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Ex member of : Viper
Functions : Coder, Graphician, Hacker, Importer, Logo Graphician, Swapper
Handle alternative spelling :
Technic Warrior
Handlestory :
Well, "TWR" (Technic War) Sounded good, there was no other choice for me, that was my name..
I also founded the Group "Viper" in the 90´s together with my Friend Sven P. (Mr. Poison) He is also located in Regensburg Germany.
It took us some time to check out our english dictionary, and if i am right, Sven choosed "Viper" I can remember it was a long process...
First time i programmed a lot of Basic Stuff.. After that i started programmin´ assembler, that was really cool, i thought to myselfe "wow, how fast diz fuckin´ stuff works..."
Trivia :
And Now, nearly 18 Years later i found my Group "Viper", my Name, and some Downloads of forgotten Intros and Demos here on this Web-Page.
It surprised me so much that i could´nt close my mouth for 10 minutes... I am so happy. That´s something like you lost and found somethings (decades later!) Ad that makes me happy. It´s like a kind of rebirth, Now i know, i will die sometime in future, but my works will still live on......
By the way, I would´nt have the job i am actually doin´ if i never had a C64
So i can say: This fuck´n Commodore Computer was expensive 18 years ago, but now i earn enough money to buy every month XXX of those Computers if i want, and i can say that this C64 was an investition in my life...
So i also send many greetinx to Angie (swapper) from Guardian Angels, I sent her an self-painted Viper T-Shirt decades ago.. hope she´s still fine!
Best regards, and Nostalgic Feelinx... C.U.
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Credits :
User ratings : As Coder: | awaiting 8 votes (8 left) | As Graphician: | awaiting 8 votes (8 left) | As Hacker: | awaiting 8 votes (8 left) | As Importer: | awaiting 8 votes (8 left) | As Logo Graphician: | awaiting 8 votes (8 left) | As Swapper: | awaiting 8 votes (8 left) |
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