Code | .... | Gunhed Battalion of Acme, Dipo Data, KRG, Soul Star, TempesT, Willow |
Music | .... | A-Man of Avantgarde |
| | Arne of Alpha Flight |
| | Bleed Into One |
| | booker of Amorphis, Caution |
| | Bordeaux of Acrise, Endless Piracy, Excess |
| | Brandis |
| | Charles Deenen of Maniacs of Noise, Scoop |
| | Chotaire |
| | Cleve of Albion Crew, Amorphis |
| | Compod of Amorphis, Funeral Moon |
| | Daf of Samar Productions |
| | Decoy of Excess |
| | Drax of Bonzai, Crest, Maniacs of Noise, Vibrants |
| | Echo of Excess, Plush |
| | EVS of 20th Century Composers |
| | Falco Paul of 20th Century Composers |
| | Fozzie of Gothic Design, Noice |
| | Frank Schäfers |
| | Fuben of Oxyron, Relax Magazine Staff |
| | Gone |
| | Guy Shavitt of Sidchip Scratchers |
| | Herr Tie |
| | Iceman |
| | Iron Cat |
| | Ispace of Warriors of the Wasteland |
| | JCH of Vibrants |
| | Jeff of Camelot, Cyberzound Productions |
| | Jeroen Soede |
| | JVD of Focus |
| | Jörg Schäfers |
| | kb of Farbrausch, Reflex, Smash Designs, The Obsessed Maniacs |
| | Marcy of Smash Designs, Tendance |
| | O'Neill |
| | Praiser of Faith Design, Galicya, Impact Laboratories, Lepsi De |
| | PRI of Oxyron, Relax Magazine Staff, The Imperium Arts |
| | PVCF of Reflex |
| | Quasi of Nipson |
| | Rodney Balai of Audial Arts |
| | Ronny Pasch of Mega Industries |
| | Roy |
| | Shogoon of Agony Design, Taboo |
| | Softmaster |
| | Steel of Success |
| | The Alien of Arcoss |
| | The DJ |
| | The Syndrom of Crest, The Imperium Arts |
| | Yoko of Fiction, Rebels |
| | Zyron of Antic, Fantastic 4 Cracking Group, Nostalgia, Oxsid Planetary, Swemix |
Text | .... | Gunhed Battalion of Acme, Dipo Data, KRG, Soul Star, TempesT, Willow |
Ripping | .... | Gunhed Battalion of Acme, Dipo Data, KRG, Soul Star, TempesT, Willow |