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Epilepsia II   [2008]

Epilepsia II Released by :
Digital Sounds System

Release Date :
2 March 2008

Type :
C64 One-File Demo

Epilepsia 2

User rating:**________  1.5/10 (15 votes)   See votestatistics

Credits :
Code .... Knoeki of Digital Sounds System, Gheymaid Inc.
Music .... Xiny6581 of Dees Productions, Gheymaid Inc.
Idea .... Stainless Steel of Paramount
Text .... Knoeki of Digital Sounds System, Gheymaid Inc.

SIDs used in this release :

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User Comment
Submitted by Karmic on 7 May 2015
Congratulations on the 1100 downloads. ;)
User Comment
Submitted by DeeKay on 9 March 2008

Oh, i just love CSDB drama! 8) Kudos to Knoeki for always succeeding!..
User Comment
Submitted by Stan on 6 March 2008
I find these comments here very interesting, reminds me of the good ol' times, you guys are still passionately aggressive like years before, love it. See ya at X2008 to grab a beer with ya folks.
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Submitted by Mace on 6 March 2008
You are too eager. Go talk to TMR[C0S] ;)
User Comment
Submitted by Stainless Steel on 6 March 2008

thus i take full responsibility and await the proper punishment for my evil crimes to humanity.

User Comment
Submitted by Mace on 6 March 2008
Where were those whiners who say this shouldn't be in CSDb when these were released: Eevi, Faderik, Gullihetero, Kulli.bas, Lightsource, Vituiks Maen, Pakkopaita, Piipfinal, Runo, Ylen Supistus.
All of these crappy BASIC demos haven't got a SINGLE comment by ANY of the whiners below.
Knoeki is obviously doing SOMETHING right here... if only it was releasing his first ASM production ever, after everybody has been nagging his ass off for the last 1.5 years.

It's funny, it has a scroll, it has proper music...
If we are all so concerned that CSDb isn't "polluted", please go somewhere else... don't puke here.
User Comment
Submitted by Radiant on 6 March 2008
Meta comment: This has to be the most ridiculous comment thread on CSDb.
User Comment
Submitted by Skate on 6 March 2008
Stop that "when I was at Knoeki's age" shit. This is completely out of topic. Knoeki never tried to hide behind his age. We made comments about it, not him.

He's just new to our scene and he's learning. He could have been 45 years old. His age doesn't change anything. I believe that after the age of 15, we all have equal conditions. Older people can understand more complicated algorithms (maybe...) but they usually have less free time. Experience is not directly releated to our ages but to the time we've spend on this scene. And of course most of our talent comes from birth.
User Comment
Submitted by TPM on 6 March 2008
@Bordeaux: that release of Scout has at least a logo, fonts, scrollers and even rasterbars ;-) Ofcourse Knoeki is proud of what he made, but like said before by somebody here, he could use a font and a logo by spending some minutes more to do that. Then you have a release suitable enough for CSDB in my opinion, because then he can say "look, this is my creativity and i would like to show that to the world". Besides that i encourage Knoeki for what he is doing. He is working on his skills, but please let the experiments stay on his HD or make something with it. E.g. there are screens in top demos which are technically nothing more than Knoeki's experiment :)
User Comment
Submitted by SIDWAVE on 6 March 2008
Made by me, when I was 17, like Knoeki: Hello! and im proud of it! its my only koala pic!
User Comment
Submitted by Tim on 6 March 2008
@scout what do you judge Knoeki on to lable him a spineless ass?

He works on (just to name a few things) c64 code, hardware modding, c64 graphics, pc music, internet radio broadcasting, etc. and visits many scene parties. His first release entry in csdb is from October 2006 and in the meantime I see him do nothing else but work hard daily on all of the fields of interest that he has for, shall we say 1,5 years since October 2006?

Do the math on the time and effort involved that he puts into the scene.. that is far from being spineless, that is called perseverance!

