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Released At :
Horizon & Equinoxe 1989
Achievements :
C64 Demo Competition at Horizon & Equinoxe 1989 : #6
Credits :
Code | .... | Beastian of Sector 90, Shine |
| | Codex of Shine |
| | Dark Lord of Eltronic, Shine |
| | Gruwl of Groovy Bits, Shine |
| | Prizma of Sector 90, Shadowfire Association, Shine |
| | Slayer of Shine |
| | Slaygon of Rator, Shine, Triad |
| | Space Ace of Shine |
Music | .... | Digiblaster of World Wide Expressive |
| | Frank Schäfers |
| | Future Freak of Dexion |
| | JCH of Channel 42, Ikari, The Dominators |
| | Jens Blidon of Lords of Sonics |
| | Jeroen Tel of Maniacs of Noise |
| | Jörg Schäfers |
| | Laxity of Starion, The Flexible Arts |
| | Markus Schneider of Lords of Sonics, X-Ample Architectures |
| | Mike of Triad |
| | Slaygon of Rator, Shine, Triad |
Graphics | .... | Beastian of Sector 90, Shine |
| | Morpheus of C64.COM, Shine, The Transfer Team |
| | Skywalker of Elite, Sharp |
| | Slaygon of Rator, Shine, Triad |
| | Space Ace of Shine |
| | Spacie of Sharp |
Charset | .... | Codex of Shine |
| | Core |
| | Fox of Bytestar |
| | Kaiser of SHAPE |
| | Morpheus of C64.COM, Shine, The Transfer Team |
| | Redstar of Asia, Logic |
| | Slaygon of Rator, Shine, Triad |
| | Space Ace of Shine |
SIDs used in this release :
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