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Ex member of :
Active Cracking Crew, Tangent
Function :

Other handles used by this scener :(Display all info for all handles)
Jonathan Dunn(Currently used handle)

Country :
United Kingdom

Releases released :
DownloadCheers ... 1987 Music
DownloadChoroid'87 ... 1987 Music Collection
DownloadChoroid's Back ... 1987 One-File Demo
DownloadCollection Two ... 1987 Music Collection
DownloadFast as u Can ... 1987 Music
DownloadFast Demo ... 1987 Music
DownloadFour Tunes ... 1987 Music
DownloadI Spy ... 1987 Music
DownloadNew Brain ... 1987 Music
DownloadRun Away ... 1987 Music
DownloadSigh of the Eye ... 1987 Music
DownloadThe Challenge ... 1987 Music
DownloadTree Ditties ... 1987 One-File Demo
DownloadTri-Opera ... 1987 Music
DownloadCanned ... 1986 Music
DownloadChalk ... 1986 Music
DownloadChoroid 5 ... 1986 Music Collection
DownloadChoroid 5 V2 ... 1986 Music Collection
DownloadChoroid'86 ... 1986 Music
DownloadCollection ... 1986 Music Collection
DownloadCryogenics Music ... 1986 Music
DownloadEntries 1 & 2 ... 1986 Music
DownloadEntries 3 & 4 ... 1986 Music
DownloadEntries 5 & 6 ... 1986 Music
DownloadEntries 7 & 8 ... 1986 Music Collection
DownloadForever Autumn ... 1986 Music
DownloadHarmony III ... 1986 Music
DownloadIt's a Weakness ... 1986 Music
DownloadIt's T.V. ... 1986 Music
DownloadMake Up ... 1986 Music
DownloadThe Infamous 4 ... 1986 Music Collection
DownloadThe Shadow FX ... 1986 Music
DownloadThe Shadow FX (Two & Three) ... 1986 Music
DownloadThe Vague ... 1986 Music

