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Out Run Europa +9D +BugFix   [2010]

Out Run Europa +9D +BugFix Released by :
Hokuto Force [web]

Release Date :
11 May 2010

Type :
C64 Crack

Outrun Europa

User rating:**********  9.7/10 (9 votes)   See votestatistics

Credits :
Code .... Kaizen of Hokuto Force
Idea .... Nafcom of Hokuto Force, People of Liberty, Scene World Magazine, The ArachnoPhobia Staff, The Stock
Crack .... Kaizen of Hokuto Force
Trainer .... Darksoft of Hokuto Force
  Kaizen of Hokuto Force
Original Supply .... Pete Rittwage
Bug-Fix .... Kaizen of Hokuto Force
  Ninja of The Dreams
Docs .... The Overkiller of Hokuto Force, People of Liberty, Scene World Magazine
Ripping .... Ninja of The Dreams
Test .... Nafcom of Hokuto Force, People of Liberty, Scene World Magazine, The ArachnoPhobia Staff, The Stock
  The Overkiller of Hokuto Force, People of Liberty, Scene World Magazine
Help .... Ian Coog of HVSC Crew
  Yodelking of Defiers

Intro used in this crack:
Download7 Stars Intro by Hokuto Force

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User Comment
Submitted by Kaizen on 14 May 2010
Hi Burglar,
I've already explained to another person that asked me the same thing the reason of our choice.
When I have begun this work Darksoft had already supplied most of the trainers... successively I have refined them (ex. the time counter don't change when you take a time bonus or the skip level work better than some old versions because I've "hooked" my routine in another point of code, etc.).
First of all, one evening I've "open" major of previous versions of this game to learn what kind of trainer or techniques other crackers have used.
I think that the version you've linked have two minus: the intro is too simply because the space remaining free is very small and (I seem to remember, but I'm not sure so I would have to verify) the final screen won't work so the game freeze after level 7.
This occurs because several data of each level are loaded in the previous levels (some only one time at the start of the game), but for work well we need to have this code parts in memory.
Since I wanted to realize a version with more and more features and, if possible, with a start level choice from the player, for this feature data for each level are much more than the original or other versions.
This is one of the reasons... another is that I worked for a long time to realize this game and also the intro needed to be of same quality, if possible... I've chosen the nick Kaizen because I love high quality and I want do all the work necessary to obtain this, if I can.
With more free space we've had more freedom to develop our GFXed intro and, last but not least, to use a double loader (that is a version of Covert BitOps slightly customized by me, opcode by opcode... THX to Cadaver for its answers to my e-mails with technical questions :-) to have higher compatibility as possible.
These are the reasons for our choices... and another choice it was to have only +9, but I could had +10 (you can find this into the difference between the screen, when you start to play the first level, and the pic I've used for CSDb), but it wasn't necessary in my opinion so I haven't used it.
For me ORE was an hard work and study, but I'm happy because I've learned a lot of things... I do this for my fun and I hope that in this way I can give my little contribute to the C64 scene. ;-)

P.S. The only wrong thing that today I would make in a different way is that in ORE we can use only drive #8, but surely it would be good to have the drive number choice... currently in HF we are talking about the loader and we need to take a decision between 1-bit and 2-bit+atn and about the developement line to follow in future.
User Comment
Submitted by Burglar on 14 May 2010
sorry to be a biatch too, but why isn't this onesided? it's possible for sure (Out Run Europa +5)
User Comment
Submitted by Kaizen on 13 May 2010
Hi Oswald,
the music bug of Outrun Europa (commonly known) is a problem of sync between the entries that happens after about 1'00" - 1'30" due to an error in the original music tables that has been fixed by Ninja... and this is the fix that was included in our release.
Another little fix was to modify the call to the music routine in order to reset properly this routine in the road levels.
But the original code wasn't modified, both in the music routine and game... we've done only a reverse engineering of the routines that requires "swap disk and press fire": the effect is the same but the code is too small and hardly optimized. ;-)
User Comment
Submitted by Oswald on 13 May 2010
* Fixed the Music bug"

