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Nordic Scene Review #6   [2006]

Nordic Scene Review #6 Release Date :
17 April 2006

Type :
C64 Diskmag

Nordic Scene World Review Again

User rating:awaiting 8 votes (5 left)   See votestatistics

Credits :
Code .... iopop of Triad
Music .... Linus of Triad, Viruz
Text .... Nightlord of Civitas, Glance
  Puterman of Fairlight
  Twoflower of Triad

SIDs used in this release :
Monte Carlo 2017(/MUSICIANS/L/Linus/Monte_Carlo_2017.sid)
Yogi's French Anthem(/MUSICIANS/W/Wijnhoven_Joachim/Yogis_French_Anthem.sid)

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User Comment
Submitted by Shake on 18 April 2006
The comments weren't that extremely positive blinded by the fact some heavy coders know Cybernator.

I have the impression everyone judges it as it is. Reread them and you'll find in a lot of comments 'promising code' etc, nice effects, but .... etcetera, just like in your own constructive comment.

No way a 10, although some people really enjoyed it and just wrote it down.
And we know it, almost everything can be more asskicking if we ever plan to do a new demo, make sure of that.
If you reread the comments i think they are pretty honest.
about knowing people. Look at the Alex! prods lately, it's easy to say it ain't much yet, but still people find arguments to give this guy some positive replies for good datavibe whatever. And the people doing so didn't know him before (the most atleast)

So what does it mean knowing someone. Same argument of positive feedback could be given to NOT knowing people; like you react suprised to see something of a newcommer and react positive.

The report zooming in on the demo in NSR was very good. Only that remark, i think you're wrong about that.
User Comment
Submitted by _V_ on 18 April 2006
Hmm. I'll extend the term to "public gossip" then, the kind of statements you get to read in a tabloid.

Anyway, yes. There is no need to prove any personal reflection. However, if such a reflection affects a person or a group, they will have every right to demand a very good explanation for this reflection. Why was it said? Can the statement be backed up? Of course, there's no obligation to answer or prove anything, but in return, the statement can be disregarded entirely.

I don't feel this discussion is out of place, because it *is* about magazine content. As for the question whether or not Mortalis Arisen would have received the same comments whether or not it was released by an unknown scener (and just how famous was the demo team prior to this release?)... I don't know. Maybe someone will find the correct answer some day.
User Comment
Submitted by Jucke on 18 April 2006
All this slapping makes me want to download and read the mag. Reminds me of the storm of feedback we got from some issues of Propaganda.. (:
User Comment
Submitted by Duke on 18 April 2006
Nightlord, thank you for the positive review on my text in Vandalism News. It is true that I felt inspired by what was said in the earlier issue of Nordic Scene Review - evidence that indeed reviews do help sceners put in the extra effort.
User Comment
Submitted by Radiant on 18 April 2006
Here's a reflection: This discussion is 1) silly, 2) malplaced here in the release comments.
User Comment
Submitted by Nightlord on 18 April 2006
_V_: I think "gossip" would be talking behind people's back. I have made my reflection publicly. And that reflection is not even an accusation

As for the proof issue, I still do not agree I need to prove a personal reflection. Even if I listened to your advice and wanted to prove it, what could I possibly and practically do about showing someone is "biased" as you call it. A person could be biased even without being aware of it (hence there can not be any "accusation" as such IMHO).

In this perspective, I think you were right about iterating on the value of my statement (its value when it has no proof). I guess how much value you give to it, will ultimately depend on how much trustable / honest / accurate you find me as a scener/person. It is a reflection I bring to the table and it is the reader's judgement that will process it. And I respect that.
User Comment
Submitted by Skate on 18 April 2006
Think about it, what if an unknown scener would have released Mortalis Arisen. Would all the reactions be the same? I don't think so. That is Nightlord's point I guess.

Of course everybody don't give positive comments just because they helped you or you examined their source codes :) But if you have good relations with some elite sceners, they would criticise you from a different point of view. First of all, they would know you and they wouldn't see you as a threat. And secondly, they wouldn't criticise you so hard, 'coz they'd think you're a beginner (or even their student).

I really appreciate Cybernator's work. I can see behind the scenes. I haven't done most of these effects in my life and I think he's a good and promising coder for the future. But I think I wouldn't get the same reactions if I had done exactly the same demo. Or if you know me, think about someone you don't know at all...

You may agree with me or may not agree. These are my personal thoughts.
User Comment
Submitted by _V_ on 18 April 2006
Suspicion? The discussion so far has been about a statement which Nightlord refers to as a personal reflection. Very well, I guess others may refer to it as a suspicion. You could also refer to it as "gossip". Having personal reflections about demo content is fine by me, but personal reflections about other people's judgement needs, at the very least, convincing arguments and backing. If I go ahead and call a person or group "biased", I better have a really good reason for this or I'll get torched.

At X2001, I got a piece of advice on colour usage by Cyclone after showing him an IFLI. As a consequence, he will now no longer be objective about my graphics? Come on.
User Comment
Submitted by Scout on 18 April 2006
TDJ is a great kisser!
User Comment
Submitted by TDJ on 18 April 2006
Oswald: you're just jealous. Always the one who gets the filled condom, never the one to fill it ..
User Comment
Submitted by jailbird on 18 April 2006
You guys are total nuts. :D
User Comment
Submitted by Oswald on 18 April 2006
TDJ, I suspect you're gay. I think I saw you kissing with a ugly looking guy.
User Comment
Submitted by TDJ on 17 April 2006
Newsflash: it's forbidden to have suspicions ever again! From now on you can only state something you're absolutely 100% sure of!
User Comment
Submitted by _V_ on 17 April 2006
Well, if the statement in question can't be proven, then it is unfounded and, as a consequence, invalid.