You however are a pure hypocrite.
To make a fair comparison, lets just look into csdb.. I recall seeing an “awesome” logo, oh yes.. here it is: http://noname.c64.org/csdb/release/viewpic.php?id=9749&zoom=1

You apparently thought at the time that this was good enough to release after having spent a similar amount of time in the scene as Knoeki has and at around the same age as he has now.
The logo is just as crap as this code, however apparently that didn’t stop you from adding it to csdb. Oh my favorite part of the demo was “Stun’s the best, fuck the rest“
User Comment
Submitted by Mr. Mouse on 6 March 2008
This is one fucked up scene to spend 60+ posts on an awful release. If it is not meant to be serious, please refrain from creating it when it really, really sucks. Knoeki has been releasing total garbage for some time now, that it has become an issue of it own. Drop it. Kill it. Delete it.
User Comment
Submitted by Scout on 5 March 2008
@Knoeki: yeah, I had to learn from something back in 1987. All on my own.
Unlike you I didn't have a IRC channel filled with patient coders trying to explain stuff.
Yes, I tried to help you too but I gave up because I got fed up with your spineless ass.
It's a matter of time the rest will see that too.

Have a nice life.

@You-know-who: let me know if he succeeded to do you-know-what :D
User Comment
Submitted by null on 5 March 2008
Scout: at least the german sceners are more fun than most of the dutch sceners.. the latter ones are often boring whiny cunts, for some reason... :_)
oh, btw scout: at least my first release in asm was coded all by myself*, unlike a certain person who ripped scrollers and released them... :_)

( * apart from the IRQ )
User Comment
Submitted by A Life in Hell on 5 March 2008
0 t$=" "
10 t$=t$+"oh hai... this is a life in hell/wow/unreal with a little bit of "
20 t$=t$+"smooth scroll text in basic...."
100 t$=t$+" "
111 print "{clr}"
115 tl=len(t$)-40:tp=1
116 print "{home}"
118 print"{clr}";:poke 53281,14
119 poke 53270,207
120 print mid$(t$, tp,40)
121 poke 53281,6
130 tp=tp+1
132 if tp=tl then tp=1
134 for a=6 to 0 step -1
136 poke 53270,200+a
138 next a
140 goto 118
User Comment
Submitted by Marauder/GSS on 5 March 2008
so many comments about, but this is really getting out of hands here... hehe
Should this not being discussed in the forum?? There's a button 'Discuss this release', ya know... :P
good job dear mods! *LOL*
User Comment
Submitted by Scout on 5 March 2008
@Mace: I did
User Comment
Submitted by Mace on 5 March 2008
Us dutch sceners don't want him anymore
Speak for yourself.
User Comment
Submitted by Stainless Steel on 5 March 2008
I'm sorry if I'm disturbing your crusade.
User Comment
Submitted by TDJ on 5 March 2008
If you don't like the discussion, stop reading it, it's that simple.
User Comment
Submitted by Scout on 5 March 2008
@Stainless Steel: that's your opinion.

Us dutch sceners don't want him anymore so hereby we donate Knoeki to the german scene.
Have a ball with him!
User Comment
Submitted by Stainless Steel on 5 March 2008
Holy shit, how many times must we have this dreaded discussion about what deserves to be released and what not.

Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one. And i think by now we all know what the other ones look like.

So pretty please, with a cherry on top. Shut the fuck up :-D

User Comment
Submitted by TDJ on 5 March 2008
Quoting Platoon
and i think its cool he releases hes productions coz i believe old news is far better than no news at all :P
And that's where I disagree. I'd rather have a dead scene than a scene that only produces stuff like this.

