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Into Hinterland World +4 [2020] |
Into Hinterland World +4 [ide64/sd2iec]
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User Comment Submitted by Count Zero on 9 March 2020
Closing comments and asking hedning to move this to forum - you all KNOW this discussion doesnt belong here. | User Comment Submitted by hedning on 8 March 2020
Bacchus: The SD2IEC can be supported if the crackers want that, no prob, but it's not a drawback of the release if it's not supported, as it is the SD2IEC that is inferior/crippled. The standard is 1541. Emulators should strive for 1541 compability. If I made a really cheap new emulator made out of a potato, should I force the whole scene to accept that one as a new standard? | User Comment Submitted by CommFor on 7 March 2020
I agree with Bacchus. Most of C64 users these days using SD2IEC device because of the price. And it's really not a problem to add option "Enable/Disable Fastloader" before game starts to load, and everyone's happy. Famous C64 group Remember started to do this before quarter of the century. No need to invent wheel here. | User Comment Submitted by Bacchus on 7 March 2020
Kewl stuff.
I seriously don't understand the perspective that SD2IEC is a device one shall not support. In general I think the ambition of the cracker shall be to support a variety as wide as possible. But it is a major challenge to squeeze all in to the same release, so I'd say a separate release for this platform is just fine.
So hat off for great and competent work! | User Comment Submitted by hedning on 7 March 2020
Fix: SD2IEC/IDE64 only, as stated. | User Comment Submitted by hedning on 7 March 2020
Mr.Ammo: You don't need a sd2iec device to make a screenshot. Just use Vice. :) Sorry if I sounded harsh yesterday, It was tiresome finding myself uploading screenshots or executables for the 20th time after you pointed it out, instead of just doing it yourself. As you love statistics, you can check out how few of us it is uploading, updating and taking care of this place, compared to how many who are just "floaters". The main idea having an account here is to help out with the database.
I'm fine, thank you. I did not lie, and I feel great; not cynical at all. :) Hope you are fine too. If you need help with how to make screenshots or add files to CSDb, just send me a PM.
Jazzcat: From time to time you gotta unleash the pressure, or you will be full of shit. :D | User Comment Submitted by Mr.Ammo on 7 March 2020
Hedning: ever considered that I don't have an ide64/sd2iec device?
What's up with this frustrated and cynical behaviour (and even lying) of yours? Are you OK? If not, I hope you'll get well soon. Nothing beats a helpful and considered moderator! | User Comment Submitted by Jazzcat on 7 March 2020
Jeez, someone has their poopy-pants on... would help but no TP here...
Thanks for the release, especially for IDE64. | User Comment Submitted by Fix on 6 March 2020
SD2iec/IDE only release?
Or will it also work if put on a .D64 ? | User Comment Submitted by hedning on 6 March 2020
Mr.Ammo: Stop whining. The entry is not locked. You could have added a screenshot whenever you wanted, or poked the uploader. Now I did it for you; and I also uploaded or added stuff 20+ times before because you asked for it. This is a collectivly built database. Move your butt and help instead of the constant nitpicking. We are all growing tired of it. Adding a screenshot takes the same time as you writing your comment. | User Comment Submitted by Mr.Ammo on 6 March 2020 User Comment Submitted by hedning on 6 March 2020
This is very interesting, especially regarding the recent discussions surrounding IFFL and SD2IEC, even if SD2IEC users really should get a real drive or a good 1541 emulator equivalent instead, if they want to play. | User Comment Submitted by TheRyk on 6 March 2020
Appreciated, never mind the attitude SD2IEC users aren't worth the trouble which was stated in forum thread on FLT crack. | User Comment Submitted by sailor on 6 March 2020
This release was used for testing the SD2IEC IFFL loader and we decided to release it for the public. |
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