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Joe Gunn +2DS 102% [2007] |
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User Comment Submitted by Mace on 14 August 2007 User Comment Submitted by SECRET MAN on 13 August 2007
Why are all the people talking about "cracking" ? Can someone explain me this ?? I see a game called Joe Gunn,which was trained by Onslaught.Its ok,i think.
Oswald:Sorry ,but I dont agree. | User Comment Submitted by FMan on 13 August 2007
Yeah. This is just utterly retarded. :) And the vote just keeps rising, makes perfect sense, sigh... | User Comment Submitted by tempest on 13 August 2007 User Comment Submitted by Zyron on 12 August 2007
I'm all against renaming existing entries & replacing the file, improved versions should get a new entry with correct release date. | User Comment Submitted by Sixx on 12 August 2007
Good shit, thanks for the 102% version! | User Comment Submitted by Jazzcat on 12 August 2007
Added a 6 byte fix. This fix was for the GAME. Not for the trained version or the crack intro (as originally thought).
The coder of Joe Gunn missed initialising the sprite-collisions, so if you loaded another game, RESET and then load the original of Joe Gunn you would see the same bug.
Also added solution and some docs too. | User Comment Submitted by Ed on 12 August 2007
Ok please. I dont give a fuck about some forum threads, some posts about games that were or where not. but this intro really gave me the vibe. thanks Hein.
That's it.
| User Comment Submitted by FMan on 12 August 2007
I guess there is some value in releasing previews and stuff like this, but it having a vote of 9 is retarded. I do understand people who are getting out because there are too many people giving negative comments.
Almost every time I upload something, someone finds something to complain about it. Why is the C-64 scene so hostile nowadays? And why should I appreciate your efforts when you don't appreciate efforts of Crypt?
Richard Bayliss is a good example of a dedicated developer, who continues to produce new releases regardless of attitudes of certain people and we should all respect him for that!
| User Comment Submitted by MagerValp on 10 August 2007
This discussion is slightly retarded. Excellent game, love the intro, and the trainers and fixes are useful. If you don't care for "cracks" of modern freeware releases, then just ignore the releases.
| User Comment Submitted by Style on 10 August 2007
crack or not, Im sure many appreciate the effort to package and train these games, especially when bugfixes and 'piecing together' is involved.
| User Comment Submitted by Conrad on 10 August 2007
I second Jazzcat about game makers not including protection. Because games such as Joe Gunn are not released under the commercial label, I wouldn't see why not this game can be cracked + trained at this day and age. If it WAS commercial though, that would be a different story. | User Comment Submitted by Jazzcat on 10 August 2007
The cracking scene can't be to blame for game makers not including protection. "Crack" is a general term and I agree, cracking protection is certainly more true to the idea of what a crack should be (but this has been discussed to death).
I think Oswald's comments (wishing that the cracking scene would roll over and die) aren't helpful and are plain destructive. He is entitled to his opinion but if it affects others then I will voice mine also. | User Comment Submitted by Trazan on 10 August 2007
This isnt quite the correct forum to debate protections/what should be done or crap. Keep the comments about the release itself or start a new Forumthread please! | User Comment Submitted by cadaver on 10 August 2007
Commercial C64 game makers should certainly invest in protection (though...that may interfere in wanting the game to run from IDE64, MMC for example)
But do you think anyone who had written an awesome (or not so awesome) freeware game would want to artificially delay it?
(maybe I missed the joke, but the post seemed too long/elaborate to be only that :)) | User Comment Submitted by d0c on 10 August 2007
i think its time for a change and to get the competition & challenge back. so split up the scene in three parts(like it was in the commercial game business back in the 80's) ..
1. the game makers
2. the game copy protection maker
3. crackers (game copy protection removers)
this will function like this, gamemakers make the game and copy protection maker make the protection. then they put it together, everything is keep secret and not spread or released before the product is 100% finished. now when its finished they give it to the crackers so they can crack it. the competition and challenge is on!... if the crackers cant crack it after 3 months, it will be released without the protection and the protection improved further and used on next game.
by doing this the cracker scene will live again and we get a competition and challenge back into the scene.... | User Comment Submitted by Stainless Steel on 10 August 2007
Laxity, You crack me up.
btw : fantastic intro by master hein. pure bliss.
| User Comment Submitted by Laxity on 10 August 2007
You're wrong. A "Crack" is the sound it makes when you take a wooden stick and break it in two. I think it's possible to make decent "cracks" with other material too. :P
/me runs too.. | User Comment Submitted by Stainless Steel on 10 August 2007
I reeeally shouldn't go near this topic,
but doesn't a "crack" implicate that there was the involvement of cracking a copy protected original at some point?
Shouldn't this release actually be "trained" rather than "cracked" ?