In the same vein, I also prefer having just 3 demos in a compo, all of them decent, over 10 of which only 3 don't suck. Productions like these only diminish the value of a demo compo.
User Comment
Submitted by Platoon on 5 March 2008
back in the days i did release stuff like this but like one or two person have said it never did pass the first swap round.... quite a shame nowadayz would have loved to see my first releases :) (lost the disks) :(

and i think its cool he releases hes productions coz i believe old news is far better than no news at all :P
User Comment
Submitted by null on 4 March 2008
Cruzer: good idea, although I'd rather lose from the elite, than win from the lamers ;_)
User Comment
Submitted by Yazoo on 4 March 2008
@Cruzer... nice idea :-) i would code something for a crap-compo too :D
User Comment
Submitted by Cruzer on 4 March 2008
How about a worst crapmo compo at X08 so Knoeki has an excuse for competing? ;_;
User Comment
Submitted by gregg on 4 March 2008
User Comment
Submitted by Xiny6581 on 4 March 2008
Yay! Then you'll get free coffee from me :D
Hey Knäkkis you like pancakes with jam and whipped cream, as well? ;)
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Submitted by Mermaid on 4 March 2008
Ripping a charset from someone else's demo and adding it to this thing would have taken roughly 1 minute though.
User Comment
Submitted by null on 4 March 2008
Vanja: I realize this sucks. and honestly, I am not going to waste too much time on just a joke demo to paint a whole charset and everything. the next one WILL be better, look out for it! \o/
User Comment
Submitted by Mermaid on 4 March 2008
Knoeki, we've seen that you can do neat looking screens and graphics, and you've finally moved on from basic and started learning assembler...I just really hope you can combine the two next time.

Joke demo or not, the flashing is nothing but annoying, the fact that you didn't even replace the rom font is depressing, you could have spent another hour on this and made it so much better. Not every demo deserves a sequel, not every piece of test code deserves to be released, not every thought needs to be said out loud.

Joke demos are often funniest for the people who make them, and that's totally ok, just like it's totally ok to say that seriously, this sucks ass. It's not bitching, it's honest criticism from people who expect so much more from you.
User Comment
Submitted by Oswald on 4 March 2008
TDJ, indeed. I'd like to see new demos.
User Comment
Submitted by TDJ on 4 March 2008
Quoting Oswald
I'd advise ppl bashing Knoeki to create high quality releases to show him the leet way.
Really? All those demos we already did not enough for you?
User Comment
Submitted by Mace on 4 March 2008
@Mace, calling my post a 'pathetic rant' reveals your subjectiveness, as it's mostly a general observation of scene development. And sure, like i expressed in that 'rant', i hope the votes/comments would make up for the natural selection.

I wasn't referring to your post alone but the whole show put up by everyone in this comment section. Sorry if it came across the wrong way.
User Comment
Submitted by Oswald on 4 March 2008
I'd advise ppl bashing Knoeki to create high quality releases to show him the leet way. blabbling is easy.
User Comment
Submitted by Skate on 4 March 2008
@Knoeki: you've said;

"when comments are positive, I like it, they make me smile, and make me happy.."

that's true of course, we all like positive comments. but;

"when comments are negative because people overlook the fact that it's not meant to be serious, or even are in disbelief of this being my own work, then I just laugh :_)"

no, you shouldn't laugh. laughing is the worst thing to do. because most of the comments are coming from talented sceners. whatever your excuse of releasing that product is, respect their comments.
User Comment
Submitted by Sander on 4 March 2008
@Mace, calling my post a 'pathetic rant' reveals your subjectiveness, as it's mostly a general observation of scene development. And sure, like i expressed in that 'rant', i hope the votes/comments would make up for the natural selection.

I think not being noticed by people you distantly admire isn't as bad as being scorned by the people you speak on a daily basis.
Ok, than you shouldn't do that anymore.

But this 'discussion' doesn't lead anywhere. I just had to take care of this personal 'rant' ;)
User Comment
Submitted by Hein on 4 March 2008
Ambition makes you look pretty ugly, but ok, that's stolen. I started coding when I was 32, wanna see what I did? Anyway, I can imagine Knoeki is satisfied, but I agree that some sketches should be kept behind the curtains. Knoeki could've added some bitmap, homemade charset and sprite movement (if you want to score, add some sinus-movements) before releasing it. Maybe next time.
User Comment
Submitted by TDJ on 4 March 2008
Quoting Knoeki
people overlook the fact that it's not meant to be serious
That's just weak man. You tried, you failed, now take it like a man and stop making excuses.
User Comment
Submitted by null on 4 March 2008
Jailbird: when comments are positive, I like it, they make me smile, and make me happy..

when comments are negative because people overlook the fact that it's not meant to be serious, or even are in disbelief of this being my own work, then I just laugh :_)
User Comment
Submitted by jailbird on 4 March 2008
Quoting TDJ
Why move it to the forum? Isn't this what comments are for?

