21 April 2015
google translate got it different but the same in a way... i ofcurze translated it but all honest I just thought this was fun and all inside the hate rate... scene wars wre greater in the past but this is getting there... but when the respond is on-line I think the minds of the responding part should consider to release or not to release... i really think the respond can be evil and it should maybe but hey.......... go scene wise and it is fun... personal it is harder... groepaz never did anything to not be prorated like that... hehe... what to think of it all is not my thinking as I really do not care... Just do not destroy and be real evil! | User Comment Submitted by Scorpion on 21 April 2015
And I forgot to mention that I completely failed German. | User Comment Submitted by chatGPZ on 21 April 2015
"Don't smoke (and drink?) so much marijuana or your hearing goes away."
haha :=) more like "Don't smoke so much marihuana and booze, or your brain will run away." :) | User Comment Submitted by Scorpion on 20 April 2015
Not sure why some are disturbed like this. Looks like a healthy outlet. And it's been ages since I saw an old-fashioned bashtro :P
For those not bothered to download/translate:
Don't smoke (and drink?) so much marijuana or your hearing goes away.
(After 'I hacked your brain'...) pijn? = pain?
Annoying pain, drink some yellow wine, where are you going later? Vote 1 for JSL.
Perhaps you're thirsty... Are you interested in my sausage? | User Comment Submitted by Jazzcat on 20 April 2015 User Comment Submitted by Yazoo on 20 April 2015
whats that on the left side? a bottle of böses benzin? denn das schlimmste is... wenn das bier... | User Comment Submitted by Karmic on 20 April 2015
I love you guys trying to "analyze" this picture. :D | User Comment Submitted by Moloch on 20 April 2015
Johan Janssen (°1974, Netherlands) makes drawings, paintings and mixed media artworks. By demonstrating the omnipresent lingering of a corporate world, Janssen makes works that can be seen as self-portraits. Sometimes they appear idiosyncratic and quirky, at other times, they seem typical by-products of European superabundance and marketing.
His drawings are saturated with obviousness, mental inertia, clichés and bad jokes. They question the coerciveness that is derived from the more profound meaning and the superficial aesthetic appearance of an image. With a subtle minimalistic approach, he touches various overlapping themes and strategies. Several reoccurring subject matter can be recognised, such as the relation with popular culture and media, working with repetition, provocation and the investigation of the process of expectations.
His practice provides a useful set of allegorical tools for manoeuvring with a pseudo-minimalist approach in the world of drawing: these meticulously planned works resound and resonate with images culled from the fantastical realm of imagination. By using popular themes such as sexuality, family structure and violence, he creates work in which a fascination with the clarity of content and an uncompromising attitude towards conceptual and minimal art can be found. The work is aloof and systematic and a cool and neutral imagery is used.
His works often refers to pop and mass culture. Using written and drawn symbols, a world where light-heartedness rules and where rules are undermined is created. By parodying mass media by exaggerating certain formal aspects inherent to our contemporary society, his works references post-colonial theory as well as the avant-garde or the post-modern and the left-wing democratic movement as a form of resistance against the logic of the capitalist market system.
His works demonstrate how life extends beyond its own subjective limits and often tells a story about the effects of global cultural interaction over the latter half of the twentieth century. It challenges the binaries we continually reconstruct between Self and Other, between our own cannibal and civilized selves. | User Comment Submitted by [GT] on 20 April 2015
Ein oldschool diss ;) Groepaz for president!! | User Comment Submitted by TheRyk on 20 April 2015
funny as hell =)
and no need for drama (as can be seen by Groepaz' Feedback). I know no guy who uses the phrase "Go, make a demo about it!" more often than Groepaz in whatsoever shitstorms. Exeggerated online gaylove is for free, hate (if there really is any) must be earned ;) | User Comment Submitted by Burglar on 20 April 2015
hahaha excellent :)
and for those not knowing google translate, there's nothing bad in it | User Comment Submitted by Frantic on 20 April 2015
The most ugly part is probably the way the cannabis leaf is drawn. :) | User Comment Submitted by wysiwtf on 20 April 2015 User Comment Submitted by The Gothicman on 20 April 2015
And by the way:
Groepaz for president... :) | User Comment Submitted by chatGPZ on 20 April 2015
one major complaint though: the flow of those rhymes truely sucks. for next time i suggest reading them loud and then shuffling syllables around until it fits :) | User Comment Submitted by Six on 20 April 2015
That said, he didn't go for the most obvious joke and draw him groping someone's ass. Also, is that supposed to be piss in that bottle? And can someone translate the text? I'm sure it's delightfully offensive? | User Comment Submitted by Six on 20 April 2015
Rag demos are awesome and GPZ is a good sport. | User Comment Submitted by Mr. SID on 20 April 2015 User Comment Submitted by Sounx on 20 April 2015
Yep! This right here is how you diss your fellow sceners on the c64! :) | User Comment Submitted by chatGPZ on 20 April 2015
Quote:No fun at all, just incredibly lame
i don't agree, this rules :o) straight 10 from me! | User Comment Submitted by Stainless Steel on 20 April 2015
Come on, groepaz isnt THAT ugly :D | User Comment Submitted by Stainless Steel on 20 April 2015 User Comment Submitted by PAL on 20 April 2015
I do not understand the text in there - is it that bad? | User Comment Submitted by Romppainen on 20 April 2015
Low blow for sure, a model example of supposed humor ending up being a disaster. Not appreciated. | User Comment Submitted by Nith on 20 April 2015
No fun at all, just incredibly lame | User Comment Submitted by hedning on 20 April 2015
Really disturbing. I know you are reading this JSL: Don't handle your manic paranoia this way. | User Comment Submitted by Bitbreaker on 20 April 2015
Okay, so let me state a clear FUCK YOU, for the sake of also being featured soon :-D \o/ | User Comment Submitted by Oswald on 20 April 2015 User Comment Submitted by lemming on 20 April 2015
I might get my own picture by expressing the following, but please... this is not "fun". | User Comment Submitted by GH on 20 April 2015 User Comment Submitted by slimeysmine on 20 April 2015
Comment from JSL: Fun Release for Groepaz, he knows the point. Dragging JSL down, also on IRC #C-64... |
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