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CSDb Shit   [2016]

CSDb Shit Released by :

Release Date :
5 June 2016

Type :
C64 Misc.

User rating:*********_  8.6/10 (28 votes)   See votestatistics

Credits :
Graphics .... JSL of Autumn Soft, Covenant, Creators, Protovision, Raiders of the Lost Empire, Software of Sweden, Tropyx

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User Comment
Submitted by Raistlin on 26 January 2025
Has its moments!
User Comment
Submitted by Peacemaker on 14 June 2016
What about all the pc tools for our beloved c64 then? :(
User Comment
Submitted by Fungus on 14 June 2016
lamers! *drama ensues*
User Comment
Submitted by The Phantom on 13 June 2016
Please don't stop the drama.

It's why I come here 2 or 10 times a day :)

Honestly, it's like Comedy Central :D :D :D
User Comment
Submitted by Smasher on 13 June 2016
uhm... a graphician does a hires version out of this... re-uhm... a coder asks for a tune... re-re-uhmmm...
damn, I can read your minds. pleez don't do that for scene's sake! :P
User Comment
Submitted by aNdy on 13 June 2016
@TMR - yes, check email...
User Comment
Submitted by T.M.R on 13 June 2016
Anyone got a spare tune at $1000 - $1fff...? [Keeps whistling]
User Comment
Submitted by T.M.R on 12 June 2016
What S&M...? [Whistles innocently]
User Comment
Submitted by Smasher on 11 June 2016
damn, my 1st attempt to stop drama just failed... too much S&M in this scene! :)
User Comment
Submitted by chatGPZ on 11 June 2016
i am tempted to agree with trap.

and yeah, don't stop the drama please.
User Comment
Submitted by hedning on 11 June 2016
It's quite easy. How does this piece differ from the pictures from for example Hobbit/FLT? (Except that Hobbit were a talent...)
User Comment
Submitted by Carrion on 11 June 2016
Yes. And we know SUI won 1:0 with Albania ;) no need to be atention wh.re ;)
Pls dont stop the drama.
User Comment
Submitted by Smasher on 11 June 2016
Do you guys know that Euro2016 already started? :)
User Comment
Submitted by wacek on 11 June 2016
you are simply mixing up "scene" with "c64 scene" there - both of those entries are clearly scene releases, however not c64 related. put them on pouet and all is fine.

Groepaz, the graphics included in "Bleeding Ink" are strictly _C64_ paper art, most of it _C64_ disk covers, other are _C64_ magazine votesheets etc. How the fuck is that "scene related" but not "C64 scene related"???

Are you saying that paper art is not part of the C64 demoscene? Because if so, you've helluva deleting to do in this database.

What is the fucking difference between a jpg/pdf scan of a C64 disk cover (plenty here) and a _moving_ scan of a C64 disk cover (with a C64 soundtrack added)? How is one C64 demoscene releated, and the other not?

(For those of you that cannot see deleted releases, we are discussing this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eUzvJjgvlGc )
User Comment
Submitted by Carrion on 11 June 2016
I created the hires 320x400 pic of it. now someone code a 2 screen scroll and start the drama for real ;)
User Comment
Submitted by Trap on 11 June 2016
If it runs on a c64 it is scene related, if you ask me.
User Comment
Submitted by T.M.R on 10 June 2016
It could probably be converted as high high res bitmap without much work... okay, so i did a quick test and only the text needs "cleaning" really.

It's just that i'm not sure if "encouraging" JSL like that would be wise...?
User Comment
Submitted by Rastah Bar on 10 June 2016
This could be a C64 release if JSL turned it into some Super Hires Interlace Tableau.
User Comment
Submitted by Fungus on 10 June 2016
This is some of the best poop I've seen from JSL. Poops up!
User Comment
Submitted by PAL on 10 June 2016
I sat on the toilet with my phone reading all this while i was shitting. Just to let you know real important shit.

Stop the constant disqussions about hate... Float like a butt-fly, poop like a scener.
User Comment
Submitted by V-12 on 10 June 2016
Come on guys. There is a big difference between scene release and scene related release. I can write a poem about scene and this will be qualified as a scene release? Or someone will put a shit on the glass and write there "dedicated for all C64 sceners" and this will be needed to preserve as a scene "related" release? ;-) Or someone will be interviewed in TV and will say there that he was on computer scene in the past and this video will be needed to preserve in database?

I saw a lot of joke releases on CSDb and they were uploaded just for fun. And I'm really getting tired of this.

Anyway, JSL asked me to put here an explainations about this drawing, so here it is:

Hello Sceners,

First of all Big Praise to Hedning for Uploading this. And to someone who Downloaded this shit
from my Facebook, because my intention and commitment to remove it was 20minutes later, not
to smear myself with this over whole the CSDb. Sadly some Scener was more faster than
this 20minutes. Apologies I won't do about this Drawing because the real story about
Moloch and my Banning, isn't tolerated it seems if you guys keep delete the real story.

Hedning uploaded this, and we had Emails together about this, maybe it's hate against me,
maybe it's pure that someone sent it him and he found it worthy for a C64 release. If it's
worthy for an Upload, then why no one bothers my other C64 related covers to be
found on my Facebook or DeviantART recently made, like Leon, Merman, Reyn Ouwehand,
Vanja Utne1+2, Joe/WD, Exile, Ron/SOS, Scorpion among others.. Or was it pure to Smear
JSL throughout CSDb, with permanent damage, how Paranoid I am?