sorry to be a biatch, but having to press "m" when the music bugs out doesnt sound like a bugfix. its a workaround :)
User Comment
Submitted by Kaizen on 13 May 2010
Hello iAN,
thanks for your interest... the musics with tables fixed by Ninja working well and we tested'em with a standard raster IRQ routine outside the game and using a wide, both virtual and real equipment... never a problem, so I think that the problem is to be found in the game.
There are some elements that make me think of an interference between levels' musics and SFX... the first should use only the voices 2 and 3, while the latter only voice 1.
In levels 1, 4 and 6 occur even in the setting voice 1 also, maybe if this does not sound.
The SFX seem continuous loop and it seems that the SFX also make the settings on the two other voices.
My remarks I made by playing the SID file with SidPlay (musics 2-8 and SFX 12-27).
What do you think about?
User Comment
Submitted by iAN CooG on 13 May 2010
It's not a simple "clash", sometimes - happened 4 times so far to me, even at end of level 1 and some later level - it gets stuck in the music player code in an infinite loop because it reads an $ff here
.C:ae22   B1 F2      LDA ($F2),Y <<
.C:ae24   F0 BB      BEQ $ADE1
.C:ae26   10 27      BPL $AE4F
.C:ae28   C9 E0      CMP #$E0
.C:ae2a   90 08      BCC $AE34
.C:ae2c   A9 05      LDA #$05
.C:ae2e   9D 23 AC   STA $AC23,X
.C:ae31   4C 0F AE   JMP $AE0F

and there's no way to exit from the loop than replacing the $ff pointed by $f2/f3 with a $00. I haven't investigated what causes that wrong value to be there, surely doesn't happen playing the standalone music.
User Comment
Submitted by The Overkiller on 13 May 2010
@Yodelking: hehe :) Nafcom told me you supplied the fixed musics :)
User Comment
Submitted by Yodelking on 13 May 2010
I'm being credited for "Help"... don't really know what I'm credited for, but glad I could help with such a release! ;)
User Comment
Submitted by Oswald on 13 May 2010
ah, ok. rtfm :)
User Comment
Submitted by The Overkiller on 13 May 2010
As written in the dox, the original routines of the game sometimes can provoke a clash between musics and fx. When this clash occours, simply press M key twice and the music will run again.
User Comment
Submitted by Oswald on 13 May 2010
well, bad news, the music bugged out on the first level of side 2...
User Comment
Submitted by Kaizen on 11 May 2010
Hi people, I want to thank you for the appreciation, but overall all many persons who have supported me in this first work with their precious suggestions, infos or answers to my technical questions, and the three who have collaborated with their own work to the realization of the intro: Diamond Design, Factor6 and NecroPolo. Enjoy! ;-)
User Comment
Submitted by The Shadow on 11 May 2010
Excellent release. Seeing Hokuto Force back in action is great!
User Comment
Submitted by Burglar on 11 May 2010
and another one!

keep it up guys.
User Comment
Submitted by iAN CooG on 11 May 2010
Cool release, cheers! Best version of the game, new HF intro and Necropolo/Rising_Sun.sid finally used ;)
User Comment
Submitted by 6R6 on 11 May 2010
Very nice to see that the music bug was fixed. :)
User Comment
Submitted by Wile Coyote on 11 May 2010
Based on the screen shot, I had preconceived notions of a big scroller complete with distortion stretchy FX.
Guess I got that completely wrong. Nice rasters on OUTRUN EUROPA
User Comment
Submitted by Nafcom on 11 May 2010
I am glad playing this game over and over and asking around people for support paid off :)

Thanks for all the kind comments :)
User Comment
Submitted by daison on 11 May 2010
User Comment
Submitted by NecroPolo on 11 May 2010

I got words from The Overkiller and Kaizen some time ago about the incoming release with a new intro packed with this HF exclusive version of this tune but I really had not any idea about the size of the cake that you were baking...

What an awesome quality work you guys did! 10/10

Played the game ages ago a lot and I can say that this release really makes a difference. Nice work all over but I'm most impressed of the care of fixing so many things.

Congrats for this release!
User Comment
Submitted by Jazzcat on 11 May 2010
Really nice release! Congrats!
User Comment
Submitted by The Overkiller on 11 May 2010
@Ksubi: hey! Don't blame my wonderful hints ;-D
User Comment
Submitted by Ksubi on 11 May 2010
Well it's about time ;-)
Nice release! The game is cool, polished up by the HF team its even better! I can see a lot of work went into this quality release.
Great to see a sparkling new HF intro with some very cool music by NecroPolo.
[The Overkiller: your hints were shit :-)]
User Comment
Submitted by Skate on 11 May 2010
a high quality crack, nice work!
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