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Nero Soft Crackings  (NSC)

Ex member of :
The Artworx (2-1987 -> 4-1987), The New Army (1987 -> 1987), The Web Inc. (1986 -> 1-1987)
Functions :
Coder, Cracker

Handle alternative spelling :
Nerosoft, Nero-Soft 2041

Country :

Releases released :
DownloadRail Traffic Control Buxton I ... 1987 Crack
DownloadShedmaster Bounds Green ... 1987 Crack
DownloadThanatos Music ... 1987 Music
DownloadThe Music from a Looney Balloon ... 1986 Music
DownloadThe Music from Memo Star Copyd. Side B ... 1986 Music
DownloadThe Music from CRM Stickers ... 1986 Music
DownloadThe Music from Enigma Force ... 1986 Music
DownloadThe Music from Tau Ceti ... 1986 Music
DownloadCad Cam Warrior ... 1986 Crack
DownloadChess Master ... 1986 Crack
DownloadCoffeehouse Chess Monster ... 1986 Crack
DownloadGreetings Letter ... 1986 One-File Demo
DownloadPower Signal Box ... 1986 Crack
DownloadSounddemo ... ???? Music
Download1985 - The Day After ... ???? Crack
DownloadCaber Toss ... ???? Crack
DownloadCommando II ... ???? Music
DownloadGame-Rip I ... ???? One-File Demo
DownloadGame-Rip II ... ???? One-File Demo
DownloadGatwick Express ... ???? Crack
DownloadGerry the Germ Sounds ... ???? Music
DownloadICUPS Sound ... ???? Music
DownloadLickey Route ... ???? Crack
DownloadMagnum Sound ... ???? One-File Demo
DownloadMendip's Stone ... ???? Crack
DownloadMindsmear ... ???? Music
DownloadOperation Hong-Kong ... ???? Music
DownloadRail Traffic Control Penzance ... ???? Crack
DownloadScotrail Express ... ???? Crack
DownloadShadow Fire Songs ... ???? One-File Demo
DownloadTees-Tyne Pullman ... ???? Crack
DownloadThe Last V8 ... ???? Music
DownloadThe Music from Phantoms ... ???? Music
DownloadThe Sound from Crazy Comets ... ???? Music
DownloadThe Sound from Monty on the Run ... ???? Music
DownloadThe Sounds from Comic Bakery ... ???? One-File Demo
DownloadThe Theme of Biggles ... ???? One-File Demo
DownloadThe Theme of Commando ... ???? Music
DownloadThe Theme of Ghostbusters ... ???? Music
DownloadThe Theme of One Man And His Droid ... ???? Music
DownloadThe Theme of Sport Aid ... ???? Music
DownloadThe Theme of Surfing in the USA ... ???? Music
DownloadTheatre Europe ... ???? One-File Demo
DownloadVengence ... ???? Music
DownloadZoids Music ... ???? Music

Credits :
DownloadSoldier by The Artworx ...  1987 Crack  (Crack, Linking)
DownloadPaccie by The Artworx ...  1987 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadP.O.D. by The Artworx ...  1987 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadPolice Cadet by The Web Inc. ...  1987 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadThinking Cap by The Web Inc. ...  1987 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadRail Traffic Control Buxton I by Derbyshire Ram, Nero Soft Crackings ...  1987 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadShedmaster Bounds Green by Derbyshire Ram, Nero Soft Crackings ...  1987 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadThe Music from Vera Cruz by The Web Inc. ...  1986 Music  (Code, Ripping)
DownloadThe Music from Mission Omega by The Web Inc. ...  1986 Music  (Code, Ripping)
DownloadThe Music from a Looney Balloon by Nero Soft Crackings ...  1986 Music  (Ripping)
DownloadThe Music from Memo Star Copyd. Side B by Nero Soft Crackings ...  1986 Music  (Ripping)
DownloadThe Music from CRM Stickers by Nero Soft Crackings ...  1986 Music  (Ripping)
DownloadThe Music from Enigma Force by Nero Soft Crackings ...  1986 Music  (Ripping)
DownloadThe Music from Tau Ceti by Nero Soft Crackings ...  1986 Music  (Ripping)
DownloadCoffeehouse Chess Monster by Nero Soft Crackings ...  1986 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadChess Master by Nero Soft Crackings ...  1986 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadPower Signal Box by Nero Soft Crackings ...  1986 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadTWI Greetings 1 by The Web Inc. ...  1986 Misc.  (Text)
DownloadGreetings Letter by Nero Soft Crackings ...  1986 One-File Demo  (Code, Text)
DownloadMagnum Sound by Dieters Software House, Nero Soft Crackings ...  ???? One-File Demo  (Code)
DownloadTri Krakout One by Federation Against Copyright ...  ???? Crack  (Design)
DownloadTees-Tyne Pullman by Nero Soft Crackings ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadScotrail Express by Nero Soft Crackings ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadGatwick Express by Nero Soft Crackings ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadLickey Route by Nero Soft Crackings ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadRail Traffic Control Penzance by Derbyshire Ram, Nero Soft Crackings ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadMendip's Stone by Nero Soft Crackings ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadYC Disk Utility by The Web Inc. ...  ???? Crack  (Linking)
DownloadTWI Note by The Web Inc. ...  ???? Misc.  (Text)
DownloadGFL Championship Football by The Web Inc. ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
Download1985 - The Day After by Dieters Software House, Nero Soft Crackings ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)

User ratings :  
As Coder:awaiting 8 votes (8 left)
As Cracker:awaiting 8 votes (8 left)
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CSDb (Commodore 64 Scene Database) is a website which goal is to gather as much information and material about the scene around the commodore 64 computer - the worlds most popular home computer throughout time. Here you can find almost anything which was ever made for the commodore 64, and more is being added every day. As this website is scene related, you can mostly find demos, music and graphics made by the people who made the scene (the sceners), but you can also find a lot of the old classic games here. Try out the search box in the top right corner, or check out the CSDb main page for the latest additions.
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