Well, a lot of the comments have nothing to do with the product itself, that's why I felt that this is not the right place for the heated discussion.

I don't mind actually. I just feel a bit sorry for Knoeki who probably thought that this is a huge step forward for him, wanted to share his joy with us but in the end, had to meet with the C64 scene's lynchmob :)
User Comment
Submitted by Conrad on 4 March 2008
everyone: \o/

I coded this when I was 15, but that was when I had more time to actually do something with the machine after school, not knowing a scene still existed and all that.
User Comment
Submitted by Xiny6581 on 4 March 2008
A lot of publicity for all of you :)
I just love the feeling and the music rocks Hah hahaa... Man I love to just read all the comments :D
User Comment
Submitted by TDJ on 3 March 2008
Quoting Knoeki
I realize that most coders where totally teh rular when they where my age, but I'm not them.
Most coders weren't no, but then again one didn't need to be to do better than this.

Quoting Danzig
you have to start somewhere, don't you?
Sure, but that doesn't mean you have to release it.

Quoting Bordeaux
Ah, another day.. another time to find that most of you guys turned out into old bitter farts..
Fuck that, 20 years ago I would have ripped Knoeki a new asshole, verbally ofcourse. If anything, I became a lot milder, and so did the rest of the scene.

Quoting Bordeaux
shall we second guess on why some of you make negative comments?
Second guess? "Zullen we er aan twijfelen?" ;) Anyway, the reason I made negative comments is because this production deserves it, nothing more, nothing less. If something is exceptionally good, I'll comment on it, if it's exceptionally bad, I comment on it.

Quoting Jailbird
Please move this conversation to the forum and leave Knoeki alone. He's doing this for the fun of it and not to impress your grumpy, fat, old, fart filled asses. :(
Why move it to the forum? Isn't this what comments are for? Also, one can argue that everything that is released to the public is done so to impress ones peers, otherwise it wouldn't have to be released. But that's a different discussion ;)

Quoting Mace
And I think this rather pathetic rant over this little piece of code makes well up for the 'natural selection', don't you think?
Typical, one of the most intelligent comments in a long time gets slagged down as 'pathetic'. Ofcourse Sander is completly right, and I for one am glad that I didn't receive productions like this when I just started out. Because I was motivated by *good* demos, not *bad* ones ..
User Comment
Submitted by Mace on 3 March 2008
(Sander wrote) 'Back in the days' - this wouldn't have survived a single swap-round. And therefore would never get the attention from the 'elite' like it has now - the urge for that attention used to motivate people to work harder and harder. This natural selection is gone, and it drops the ambition for many.

For this same reason we can't laugh at feeble attempts of people who later turned out to be quite okay coders/musicians/graphician... In fact, history was censored while we can now enjoy in full effect what will be history some day.
And I think this rather pathetic rant over this little piece of code makes well up for the 'natural selection', don't you think?
I think not being noticed by people you distantly admire isn't as bad as being scorned by the people you speak on a daily basis.
User Comment
Submitted by Cruzer on 3 March 2008
Why release it then?
User Comment
Submitted by jailbird on 3 March 2008
Please move this conversation to the forum and leave Knoeki alone. He's doing this for the fun of it and not to impress your grumpy, fat, old, fart filled asses. :(
User Comment
Submitted by Tim on 3 March 2008
Ah, another day.. another time to find that most of you guys turned out into old bitter farts.. shall we second guess on why some of you make negative comments?

Who cares if this release is not the best piece of code ever, it stinks yes.. but it’s progress and it’s ASM and best of all it’s from a young newcomer to the scene..

Some of you remind me of people that hit their dog and think it’s the best way of training them, I hope it turns around and bites you!