Johan aka JSL
User Comment
Submitted by chatGPZ on 9 June 2016
you are simply mixing up "scene" with "c64 scene" there - both of those entries are clearly scene releases, however not c64 related. put them on pouet and all is fine.
User Comment
Submitted by wacek on 9 June 2016
I don't think I will ever get how you guys categorize things.
This is scene related and worth preserving.
This -> Bleeding Ink is not scene, not worth preserving and therefore deleted. Don't ask me how many hours of work I put into this.
I don't care that much anymore, but this is objective to the point of being just plain idiotic. Fuck it, I guess.

Pappe Light 120% well, no comments.
User Comment
Submitted by hedning on 9 June 2016
V-12: U mad bro? Of course this is scene related - it's all scene related, names, theme, poop; and I didn't get it from Facebook, even if it was posted there first I guess. Main reason to add this to the database was to archive it, as I do with a lot of stuff. And to answer your other ideas about me: no, I am not here uploading releases to climb some stats. That's stupid.
User Comment
Submitted by Celtic on 9 June 2016
Fantastic, it was drawn 'with love' :)
User Comment
Submitted by cadaver on 9 June 2016
I like the conflicting aspects of self-deprecation & self-importance displayed in this.
User Comment
Submitted by Adam on 9 June 2016
User Comment
Submitted by lemming on 9 June 2016
he keeps misspelling 'poor'
User Comment
Submitted by chatGPZ on 9 June 2016
V-12: clearly this refers to scene stuff and thus qualifies as a scene release - if its released on facebook or whereever else doesnt matter at all.

and clearly this wasnt "private" at all either - the link circulated before it was posted here. i dont use facebook at all yet saw that pic a day before.
User Comment
Submitted by jailbird on 9 June 2016
I never thought I'd say this to a JSL picture, but this is actually moderately funny. True schizophrenic art.
User Comment
Submitted by V-12 on 9 June 2016
As far as I know, this is not a scene release. It was posted on Facebook as a simple drawing. It was soon removed but seems that hedning likes to rise his own statistics as uploader (currently 6th place in top 10 all time uploaders). So people just beware what you are posting on your private facebook profiles, it will be soon uploaded by hedning on Csdb! ;-)
User Comment
Submitted by FMan on 9 June 2016
I thought drama ended, when I left.
User Comment
Submitted by Dr.j on 9 June 2016
the day he gonna leave the CSDB episode , he may bring new positive thoughts into his life , and therefor change his attitude , conceptions and behavior . i like JSL but i don't like his continuing flames and drama and theatrical play . should grow up... really i fully mean it.
User Comment
Submitted by Tom-Cat on 9 June 2016
JSL for president!!!!
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Submitted by celticdesign on 9 June 2016
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Submitted by Smasher on 8 June 2016
gave this 2 instead of 1 because of "Maniac Moloch" :P
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Submitted by chatGPZ on 8 June 2016
lovely - whoever downvoted this is an idiot!
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Submitted by hedning on 8 June 2016
It does not fit any other category, and some older scene stuff is sorted under this, like cartoons made on parties and so on. And you can't execute "C64 Papermag" on your C64 either.
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Submitted by TheRyk on 8 June 2016
How's this "C64 Misc", mine does not execute .JPG :(
User Comment
Submitted by Raf on 8 June 2016
CSDb is not the place it used to be just because of "nazi moderators", glad to see men brave enough to express that.
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Submitted by Stainless Steel on 8 June 2016
Awesome shit <3
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Submitted by Joe on 8 June 2016
I would leave those remarks out myself. Gosh, JSL: How is your life?
I know you miss our attention and posting your images, but is this the scene..? A designated forum to maintain and perserve digital files from a computer-scene. No!
Mostly assaulted ofcourse as first channel, but but..
Tip: It's at the partyies or standalones, none-like-this. For the rest, please give the guy a break, adult humiliations and giving names, I did drop a few over the years for just
that: Sexual deprevation, gender-integrity and just as this, calling me a fascist for my haircut, come on all in south sweden cut their hair like that, especially in summertime
(stupid danes).

Hm, Keep it up and keep doing your images. stop with the angry bit, doesn't make you look fancy, just stupid and retarted infact.
you destroyed much for yourself, get on with it. Get involved and bring forth what you actually did before! And did best!
Sad watching this, like a farse of worst proportions! A bad theatrical play and comments already running wild... (no wonder!)
User Comment
Submitted by Count Zero on 8 June 2016
Gna - seems I am not nazi enough - Moloch strikes twice though, hm.

JSL is a fascist scumbag himself, obviously, as he doesn't mention more than half of the poop posse here.
Being biased surely is not a problem of the mod and trusted users team but also on regular users. Just like on other living communities I feel that is a good thing. Anyhow I hereby demand being mentioned in more IRC and JSL-lamer comics in the future!

(passing the open comments to the usual poopers now ...)
User Comment
Submitted by Jazzcat on 8 June 2016
Hedning: be careful with such Nazi references. Your mod access may be stripped :D
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Submitted by Oswald on 8 June 2016
like it ! more :)
User Comment
Submitted by Scan on 8 June 2016
I like it, reminds me of the days groups swapped floppy disks and designed their own covers for it.
User Comment
Submitted by hedning on 8 June 2016
Häxan: Jazzcat usually uploads JSL:s stuff nowadays, but I guess he missed this one, so a "censoring nazi mod" (me) did it instead.
User Comment
Submitted by Fierman on 8 June 2016
Has its moments!
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Submitted by Moloch on 8 June 2016
Finally it gets posted! :D
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