Credits :
Download5 Little Ditties! by The Universal Crackers ...  ???? Music Collection  (Code, Music)
Download7 New Electro-Sounds by Brian ...  ???? Music Collection  (Music)
DownloadACS Music by Fantasy Cracking Service ...  ???? Music  (Music)
DownloadAxiom Demo 1 by Axiom 1 ...  ???? One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadBlue Monday I by Europe Computer Software ...  1987 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadCanned by Choroid ...  1986 Music  (Music)
DownloadChalk by Choroid ...  1986 Music  (Music)
DownloadCheers by Choroid ...  1987 Music  (Music)
DownloadChoroid 5 by Choroid ...  1986 Music Collection  (Code, Music)
DownloadChoroid 5 V2 by Choroid ...  1986 Music Collection  (Code, Music)
DownloadChoroid Disc by AEK Crackware ...  ???? Music Collection  (Music)
DownloadChoroid Sampler by The East Agents ...  1987 Music Collection  (Music)
DownloadChoroid'86 by Choroid ...  1986 Music  (Music)
DownloadChoroid'87 by Choroid ...  1987 Music Collection  (Music)
DownloadChoroid's Back by Choroid ...  1987 One-File Demo  (Code, Music)
DownloadCollection by Choroid ...  1986 Music Collection  (Code, Music)
DownloadCollection Two by Choroid ...  1987 Music Collection  (Code, Music)
DownloadCool as Wize by The Supply Team ...  1996 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadCryogenics Music by Choroid ...  1986 Music  (Music)
DownloadDemo 13 by M and M Worldwide ...  1989 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadDouble Freestyle by Freestyle International ...  1987 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadEntries 1 & 2 by Choroid ...  1986 Music  (Music)
DownloadEntries 3 & 4 by Choroid ...  1986 Music  (Music)
DownloadEntries 5 & 6 by Choroid ...  1986 Music  (Music)
DownloadEntries 7 & 8 by Choroid ...  1986 Music Collection  (Music)
DownloadEntry One & Entry Two by PDB ...  1991 Music  (Music)
DownloadFast as u Can by Choroid ...  1987 Music  (Music)
DownloadFast Demo by Choroid ...  1987 Music  (Music)
DownloadForever Autumn by Choroid ...  1986 Music  (Music)
DownloadFour Tunes by Choroid ...  1987 Music  (Code, Music, Charset)
DownloadGalways Sound's V1.0 by Speedcracker Crew ...  ???? Music  (Music)
DownloadGrey Demo by Trianon ...  ???? Intro  (Music)
DownloadHarmony III by Choroid ...  1986 Music  (Music)
DownloadHelicopter by Zeusoft ...  ???? One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadHFI Demo by Captain Crook ...  1989 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadHi Rob ...  ???? Music  (Music)
DownloadHi-Fi Music Box V1.0 by Goffy Crackings ...  1987 Music Collection  (Music)
DownloadHot Stuff I by Soft-Tiger-Crew ...  1987 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadHugh Lizard by Hugh Binns ...  1986 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadI Hate Nena ...  ???? Music  (Music)
DownloadI Spy by Choroid ...  1987 Music  (Music)
DownloadIntcon by International Connection ...  1988 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadInterception by Wiz Game Swapping ...  1988 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadIt's a Weakness by Choroid ...  1986 Music  (Music)
DownloadIt's T.V. by Choroid ...  1986 Music  (Music)
DownloadKrabat Crew 1986 by The Krabat Crew ...  1986 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadKrabat's Revenge by Krabat ...  1987 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadLand of Fantasy by Danish Game Smashers ...  1987 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadMaiden Intro 4 by Bruehe Cracking Crew ...  ???? One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadMake Up by Choroid ...  1986 Music  (Music)
DownloadMetal Up Your Ass by The B.O.G. Crew ...  1986 Graphics  (Music)
DownloadMidnight Shadows by Seven Up ...  ???? Music Collection  (Music)
DownloadMiss Madonna by The Underground Team ...  ???? One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadMusic Demo III by KGB ...  1987 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadMusic III by Kuddel ...  1986 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadMusic-pack 3 by Interfox ...  1986 Music Collection  (Music)
DownloadNew Brain by Choroid ...  1987 Music  (Music)
DownloadNew Choroid Sound by Active Cracking Crew ...  1986 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadNew Stuff by Soft-Tiger-Crew ...  1987 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadPeder Music by Luleå Cracking Service ...  1987 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadPlatoon by Industrial Light & Magic ...  1988 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadPlatoons by Jellybean Cracking Service ...  1988 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadRebellion Demo ...  1986 One-File Demo  (Music, Text)
DownloadRebellion Music by Active Cracking Crew ...  ???? One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadRun Away by Choroid ...  1987 Music  (Music)
DownloadRun/Space/1 or 2 by The Crazy Copy Commando ...  ???? One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadSCG News by Software Cracking Group ...  1986 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadShake Demo by Brian ...  ???? One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadShort Circle Demo by Goffy Crackings ...  1987 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadSigh of the Eye by Choroid ...  1987 Music  (Music)
DownloadSNU-Music I by Seven Up Inc. ...  1986 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadSnymfsk 4 by The Doods ...  1987 Music  (Music)
DownloadSome Tunezz by The East Agents ...  ???? Intro Collection  (Music)
DownloadSound Demo 1 by Camelhawk ...  1987 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadSound of Paris 5 by L'oreal ...  1987 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadSounddemo 16 by Postbox 9 ...  1987 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadStereo Demo by Airwolf-Team ...  1988 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadSuper Music IX by Unknown ...  1986 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadThe Airwolf Demo by Tangent ...  1986 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadThe BFBS Music Demo by BFBS, Tay ...  1987 Music Collection  (Music)
DownloadThe Challenge by Choroid ...  1987 Music  (Code, Music, Charset)
DownloadThe Grand Mix by Europe Computer Software ...  1987 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadThe Infamous 4 by Choroid ...  1986 Music Collection  (Code, Music)
DownloadThe Little Sound Collection by Brian, Proton ...  1986 Music Collection  (Music)
DownloadThe Official Arkanoid Demo by AEK Crackware, Fucked Beyond Repair ...  1987 Game  (Music)
DownloadThe Official Arkanoid Demo by AEK Crackware ...  1987 Game  (Music)
DownloadThe Shadow FX by Choroid ...  1986 Music  (Music)
DownloadThe Shadow FX (Two & Three) by Choroid ...  1986 Music  (Music)
DownloadThe Top Seven by Einstein Cracking Service, Rattlesnake ...  1987 Music Collection  (Music)
DownloadThe Vague by Choroid ...  1986 Music  (Music)
DownloadThe Vikings by Sodan ...  ???? Misc.  (Music)
DownloadTKS' Comet Blow by The Kilroys Shop ...  1986 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadTopcat's First One by The Kilroys Shop, Topcat ...  1986 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadTree Ditties by Choroid ...  1987 One-File Demo  (Code, Music, Text, Charset)
DownloadTri-Opera by Choroid ...  1987 Music  (Code, Music, Charset)
DownloadWCC Is Shit by Swedish Cracking Crew ...  1987 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadWild Side by Trivial ...  1987 One-File Demo  (Music)

User ratings :  
As Musician:*********_  9/10 (7 votes)   See votestatistics
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CSDb (Commodore 64 Scene Database) is a website which goal is to gather as much information and material about the scene around the commodore 64 computer - the worlds most popular home computer throughout time. Here you can find almost anything which was ever made for the commodore 64, and more is being added every day. As this website is scene related, you can mostly find demos, music and graphics made by the people who made the scene (the sceners), but you can also find a lot of the old classic games here. Try out the search box in the top right corner, or check out the CSDb main page for the latest additions.
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