I didn’t vote on the release, but I still give it two thumbs up, and shame on you all who did anything less!
User Comment
Submitted by Danzig on 3 March 2008
17? uh? i coded this
X-Mas Demo 1991
when i was 15 *lol*
nevertheless: "you have to start somewhere, don't you?"
quote taken from an old triad demo done by megamaster :D

Edit: god damn, this bb-code is fuxxored :D
User Comment
Submitted by FMan on 3 March 2008
This is the worst thing I have ever seen! If this was a "personal achievement" there would not necessarily be any need to publish it. :) Repeating "I don't care" makes it seem you care. ;)

But this is a very nasty scene. Here's an example what has been said to me: "you will never...ever... in a trillion years share a single common mnemonic with Gott (aka Graham)"...

Who would even expect anything but destruction of will and desire from this lot? Of course this particular release is pretty much an utter failure rather than an achievement.

What exactly has been achieved here? I don't see a single decent effect. Scout doubts Knoeki coded this? The same Scout who has voted him a 10 as coder!
User Comment
Submitted by SIDWAVE on 3 March 2008
I read the source.. its all knoeki code, except the IRQ for music which i gave him. and.. when i made my first asm demo it was 4 stationary sprites, and kong strikes back music, and inc $d020, that i made at age 17. Knoeki is also 17..
User Comment
Submitted by null on 3 March 2008
Scout: why feed a german some beer to code for me, when I can buy some weed and do the code myself? :_)

Sander: I don't care about doing 'behind the scenes'. I release. I don't care, also, this was purely made as a joke, since stainless steel kept asking me when and if I would release a sequel to epilepsia ;_)

Randiantx: I 'only' started really focusing on ASM this year or so. before that it was just playing around.

I realize that most coders where totally teh rular when they where my age, but I'm not them. I have some difficulties with learning stuff, luckily Mace is nice and patient enough to help me out with stuff.

so, stop bitching, for fucks sake. I don't give a shit if you don't like it, especially when you think you are awesome yourself and keep bragging about it :_)

PS: if anyone wants to further discuss this, then open a thread, else the comment page will get out of hand.
User Comment
Submitted by Radiant on 3 March 2008
I also have to wonder about the non-smooth scroller. I think I coded my first smooth scroller in well less than a week after I started learning assembler. On the other hand I already had some experience coding C/C++ on other platforms, so perhaps the comparison is a bit unfair. Still, two years is a long time to not learn how to do a smooth scroller...
User Comment
Submitted by Scout on 3 March 2008
What Sander and TDJ said.
Furthermore I don't believe he coded this (hence my cynical question for workstages). I guess he fed some poor German coder some weed and beer @ Oxy2008 in exchange for this.
User Comment
Submitted by yago on 3 March 2008
I'd rather talk about upvoting in this case... who gave it a 10?
User Comment
Submitted by A Life in Hell on 3 March 2008
I would have been actually cool with this release if not for one thing:

Why is the scroll not smooth? I don't expect Knoeki to be a good coder, because I know he's beginning and stuff etc. But here's the thing: smooth scroll is everyone's first piece of asm code. Well, after inc $d020 jmp *-3, anyhow :).
User Comment
Submitted by Stainless Steel on 3 March 2008
All right, lets tar and feather his ass.

User Comment
Submitted by Sander on 3 March 2008
What TDJ said..

Looking at other newcomers from the last few years - i prefer their tactics a bit more - some of them seems to pratice behind the screens _until_ they've done something worthy.
Seems they care about their name in the scene, a vain factor, something that's always kept up ambition for most of us.

'Back in the days' - this wouldn't have survived a single swap-round. And therefore would never get the attention from the 'elite' like it has now - the urge for that attention used to motivate people to work harder and harder. This natural selection is gone, and it drops the ambition for many. I do hope socalled 'downvotes' do motivate in this case.
User Comment
Submitted by TDJ on 3 March 2008
If there was a voting category for "progress" i would say he deserves a 7 or 8 at least.

Ehm, no. Given all the available resources Knoeki has, as well as the help he receives from other people, and the fact that he has been a member of our beloved scene for several years now, he doesn't score too high on that either, in my personal opinion.

