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Richard's Birthday Tribute [2007] |
Credits :
Code | .... | Richard of Blazon, Civitas, Crapcade Games, People of Liberty, Scene World Magazine, The New Dimension |
Music | .... | Zardax |
Text | .... | Baracuda of Blazon, Crypt, Smash Designs, The Stock |
Charset | .... | Richard of Blazon, Civitas, Crapcade Games, People of Liberty, Scene World Magazine, The New Dimension |
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User Comment Submitted by DeeKay on 28 December 2007
Wow, CSDB drama beats TV any day! 8)
..and I never knew birthday demos were "sad". What? So celebrating your group's birthday with a demo is great and good practice, but your own isn't? | User Comment Submitted by Steppe on 26 December 2007
Isn't that a nice sid Richard picked for that birthday release? ;-)
That added, the release is regarded to be complete and we should all focus on other things now.
(still giggling about FMan's statement that vanja only gets good votes because she's a gilr, hehehe) | User Comment Submitted by chatGPZ on 26 December 2007
i agree with oswald. (OMG. the end is near /o\) | User Comment Submitted by Laxity on 25 December 2007
Happy birthday.. Happy Christmas.. Happy people, please.. :) | User Comment Submitted by Trazan on 25 December 2007
Try using Private Messages, your debacle in the Commentfield to a release is pretty much stupid.... | User Comment Submitted by Mermaid on 25 December 2007
Quote:<FMan> Vanja is nasty
<FMan> he doesn't care about the feelings of others
<Intensity[GMI]> vanja is a she :)
<FMan> so you all keep saying
No, I don't think I need your help mr. FMan. | User Comment Submitted by Conrad on 25 December 2007
So I just noticed. Fman, that really is fucking sad! Not only you're trying to hide your stupidity, but you're also black affronting a well respected (and female) scener.
As for the other comments about this release... well, it's unbelievable how much time you all spend to take the piss out of a slightly-more-active-than-normal scener, especially at Christmas holidays for fuck's sake. Don't you lot have families to consider to? | User Comment Submitted by null on 25 December 2007
FMan: deleting your comments and then pretending to not know what vanja is talking about, and even making it look like *she* is the bad person is also sad. consider. | User Comment Submitted by FMan on 25 December 2007
The world truly comes to an end because I agree with d0c! Okay, this is not the coolest of releases I have ever seen, but I respect a person's celebration not to trash it. The scrolltext takes this into a new dimension. ;)
| User Comment Submitted by Stainless Steel on 25 December 2007
A late merry x-mas to all of you folks!
And get the tar heated and the feathers ready!
| User Comment Submitted by Mermaid on 25 December 2007
Fman: Right...so I'm a horrible person for saying that telling the people who thought this thing was sad to STFU is retarded. Shame on me for feeling that telling people who disagree with you to shut the fuck up when they are pointing out the obvious isn't very productive. Oh dear, what was I thinking.
I'm thinking that either you totally misread what I wrote or you are just trolling and trying to pick a fight. I'm leaning towards the 2nd option. I'm not angry at all, quite the opposite infact, I'm rather amused by the whole thing.
As for Knoeki, I don't see him demanding praise for being active, I don't see Knoeki's friends writing scrolltexts telling everyone to respect him for his awesomeness, I don't see Knoeki writing his own birthdaydemos. And you know, I am fairly sure that Knoeki has self-insight enough to see that basic is not really the way to go, which might be why he is trying to learn assembler and improve his skills and branch into new areas of productivity, unlike some other people I can think of.
Merry xmas to you sir, and a happy new year! <3 | User Comment Submitted by Platoon on 25 December 2007
BURP ! nice too see that you all had a marry chrismas ! did you all get alot of nice presents & alot of good food to eat ? :) | User Comment Submitted by Skate on 25 December 2007
@FMan: You call Mermaid "a total ass" and complain about her "disrespectful comments". Go way! | User Comment Submitted by Oswald on 25 December 2007
full ack to Vanja. In another release I wanted to write that we have reached the level of mid 90's ntsc scene, I remember laughing on them in myself praising lowqual releases like this. | User Comment Submitted by Mermaid on 25 December 2007
Fman: No no, I'm sorry, but you are wrong.