((this paragraph scrapped as said statement is vague to a point where mentioned implications can be considered conjecture as well))
User Comment
Submitted by Dane on 17 April 2006
Telling it like it is. Which is why we like NSR.
User Comment
Submitted by Nightlord on 17 April 2006
_V_: ofcourse it can not be proven... why does it need to be proven? it is a mere personal reflection. and I repeat, it is a reflection on the "Reactions" not the demo or its makers. And ofcourse everyone has every right to disagree with it. :)
User Comment
Submitted by _V_ on 17 April 2006
Hmm. Following sentence in Nightlord's reaction to Oswald's comment caught my eye:

"I said that *I have a feeling* that him doing this *INDIRECTLY* *might have* affected the reactions."

Really? Can this be proven?
User Comment
Submitted by A Life in Hell on 17 April 2006
Love the music. Thought the colours were better in earlier issues, graphican or no. Introspection is to be encouraged sometimes, it's what keeps us reinventing ourselves and hence stops us all from being boring. Without reinvention, we'd still all be doing rasterbars. Intro was hilarious. Meta review of self was a nice touch, too.
User Comment
Submitted by Krill on 17 April 2006
Interesting and entertaining read and even made me think "Fuck you" once :D Oh and loved the beats.
User Comment
Submitted by Frantic on 17 April 2006
Read it straight through again. Good shit!

Even IF the mag would have been full of defence arguments, I cannot really see a big problem.

Although the interesting part in the mag lies in the main content (reviews), I think, I guess slentrian is a relevant issue to reflect upon for all recurring activities that involves creativity in some way. Producing diskmags or demos or organizing demo parties... In a way it's a central issue to more or less all aspects of this 25 year old subculture. In a way CSDb itself very much reflects the vast ammount of reified conventions/practices, production *types* and "occupations" etc within the scene as a genre (although at the same time not all entries and facts easily fits in the well defined structure of a database and there is always the ongoing forum discussions on how to label things or in some cases how to restructure the database to make it more specific or flexible and so on)...

Personally, I tend to find the stuff that lies in the borders of the old labels and structures most interesting. That is.. to value change and new ways. For example, thumbs up to Krill for producing 4k which differs in style from his older ones. Others tends to value tradition, and that is totally OK too, of course.

Looking forward to some 256-byte-reviews by Ninja about the Tiny SID compo #2 in next issue, perhaps? :)
User Comment
Submitted by Twoflower on 17 April 2006
It might be worth mentioning that we didn't spend the editorial defending ourselves against the criticism made by RadiantX. We agreed on most, if not all, of the points he made, and that'll come pretty clear to you if you read the editorial once again. Well put criticism can (and shall) be kind of an eyeopener.
User Comment
Submitted by Nightlord on 17 April 2006
oswald: I think your reactions are a bit rushed. I have two points to make on your comments.

1- the editorial is not spent on "defending" ourselves on radiantx's comment. it mostly talks about how radiantx's comment is true, and how that being true is something we need to take care of and correct in our own doing. I think it is worth spending so much text on it, because it IS a true comment and we are aware of the problem. so i suggest read again.

2- I never said Cybernator asked for coding help, IN ORDER TO build good relations. I said that I have a feeling that him doing this INDIRECTLY might have affected the reactions. There is no blaming Cybernator for asking (I would have to be out of my mind). I have also gone through each and every one of the effects talking about what I liked and what I did not like and you call that slagging down... so once again all I can say is read again...

User Comment
Submitted by jailbird on 17 April 2006
Now as it was mentioned in a demo-review, I'm certainly sure that my boozing-career has finally reached to its lowest level. :)
User Comment
Submitted by Oswald on 17 April 2006
haha, the whole editorial is spent on defending the mag against one radiantx csdb comment, then they slag down mortalis arisen into hell. Shouldn't YOU be able to handle bad critics, especially when you do that to others all the time?

And about the "big brother" attitude comments on Mortalis Arisen: you clearly dont understand the coder point of view: a, for a debut demo these effects are really good. b, I can count on my one hand how many ppl is able to code stuff like that. c, who the fucking cares about story.

whining and spectaculating on stuff, that cybernator is only is asking for help in coding to build good relationships, thus he gets some good comments on his demo is AMMAZINGLY STUPID. STUPID STUPID STUPID STUPID. Is it really so letting down, that you havent got nice comments from the same coders? Shouldnt you search for the explanation in the demos and the effects instead of something else ?
User Comment
Submitted by Skate on 17 April 2006
It's really nice to see a new Nordic Scene Review issue in a short period. I liked half of the reviews in this issue.
User Comment
Submitted by CreaMD on 16 April 2006
The reviews made me download some of the mentioned demos which I have missed meanwhile and I must thank to authors for that. This way could get a slightly better feeling of re-attachment to the current demoscene... I'll keep *reading* this mag deeply from now on.
User Comment
Submitted by Domey on 16 April 2006
Can't really say much about the magazine's content, because uncle Sascha's slightly alternative and ambitious beats gets most of my mostly retarded attention. Can it get any better than this, honestly?
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