I know many of you think of Knoeki as our 'knuffelscener' (it's a Dutch thing, you gotta understand) but at his age most of us were a lot better than he is now.

I applaud the fact that he, in this day and age, takes the effort to actually code something, but that doesn't change the fact that what he made is pure crap.
User Comment
Submitted by Skate on 3 March 2008
@Hein: Scroll doesn't loop? Of course it loops. All you need to do is to wait for "65536-Scroll Length" chars, that's all. In this period, you can enjoy BASIC commands and you can even try to finger joy port #1 around $d419, $d41a. If you miss, don't worry, there are many copies (cylons?).
User Comment
Submitted by Stainless Steel on 2 March 2008
I dont think the intention was to aim for high votes for awesome code.

If there was a voting category for "progress" i would say he deserves a 7 or 8 at least.

User Comment
Submitted by Honesty on 2 March 2008
that´s the question is it downvoting or not?
If a famous coder would release it maybe not but for first steps it is ok. Otherwise all ppl who starts lost the motivation at once.
And we are not all Grahams,Krills and Oswalds... ;) and all the others
Coding is a period of learning and doing the first step and releasing is fine afterwards.Releasing is also shareing of the own progress with others.

User Comment
Submitted by null on 2 March 2008
TDJ: not really ;_) hey, like I said, I don't care. Everyone may think it's crap, but for me it's a personal achievement, and I'm quite proud that I managed to code this :_)
that's all that matters to me. :_) I do it for fun, not for wins.
User Comment
Submitted by TDJ on 2 March 2008
Is it really downvoting when a product actually deserves a very low score?
User Comment
Submitted by null on 2 March 2008
Hein: I made a faint attempt to make the scroll loop. at that point I diddn't feel like asking, but just trying.. I forgot to check if it actually worked, and just uploaded it.. sorries! the next one will be better :_)

Honesty: I don't care about downvoting. they're probably some lamers who are too scared to just vote publicly or post, because people will find out they are just some stamplicker or even more shitty coder than I am... ( is that even possible? ;_) )
User Comment
Submitted by Honesty on 2 March 2008
yesa and downvoting is the best way to avoid ppl to investigate futher in coding ... thx
User Comment
Submitted by Hein on 2 March 2008
Vision in the greetings! \o/ (But why doesn't the scroll loop, so I can see these blissfull greetings again?)
User Comment
Submitted by jailbird on 2 March 2008
Nice avantgarde poem, Joe! :D
User Comment
Submitted by Joe on 2 March 2008
It seems by your Production Note that you wish to update this Db,
that the zipped source code no longer is enough but
that it has to that take space,
to be textual,
to be textile,
to be tactile.
OMG! Wow, this so called CSDb will grow enormously :)
(For so very little)
User Comment
Submitted by null on 2 March 2008
scout: open your eyes and check the production notes where I posted the source *RIGHT* after adding this release. your move.
User Comment
Submitted by Tim on 2 March 2008
Double thumbs up Knoek! oh.. concerning the scroller.. i'm foaming from the mouth.. now what? hehe
User Comment
Submitted by Scout on 2 March 2008
Workstages please.
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Submitted by SIDWAVE on 2 March 2008
I enjoy this because it has a good scroller to read and some nice music! not much, but a OK 1st asm demo :-)
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Submitted by Jon on 2 March 2008
Your scroll was hysterical! If you can produce that kind of funny when stoned, keep smokin', bro!
User Comment
Submitted by Conrad on 2 March 2008
haha! This is cute. Keep it up Knoeki, no matter what people say about this, it's all part of improving yourself in the passing years, which is what I like to see :)
User Comment
Submitted by Skate on 2 March 2008
congratulations for your first asm intro. next step is to make a "not basic looking" intro :)
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Submitted by fade on 1 March 2008
flashing rasters for grate justize! :)
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Submitted by SECRET MAN on 1 March 2008
OH GOD........
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Submitted by Stainless Steel on 1 March 2008
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