What sucks about what is left of the C64 scene...I'd like to say it is the people who kiss butt no matter what is being released, the people who applaud every shitty SEUCK release, people who get really really excited about every crappy basic demo...and in some way it is...but the worst part is the people who demand that everyone else should love these shitty releases as well, and then get upset when someone dares to point out that coding a birthdaydemo for yourself is kinda sad or that basic demos are kinda lame.
I don't care what you think about me, seriously, but in case you didn't notice I'm not the one telling others to STFU here. And with your profile picture being what it is I'm not sure you should be calling anyone else an ass mr. Klemola sir. I am all for hugs and love, but the point of commenting a release is to be honest, isn't it?
You think people are being mean here? You think the C64 scene was a kinder, gentler place in the 1980's? If so, I have a bridge you might be interested in buying sir! Merry xmas <3 | User Comment Submitted by Matt on 25 December 2007
wow this makes this years' christmas perfect olé!
a self made birthday demo with the best scrolltext ever written hahaha lol
| User Comment Submitted by Danzig on 24 December 2007
hm... i second groepaz :D
but maybe, just maybe, you need to have BALLS in your pants to release a demo for your own birthday :D
and "drama queen" was a real worse track from an ex-"no angels"-bitch so please never ever post that word here again *rofl* | User Comment Submitted by The Overkiller on 24 December 2007
Happy birthday and merry x'mas Richard. | User Comment Submitted by Richard on 24 December 2007
The main purpose for this demo was to add a long text which I received as a gift via email. Coding the demo wasn't my idea. | User Comment Submitted by null on 24 December 2007
I second Vanja.. it is indeed a bit ( or a byte, rather ) sad to make a birthday-demo for yourself o.O | User Comment Submitted by chatGPZ on 24 December 2007 User Comment Submitted by Mermaid on 24 December 2007
d0c: if he's sad and lonely then maybe uploading this to CSDb wasn't the best thing to do, unless he was hoping to stir up some drama to cheer himself up, of course. If he's looking for unconditional love and praise then Lemon is probably a good place to start his search, CSDb certainly isn't. | User Comment Submitted by d0c on 24 December 2007
excuse me for being pissed off but maybe richard is sad and lonely and he did this. you know its x-mas and people should cheer up each other not the opposite....
| User Comment Submitted by Burglar on 24 December 2007
if this wasn't real, it'd be a hoot! ;) | User Comment Submitted by Mermaid on 24 December 2007
Richard: Happy birthday to you sir, and thanks for all the entertainment you have provided over the years.
d0c: Making your own birthday demo is sad. Telling people to STFU when they point this out is retarded. Why should anyone expect respect simply from being "active", most people around here are still "active".
Believe me, you do not earn respect by being a drama queen and leaving the scene all the time, you do not earn respect by releasing the same game 500 times with new graphics and music, you do not earn respect by putting down the people who try to help you, you do not earn respect by constantly fucking up and doing retarded crap and then promising to never ever do anything stupid again when you and everyone else knows that you will keep fucking up. You do not earn respect by coding your own birthday demo, this only makes people believe you have no friends.
You could possibly earn respect by having skills that are more noticeable than your fuckups, but that requires lowering the fuckup rate by a lot. A lot. Also, it probably wouldn't be as entertaining for the rest of the scene. | User Comment Submitted by d0c on 24 December 2007
happy birthday richard and keep up the good work!... to all who is complaining about this release STFU! and show a little respect please! | User Comment Submitted by Trazan on 24 December 2007
Updated the credits since Richard is not able to do so himself...sigh! | User Comment Submitted by Djinn on 24 December 2007
Is this Richard (Richard Velta of Norway) another personality of Richard Bayliss, or is it an actual, other human? People might've fired their bullshit-canons too soon... edit: wow, it was him, coding for himself. That is so awkward. | User Comment Submitted by Scout on 24 December 2007
This is quite sad actually.
Age brings wisdom. I hope he gets a clue when he's 64 :D | User Comment Submitted by Skate on 24 December 2007
I second TDJ. Making your own birthdaytro is so pointless and weird. "Pointless" and "weird" were the most optimistic words I could find. | User Comment Submitted by TDJ on 24 December 2007
Holy christmas crap. He's back after leaving the scene for 3 weeks, making his very own birthday demo featuring about the most idiotic scrolltext ever written.
Santa hates us all. | User Comment Submitted by Joe on 24 December 2007
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