/me runs for cover
| User Comment Submitted by Oswald on 10 August 2007
nope I dont want the cracking scene die. I think it is dead since the last commercial game was released. I also think that releases like this are like introlinking / packing /debugging demos. I am not alone with these toughts, but I'm alone saying it out loud (and harsh and rude). I also think that more and more demos sucks more and more. Having had more than enough clashes about saying my opinion about releases like this or demos I dont like, I'll try to keep my mout shut, and live happily thereafter with the scene. | User Comment Submitted by Stainless Steel on 10 August 2007 User Comment Submitted by Jazzcat on 10 August 2007
Cadaver: but in the situation of Oswald. Stating that he wanted the entire cracking scene to roll over and die, is a bit drastic.
AND it's THOSE comments that are not needed.
You don't see the dwindling numbers in the cracking scene telling the DEMO scene to die and making horrible comments like that! | User Comment Submitted by cadaver on 10 August 2007
I'd agree.. but for two things (a lot of support certainly, but all support??)
1) Yes, training + shortening (and making those few commercial releases left illegally available for testing purposes :)) is still valuable, but it's simply not the same kind of urgency & importance as in times past
2) The fake/lamergroups. Sometimes the joke indeed gets old. Which I do find ironic is for example Richard is still here after all the slagging he gets from them (and whom Jazzcat has avidly supported by adding csdb entries), yet it takes a only couple of negative comments or lack of positive ones for the decision to pull ONS releases from here (and that's at least a real group), no offense meant... | User Comment Submitted by Richard on 9 August 2007 User Comment Submitted by Duke on 9 August 2007
The cracking scene should get all the support in the world. No disrespect to the demo scene, but it pisses me off when people badmouth what really made the scene in the first place. | User Comment Submitted by The Overkiller on 7 August 2007
@Jazzcat: please, do a step back about ONS cracks. Oswald ain't interested? Well, who cares ??!! I'm interested about cracks and absolutly not interested in demos instead. But I think this is a place for both. So I hope to see more ONS cracks here in the future ;-) | User Comment Submitted by CreaMD on 7 August 2007
Ok that's fair decision.
Btw. Here are some good words. I'm playing the game intensively for past few days (unlimited lives on ;-). First I thought there might be some bug in crack because we (Cadaver is playing too ;) had problems with some puzzle which appeared to work in uncracked version, but then later I found it works ok and keep playing the trained version. So thumbs up for the positive effort. +2 is an additional value and that counts. Not to speak about nice intro. | User Comment Submitted by Jazzcat on 7 August 2007
Roman: well the problem is the lack of simple GOOD WORDS for hard effort. People seemed to not care, so why should I care to upload some cracks here that people don't appreciate? (Oswald is an example here with his comments that the cracker scene should roll over and die)
Anyway, I will still support this site with mags and the like, but for new cracks, go to The Digital Dungeon or Onslaught site. | User Comment Submitted by CreaMD on 7 August 2007
Jazzcat: GPZ is on your side in this case. Me too. So, why do you act like if this database mods were against you and "cracks" were unwelcome here.
We are on the same boat also with other things that I don't want to talk about publicly, so don't make another drama of something that is being solved in civilised manner. | User Comment Submitted by Jazzcat on 7 August 2007
Medicus: hi, well, the intro does already exist here: Burkah Intro (the music in the latest release is a new exclusive however).
| User Comment Submitted by Medicus on 7 August 2007
The intro deserves a place here ... for sure. And if there is a game attached to it its also ok. Why remove the game? | User Comment Submitted by chatGPZ on 7 August 2007
i like how you put "cracks" in quotes =D
and no, removing some entry in the database because of one or two negative comments by a single person is not a sign of beeing a man. it's quite the opposite infact. | User Comment Submitted by Trazan on 7 August 2007
(Still, releases that actually ARE cracks are more than welcome here, we really dont need more Retarded releases (and No, Joe Gunn is not one) | User Comment Submitted by chatGPZ on 7 August 2007
bah, deleting an entry because of some lame comments is just low. stop that crap. be a man for once goddamnit. | User Comment Submitted by CreaMD on 7 August 2007
Cleaned last reactions. Solve ideological/ethical problems somewhere else (e.g. on forum). | User Comment Submitted by Heavy Stylus on 6 August 2007
Yep - great intro, ace game, but still a stupid bug where JG dies at the begining of your first go. Please fix it! | User Comment Submitted by cadaver on 6 August 2007
Still got the "death in the beginning" bug, which the original doesn't have. | User Comment Submitted by Zyron on 5 August 2007 User Comment Submitted by Jazzcat on 5 August 2007
Linus: intro = everything by Hein! :) | User Comment Submitted by Linus on 5 August 2007
Nice intro. Music by Hein? | User Comment Submitted by SECRET MAN on 4 August 2007 User Comment Submitted by Mantiz on 4 August 2007 User Comment Submitted by hollowman on 4 August 2007
fitting intro. thanks for the trainers for a very charming game | User Comment Submitted by Hein on 4 August 2007
Cool game, quite an improvement compared to the preview seen on a forum here. Takes me back to my childhood, snif. | User Comment Submitted by Zyron on 4 August 2007 User Comment Submitted by Laxity on 4 August 2007
Best intro I've ever seen (and heard).. Too bad that the SID filters aren't reset when the intro is over, because there's still filters on when the game starts (someone forgot to turn them off in the game, ahemn!) |
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